Establishment and maintenance of fruit fly regulated
areas in the event of outbreak detection in pest free areas for fruit flies
Establishment and maintenance of fruit fly regulated areas in the event of outbreak detection in pest free areas for fruit flies
Date of this document / November 2010Document category / Draft specification for an ISPM
Current document stage / From: SC November 2010 To: MC December 2010
Origin / Work programme topic: Establishment and maintenance of regulated areas upon outbreak detection in fruit fly free areas
Major stages / Introduced to work programme by SC November 2009; CPM-5 (2010), SC November 2010 approved for member consultation.
Draft Specification
Title for the standard
Establishment and maintenance of fruit fly regulated areas in the event of outbreak detection in pest free areas for fruit flies
Reason for the standard
Annex 1 of ISPM 26. 2006. Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae) provides detailed guidance on surveillance and control of fruit fly outbreaks as part of corrective actions to be implemented in fruit fly pest free areas (FF-PFAs), but does not provide guidance on how to establish and maintain fruit fly regulated areas in the event of outbreak detection in FF-PFAs. Fruit exports from these regulated areas may be directly affected and different national plant protection organizations (NPPOs) of importing countries may request different measures to be implemented. Because of the lack of a standard on this specific topic, the criteria to establish and maintain regulated areas and ensuing phytosanitary measures for pest risk mitigation are usually diverse.
The establishment and maintenance of regulated areas in the event of outbreak detection in FF-PFAs, usually ensues in the implementation of phytosanitary measures to be applied to the critical stages involving fruit production for export and such measures should be also harmonized.
Therefore, a standard on this topic would provide useful guidance to NPPOs of exporting countries on establishing and maintaining fruit fly regulated areas in the event of an outbreak within a FF-PFA and to NPPOs of importing countries on how to respond in a harmonized manner to outbreaks in FF-PFAs in exporting countries, thus minimising negative impacts on trade.
Scope and purpose
This draft is proposed as an Annex to ISPM 26:2006. It will provide guidance on the establishment, maintenance and termination of regulated areas within PFAs when fruit fly outbreaks are detected. It is intended to include guidance on phytosanitary measures, which are intended to allow for the continuation of fruit production, movement and handling, treatment, and shipping when some or all of the components of the fruit export process are located within the regulated areas within the PFA.
The expert drafting group should develop a document that will:
- Determine criteria to establish and terminate regulated areas and their boundaries within a FF-PFA in the event of an outbreak.
- Develop a standardized procedure which can be followed when establishing, maintaining and terminating a regulated area within a FF-PFA.
- Identify and describe phytosanitary procedures, such as surveillance, pest control, etc, that could be used for fruit production in orchards located within regulated areas.
- Identify and describe phytosanitary procedures required for fruit movement and handling from and through such regulated areas.
- Identify and describe phytosanitary procedures required for fruit processing in packing facilities located within/outside the regulated areas.
- Identify and describe phytosanitary procedures required for fruit shipping in ports located within/outside regulated areas.
- Consider the title taking into account the use of “regulated area” versus “infested area” and “affected area”.
- Consider whether the new annex could affect in a specific way (positively or negatively) the protection of biodiversity and the environment. If this is the case, the impact should be identified, addressed and clarified in the supplement
Provision of resources
Funding for the meeting will be provided by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) Secretariat. Whenever possible, those participating in standard setting activities voluntarily fund their travel and subsistence to attend meetings. Participants may request financial assistance, with the understanding that resources are limited and the priority for financial assistance is given to developing country participants. The Secretariat will use the IPPC criteria for prioritizing participants to received travel assistance to attend meetings.
To be determined
Please refer to the IPPC standard setting work programme.
Expertise in fruit flies, establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies, implementation of regulated areas in PFAs and regulatory experience in fruit flies.
Technical panel on pest free areas and systems approaches for fruit flies (TPFF).
The IPPC, relevant ISPMs and other national, regional and international standards and agreements as may be applicable to the tasks, and discussion papers submitted in relation to this work.
ISPM 26. 2006. Establishment of pest free areas for fruit flies (Tephritidae);
SAG. 2007. Procedimiento para la implementacion de medidas fitosanitarias de cuarentena ante la detección de un brote de Mosca del Mediterráneo, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann).
Discussion papers
Participants and interested parties are encouraged to submit discussion papers to the IPPC Secretariat () for consideration by the expert drafting group.
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