International Shakespeare Forum in Tokyo:

Shakespeare and Popular Media

International Shakespeare Forum in Tokyo: Shakespeare and Popular Media

DATE: December 1st~ 2nd, 2012

VENUE: Shirayuri College

1-25, Midorigaoka, Chofu-City, Tokyo,


Zip-Code 182-8525


The 21st century witnessed a rapid and great proliferation of adaptations and recreations of Shakespeare on popular media (TV, music, film, gaming, comics, advertisements, blogs, internet sites etc.) produced all over the world. This forum will explore various questions concerning the ways in which ‘Shakespeare’ has been appropriated and circulatedin popular media including digital media, and the ways in which Shakespeare interact with popular culture.

Keynote Speakers:

Richard Burt (University of Florida, USA)

Alexander Huang (George Washington University, USA)

Judy Celine Ick (University of the Philippines, Philippines)

Beatrice Lei (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

Lingui Yang (Donghua University, People’s Republic of China)

Younglim Han (Kyungpook National University, Korea)

Kang Kim (Honam University, Korea)

Organising Committee:

Professor MINAMI RyutaDr YOSHIHARA Yukari

Department of English Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Shirayuri CollegeUniversity of Tsukuba

1-25, Midorigaoka, Chofu,1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki

Tokyo, Japan, 182-8525Japan, 305-8577

Preliminary Schedule

Day 1 December 1st

09:30 Registration (Clara Hall)

10:00 Opening Ceremony (Clara Hall)

10:30 Plenary Session (Clara Hall)

Professor Richard Burt(University of Florida, USA) “ITA-TACKY-MAS SHAKESPEARE-O”

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Plenary Session (Clara Hall)

1. Kang Kim (Honam University, Korea)

2. Beatrice Lei (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

15:00 Tea/Coffee Break

15:30 Session 1(Room:9013)

Shakespeare in Cinema

1.Naghmeh Samini, “Tardid: The Only Adaptation of Hamlet in Iran Cinema”

2.Hui Wu, “Shakespeare in Chinese Cinema”

3.Ronan Paterson, “Shakespeare in Disguise: The Bard in the Age of the Multiplex”

15:30 Session 2 (Room:9012) Shakespeare in 19th-century Japan/Taiwan

1. Aragorn Quinn, “Liberty’s Scourge: The Crowd in Itakura Koraro’s Translation of


2. Peichen Wu, “Shakespeare Theatres and Colonial Taiwan”

Shakespeare and Education

1. Floriaane L. Jimenez, “Brevity is the Soul of It: CliffsNotes’ 7-Minute Shakespeare Films”

2. Michaela Atienza, “Shakespeare’s Newest Stage: Potential and Paralysis in Shakespeare

Education Online”

18:30 Reception Party

Day 2 December 2nd

09:30 Registration (Clara Hall)

10:00 Keynote Speaker’s Lecture:Lingui Yang (Donghua University, People’s Republic of China)

(Clara Hall)

11:00 Keynote Speaker’s Lecture:Judy Ick (University of the Philippines, Philippines)

(Clara Hall)

12:00 Lunch

13:30 Keynote Speaker’s Lecture: Alexander Huang(George Washington University, USA)

(Clara Hall)

Keynote Speaker’s Lecture: Younglim Han(Kyungpook National University, Korea)

(Clara Hall)

15:00 Tea/Coffee Break

15:30 Paper Presentations

15:30 Session 1 (Room:9013)

Pop Culture and Shakespeare

1. Yujin Ma, “An Analysis of the Representations and Mutations of Shylock in Japanese

Manga The Merchant of Venice”

2.Yilin Chen, “Shakespeare in Chaos: The Use of Popular Culture in K24”

3. Yukari Yoshihara, “Shakespeare-related-products-almost-unrecognizable-as-such”

15:30 Session 2 (Room: 9012)

Shakespeare on Stage

1. Kimiko Yoshida, “Shakespeare as a Textbook in Takarazuka Revue Company”

2. Ted Motohashi, A Forest in Fukushima: Reconfiguration of Noda Hideki’s Midsummer

Night’s Dream in March 2011”

3. Yimin Luo, “Hamlet, from the Page to the Stage, Multi-Dimensional or Ulti-Dimensional?”

17:30 Closing Session (Clara Hall)