Paying artists, and Grants for the Arts
1Grants for the Arts
2Paying artists, and Grants for the Arts
2.1Daily rates
2.2Volunteers, internships and work experience
3Key things to remember
4Further information
5Contact us
1Grants for the Arts
Grants for the Arts (GFTA) is our Lottery-funded grant programme for individuals, arts organisations and other people who use the arts in their work. Grants are available for activities carried out over a set period and which engage people in England in arts activities and help artists and arts organisations in England carry out their work.
Activities we support must be clearly related to the arts and must be project-based, up to a maximum of three years in length. Grants normally range from £1,000 to £100,000 and we can fund up to 90 per cent of the cost of an activity.
All applicants must also read the ‘How to apply guidance’. Download it from our website or contact us for a copy.
2Paying artists, and Grants for the Arts
Arts Council England is committed to ensuring proper and fair payment to artists and those who work in the creative industries is in recognition of their professional status, skills and experience.
Applicants to Grants for the Arts should make sure they can provide proper and fair payments to all the artists they will be working.
2.1Daily rates
Following a ruling by the Office of Fair Trading on competition law, we are not able to provide suggest rates of pay for artists.
Applicants should consider theNational Minimum Wageand National Living Wage
Applicants should also ensure that the Artists’ fees for Grants for the arts funded activities are in line with recognised codes of practice set by the relevant lead bodies. Where union rates exist, we expect at least the minimum rate to be applied.
You can find details of some of these organisations in section 4‘Further information’ of this sheet.
Touring activity
If you are applying to Grants for the Arts for a touring activity, you should ensure that, in addition to adequate fees, subsistence payments are in line with the relevant trade union agreements. Please read the information sheet ‘Touring and Grants for the Arts’, for guidance. Download it from our Grants for the Arts information sheets page, or contact us for a copy.
2.2Volunteers, internships and work experience
While we recognise that there is a great value in the volunteer sector and people having access to work experience (where it is offered and arranged properly and is a mutually beneficial arrangement) this should not be used as a means of attempting to circumvent the Minimum Wage Regulations.
If you are using volunteers, tell us what the reciprocal benefits are.
Anyone receiving funding from us must ensure that salaries, fees and subsistence arrangements are as good as or better than those agreed by any relevant trade unions and employers’ associations.
Learn more about volunteering at
3Key things to remember
Do not lower your own fee/wage, or the fees/wages of other artists you are working with, in order to decrease your overall project costs.
Explain how the fees and wages in your budget are appropriate.
4Further information
HM Revenue and Customs
Department for Business Innovation and Skills
They also run a Pay and Work Rights Helpline (0800 917 2368, Textphone: 0800 121 4042)
a-n The Artists Information Company – for visual artists
a-n Guidance on fees and day rates for visual artists
Artists' Union England- an independent trade union for visual and applied artists and artists with a socially engaged practice
BECTU – for technical staff
Equity – for actors, singers and dancers
Equity also provide a full list of standard industry rates
Independent Theatre Council – for theatre practitioners
Musicians’ Union – for musicians
Prospects – musicians’ rates for graduates
UK Theatre–theatre staff and musicians:
Writers’ Guild – for writers
CC Skills
Provide a list of work related responsibilities, and indicate what pay people with certain skills might expect.
5Contact us
Phone:0845 300 6200, 0161 934 4317
Textphone:0161 934 4428
Post:Arts Council England - Grants for the Arts,
The Hive, 49 Lever Street, Manchester, M1 1FN
© Arts Council England September 2016