Rezekne Higher Education Institution
Tallin University
Moscow City Pedagogical University
Vitebsk State University named after P. M. Mascherov
4th international scientific and practical conference
24th, 25thSeptember, 2015
Karīne Laganovska (Latvia)
Aina Strode (Latvia)
Diāna Apele (Latvia)
Iveta Dukaļska (Latvia)
Silvija Mežinska (Latvia)
Jānis Mežinskis (Latvia)
Alexander Lisov (Belarus)
Karīne Laganovska (Latvia)
Aina Strode (Latvia)
Ioannis Makris (Greece)
Sena Sengir (Turkey)
Marju Kõivupuu (Estonia)
Olga Kosiborod (Russia)
Rezekne Higher Education Institution
Atbrīvošanas aleja 115
24th September, 2015
09:00 – 10:00 / Participants Registration (Foyer)Morning coffee
10:00 – 11:30 / Workshops
Ioannis Makris “Digital Audio Production Software and Educators” (316)
Andris Vecumnieks “The World`s greatest composers?” (126)
Sandija Kušnere “Music lesson models for communication skill improvement for children up to 3 years old” (123)
Anna Krastiņa “Defile masterclass” (Assembly Hall)
Natalja Losāne, Diāna Apele “Silk screen” (102)
Gundega Strautmane “Text and sound coding” (101)
Iveta Gabrāne, Marina Pavlāne “Preserve, so it wouldn’t be lost” (111)
11:30 – 12:30 / Lunch
(Cafe “Augstskolas dzintars”)
12:30 – 13:00 / Exhibitions
(Art Terrace)
The Opening of the Rezekne Higher Education Institution study programme’s „Interior Design” diploma Project Exhibition
(Tutor Diāna Apele)
The Opening of the Vilnius College students’ Exhibition “The visualisation of final works (thesis) in posters“
(Tutor Loreta Gerulaitiene)
Exhibition of project “Stylized Apparel of Medieval Citizens”
(Tutor Gražina Skripkiene)
13:00 – 14:30 / Opening address for conference participants
Plenary session
Aina Strode, Andra Irbīte “Latvian Design- the possibilities and limitations of the development of the industry”
Natalja Losāne “Corporate Identity in Higher Education”
Ioannis Makris “Creating a Traditional Orchestra for the Needs of Special Education”
Diāna Apele “The Presentation of Art Catalogue”
14:30 – 15:00
15:00 – 19:00 / Fashion show „Rudens metamorfozes”
( Curator Silvija Mežinska) (Assembly Hall)
Work in sections, coffee break
19:00 – 19:30
19:30 – 21:30 / Concert (Assembly Hall)
Informal discussions of the conference participants and guests (Assembly Hall)
25th September, 2015
09:30 – 10:1510:30 – 15:30 / Morning coffee, Conclusion of the conference (121)
Sightseeing for the conference participants and guests
(Balvi Regional Museum)
18:00 – 22:00 / European Researchers` Night
on the 24th September, 2015
Section manager
Valda Čakša
15:00 – 15:25 / Natalia BolshakovaElectronic guide-book on the funds of philological archive
15:25 – 15:50 / Rita Burceva
A Visitor to the Sami Museum
15:50 – 16:15
16:15 – 16:45
16:45 - 17:10
17:10 – 17:35
17:35 – 18:00
18:00 – 18:25
18:25 – 18:50 / Līga Irbe
Regional History in Museums of National Significance : opportunities, problems and perspectives
Coffee break
Valda Čakša
Music and Ideology: Music School in Rezekne after World War II
Iveta Gabrāne, Iveta Supe
Preserve, so it wouldn’t be lost: presentation of the project results
Solvita Pošeiko
Cultural symbols in the linguistic landscape of the Baltic countries
Sarma Delvere, Aina Strode
Visual Identity of International Scientific Conference
“Society. Integration. Education.”
Irēna Ivanova, Aina Strode
The visual identity of arts and cultural areas conferences
for providing visibility
Section manager
Andris Vecumnieks
15:00 – 15:30 / Andris VecumnieksInstrumental, Vocal and Choir Theatre of Juris Karlsons
15:30 – 16:00 / Karlīna Īvāne
Microtonal intonation from composer’s, performer’s and concert-audience’s perspective: the case gyōrgy ligeti’s Hora lungă for Viola solo
16:00 – 16:30 / Coffee break
16:30 – 17:00 / Fiona Mary Vilnite, Mara Marnauza
The Essence of Mental Training and Opportunities for its Use in the Violin Teaching and Learning Process of Pupils in Primary School Education
17:00 - 17:30
17:30 – 18:00 / Sandija Kušnere
Music lesson models for communication skill improvement for children up to 3 years old
Iveta Kepule
The comprehension of the female characters in Edvard Grieg's suite "Peer Gynt"
Section manager
Aina Strode
15:00 – 15:25 / Silvija OzolaRenovation Concept of Liepaja City Centre Construction after World WarII
15:25 – 15:50 / Аlexander Lisov
The first exhibitions in Marc Chagall’s creative biography
15:50 – 16:15 / Māra Urdziņa-Deruma, Mārīte Kokina-Lilo, Lolita Šelvaha
The creative activity of textile lecturers as an aspect of professional competence development and its impact on study process
16:15 – 16:45 / Coffee break
16:45 - 17:10 / Inese Brants
The mistaken biography of the Riga Vase or Overglaze decoration techniques as an aspect in the attribution of a porcelain artefact
17:10 – 17:35 / Jeļena Koževņikova
Evolution of Ink Drawing in History of Art
17:35 – 18:00 / Ineta Zvonņikova, Aina Strode
Essence of visual communication in contact with a user
18:00 – 18:25 / Ludmila Lukjanska
Nuno felting technique clothing collection „Forest reflection”
18:25 – 18:50 / Anita Karpenko
Latvian landscape painting 18th - 20th century
on the 24th September, 2015
Iveta Gabrāne, Marina Pavlāne
Preserve, so it wouldn’t be lost
The workshop will provide the participants with methods and materials on learning about cultural and historical heritage, which can be used in lessons of their own. The target audience – teachers of specific interest education and others. Number of participants – 10.
