International Skills Partnership
Leadership Exchange Programme
Before completing this form please read the Leadership Exchange Programme Guidance Document. Subject to approval by the assessment panel, this application will form the basis of your agreement with the British Council.
Please answer all questions and expand the text boxes as necessary to accommodate your responses.
Please note that you must adhere to the maximum word limits in this form. Any text exceeding the word length will be deleted prior to submission to the assessment panel.
- Institution details
Name of institution
Number of Students
(Describe the kind of students at you college)
Departments and Faculties (Please provide an overview)
Number of Employees
(Please provide a breakdown of Lecturers and administrative Staff and other Institutional staff)
- Principal/ Senior Management details
Name of Applicant
Direct Telephone
Qualifications (Please list)
Experience in Education (Please list)
Name of Applicant
Direct Telephone
Qualifications (Please list)
Experience in Education (Please list)
Name of Applicant
Direct Telephone
Qualifications (Please list)
Experience in Education (Please list)
- Project Summary
(max 800 words)
Problem Statement: ( 200 words max)Why are you interested in the Leadership Exchange Programme?(400 words max)
How will Leadership Exchange Programme develop your college? ( 200 words max)
- Impact
(max 500 words.)
What changes will the programme deliver and what will the impact be?How will impact be measured?
- Future Plans
The Leadership Exchange Programmes sets to achievethe following outcomes from Skills for Employability project. Please demonstrate how your future planned activities will align with these outcomes using the template below
Outcome / Propose activity / TimeframeImproving knowledge and understanding of effective approaches to skills development
Application of newly acquired knowledge and experience in skills in institutions/ organizations
Piloting new approaches to skills development
- Compulsory Programme Requirement
Compulsory Activity/Deliverable / Read Information and confirm capacity to carry out
Benchmarking Study
Final Report including Impact Assessment Study
- Signatures
I confirm that I have read the Partnership Guidelines and acknowledge and accept the commitments stated.
Signature of Principal/Senior Manager:
This application form should be returned by ……………….