Ioannis Makris
Digital Audio Production Software and Educators
This workshop will provide an overview of the fundamental principles of sound and the factors that determine our audio perception. It will explore the basic techniques of recording, mixing, processing, and editing of digital audio using freely distributed audio production software for PC. There are no specific musical or technical pre-requisites for this workshop. This workshop will provide the tools that are necessary for educators in their jobs. Educators will learn an array of sound design and editing techniques for use in web-based media, art installations, soundscape creations, or live and internet music performances. Number of participants – 10.
Andris Vecumnieks
The World`s greatest composers?
The purpose of the interactive lecture/lesson “The World`s greatest composers?” is to substantiate the argumentation process used for characterisation of personalities. In a conversation with listeners we clarify and justify the “distinguished” status of specific composers and their difference from the “authors” of the lecture, as I analyse their opinions and arguments. The content of the lecture changes radically, depending on the previous professional background and experience of the audience members. During the lecture audio and video materials are demonstrated – seven portraits of the world`s greatest composers (The Great Composers series) as selected by the CNN channel in 1996. Number of participants – 15.
Sandija Kušnere
Music lesson models for communication skill improvement
for children up to 3 years old
The workshop will offer music lesson models for pre-school music teachers or teachers working with children less than 3-years-old. Music lesson models are designed develop communication skills. In addition, lesson models include musical movements, singing, listening to music and playing rhythm instruments. With the help of music teachers, these lesson models will be implemented in the workshop. The workshop will provide an opportunity to feel your body movements and the range of information from listening to music. It would be a great opportunity for teachers themselves to express their ideas, to discuss the effectiveness, the pros and cons of their approach, while at the same time gaining more experience. Number of participants – 15.
Anna Krastiņa
Defile masterclass
Defile is the perfection of gait and posture on the stage. During this lesson the posture will be formed and the gait will be corrected on the grounds of visual attractiveness and health. Bones are constantly remodulating during a person’s life. For that reason posture can spoil, if there is nothing performed with the body and vice versa, if certain information is permanently given to the muscles. In addition to this, technique of forming defile step, fixing and technique of the gait called braid will be taught during the lesson. Orientation in the space of the stage, ethics on the stage, behaviour, respectful attitude towards clothes and proper behaviour while wearing costumes. Number of participants – 15.
Gundega Strautmane
Text and sound coding
Artist Gundega Strautmane has been working with text recoding into textile lace for more than 10 years. Workshop participants will be motivated to improve their text and sound code, as well as to think of techniques that could be used for their works that will be exhibited later. Number of participants – 7.
Natalja Losāne, Diāna Apele
Silk screen
Silk screen printing was invented in 5th century in China. It is quite a simple and convenient technique, so it can be done at home. Silk screen printing starts with technical silk that is attached to a silk screen frame and special printing inks, also, this technique requires some sort of a fabric, that will be printed on and a few other materials. Number of participants – 10.
EXHIBITIONSExhibition of the Rezekne Higher Education Institution study programme’s „Interior Design” diploma Project
The exhibition “Ceturtie un Pirmie” each conference participant is invited to look at the bachelor's program "Interior design" diploma projectswhich were designed for many Latvian and Latgalian public and private interiors. There will be an exhibition of modern interior accessories – functional decorative objects - clocks made of plastic, glass and wood, designed as a bright accent for a modern interior.
Exhibition „The visualisation of final works (thesis) in posters“
The graduates of Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences Apparel Design study programme in the final works (thesis) projects reveal themes by means of artistic self-expression, using various tools of self-expression: graphic- textual, photo-artistic, photomontage, made with help of various computer programmes and etc.
The graduates step by step demonstrate overall design, collection image, selection of materials and their consistency knowledge, validate the relevance of theme. The visualisation of collection in posters, reveals finished collection stilistics.
Exhibition of project “Stylized Apparel of Medieval Citizens”
Students of Vilniaus kolegija/University of Applied Sciences Apparel Technologies and Business program together with Association of Lithuanian folk lifestyle, customs, food and handicrafts “Šventė visiems” implemented a project named “Stylized Apparel of Medieval Citizens”. With initiative of Association president Vytenis Urba students made a collection of 20 costumes. It was presented in public during the traditional celebration in Vilnius “Kaziukas’ fair”.
Fashion show “Autumn Metamorphoses”
Ancient Greek poet Ovid in his poem "The Metamorphosis" mentions forces that drive evolution - love and mind. The world exists in its diversity and uncertainty, it is a constant transformation.
Transformation can be observed in nature when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, when flower fields bloom, when autumn touches nature.... and in costume collections by color contrasts, pastiche, texture rhythms and material diversity.
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