International Satin Gavel

Angie White

4430N. Holland Sylvania Rd. #4346

Toledo Ohio, 43623



International Satin Gavel



2015 Officers & Board“ The Year of the

President / Donna Payne / FYC / 313.505.0517 /
1st Vice / P/P Betty DuPre’ / RVYC / 419.726.5999 /
2nd Vice **
Recording Secretary / Nancy Thomas / FYC / 734.676.7202 /
Corresponding Secretary / Anne Kubik / CRYC / 440.951.3797 /
Treasurer / Linda Zmek / LCYC / 440.543.5008 /
Financial Secretary / Denise Zawodni / RVYC / 419.460.3901 /
Parliamentarian / P/P Carole Lee / ORYC / 419.841.2818 /
1-yr board / Connie Wlodarczyk
Pam Andrykovitch / RVYC
CRYC / 419.729.2200
440.517.1900 /

2-yr board / Arlene LaFehr
Sarah Schuman / WYC
RVYC / 810.459.2589
419.726.0139 /

Supply Officer / Connie Wlodarczyk / RVYC / 419.729.2200 /
News editor/ Historian/Facebook / P/P Sandi Kosinski Angie White / RVYC
RVYC / 419.250.0245 419.376.1765 /

Chaplains / P/P Sharon Huffman
P/P Carol Smith / RVYC
MBC / 419.729.5359
734.241.6099 /

Membership / P/P Betty DuPre’ / RVYC / 419.726.5999 /
Grievance Committee / P/P Marie Cousino
P/P Mary Lichtenwald
P/P Sarah Schuman
P/P Jean Smalley
P/P Sandi Kosinski / HVYC
RVYC / 419.450.4650
419.250.0245 /

Website / Donna Payne / FYC / 313.505.0517 /
Audit Committee ** / Amanda Ellis
Angie Thomas / RVYC
HVYC / 419.340.8757
419.779.7940 /

Finance Committee / Linda Zmek / LCYC / 440.543.5008 /
Nominating Committee ** / Chairman Jean Mckee
Barb Cutcher
Jennifer Thielen
Rebecca Walsh
Trisha Dunn / HVYC
ORYC / 419.385.6947
419.340.3275 /

By-Laws Committee / P/P Carole Lee / ORYC / 419.841.2818 /

**Need new members for 2015

From the President

Donna Payne

Welcome to 2015, the year of the “Red Rose”!

This year is going to be full of fun and rekindling of relationships for Satin Gavel as well as a year of building new ideas to further the growth of our organization. As President, I will be leading the challenge, but I will need help from all of you. We need chapters to step up and host a meeting for example. Our next meeting is traditionally a one day meeting, usually a Sunday in the month of June or July. We will compare dates and try to make this day compatible for as many members as possible. As I mentioned in my brief speech at our last meeting, I would like to do a painting party. Perhaps this would be a good time to put that together. I have an instructor we just need a host chapter, and of course participants. It is so much fun and you’d be surprised at all the creativity!

Our next meeting should be in October, which should be a two day meeting. Usually hospitality and merriment on Friday evening, board meeting, luncheon and general meeting on Saturday. I welcome new ideas for Friday, and or Saturday, if anyone has something they feel we should try as an organization just let me know. Perhaps a change in the routine would be a positive effect for better attendance. Of course, we have to meet our by-law requirements, however.

Christmas in November is being hosted by Ottawa River Yacht Club on Sunday November 8. More details to follow. And that brings us to our January 2016 meeting, which is usually a two day event, the same as October. I have a few ideas for this and would be glad to discuss further with a chapter willing to help host and coordinate the weekend. Perhaps our current board will assist as well.

My next business item is we need a “Nominating Committee”. This committee consists of 5 members from as many different chapters as possible. This committee is responsible for contacting members for a slate of officers for next year’s elections. If you are interested, you must be nominated from the floor at our next general meeting. I will be glad to discuss this with anyone interested. Members, please consider helping ISG to grow for the future.

Another item is our ISG Roster. I have it compiled and gave out a few copies at the last meeting. Of course there have been changes, so the new and improved is available. Chapter Presidents, send me an email and I will forward an electronic copy to you. It is your responsibility to forward to your chapter members. Our current board has discussed putting the roster on our website in a members only section. This section will be password protected. Several clubs are using a members only section and it is working well. We must remind all of you that due to the sensitive nature of this information you do not want the password to be randomly given to non-members. If I don’t get objections to the roster being available on our website, we will proceed with this update. All members will be notified.

In closing, I would sincerely like to thank my Ford Yacht Club chapter for such a wonderful weekend.

Especially Mary, Fran, Marilynn, Debbie, Sharon, Dawn and Nancy, your assistance is greatly appreciated. Hospitality room was superb and you even added the “Walleye fisherman” to the entertainment. Saturday meetings and dinner dance was tremendous. Our new kitchen and club management staff came through with top notch service and great food. I am so very proud to be a member of such a great club.

I am calling 2015 the year of the “Red Rose”, to add some fun and to hopefully add awareness of our organization to others! Find “Red Rose” items, wear “Red Rose” clothing, jewelry and anything “Red Rose”. Join me fellow ISG members, so others will ask about ISG and hopefully become a member!

Until next time, Donna Payne President 2015

Vice President

Betty DuPre’

First, I would like to thank FYC Chapter of ISG for the wonderful meeting and Installation Dinner Dance that was given in honor of Pres. Donna Payne. It could not have been any better. “Thank You Ladies “. Also Friday evening was very enjoyable as well.

I felt we had a very nice meeting and a lot of suggestions were presented for the future of ISG and all need to be considered. I’m sure a lot of the ladies don’t realize it has been almost 30 years since ISG was formed and we have accomplished many things that have made a difference in someone’s life. My hope is we can continue to do such and hopefully all of you feel the same. If anyone has any ideas, please feel free to suggest them and we can consider them. I’m sure Pres. Donna has a lot planned for us this year and we all need to support her.

I would like to thank all of the ladies who stepped forward to serve on the Board this year and look forward to working with you. As you know we are in need of a second V.Pres. as of this writing, so ladies, “please consider” this office.

Last, we needed a current address for P/P Leal “Butch” Challen. It is as follows: 545 70th Ave. St. Pete Beach, Fl 33706. She is doing well and says “Hello” and thanks everyone for missing her.

Have a safe and fun summer

1st. V. Pres Betty DuPre’

Financial Secretary

Denise Zawodni

Hello Everyone!

I think summer is finally here. Congratulation’s Donna the year of the rose started off great. Perfect weather. Wonderful food. A great time was had by all.

If anyone needs to send in dues my address is:

3335 School Road Temperance, MI 48182

If you need to update your phone number, email address, or address please e mail me at . Use ISG in the subject line and we will keep your membership information up to date.

I hope to see everyone at the next meeting. Enjoy this great weather. Denise Zawodni


Linda Zmek

Financial Report on file

Corresponding Secretary

Anne Kubik

no report

Recording Secretary 2015-2016

Nancy Thomas

*not pictured no report

From the Desk of Sarah Schuman 2014-2015 Recording Secretary

International Satin Gavel

General Meeting

Ford Yacht Club

April 18, 2015

President Sandi Kosinski called the meeting to order at 1:27 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Roll Call: All were present except Pam Andrykovitch, excused.

Board minutes were read by 2st vice President P/P Betty DuPre’. Motion to approve by Donna Payne, second by Charlotte Ulman. Passed. Motion

to approve general meeting minutes by Linda Zmek, second by Connie

Wlodarczyk. Motion passed.

President Report: Thank You to Ford Yacht Club for their hospitality. Thank you

to everyone for attending.

Need addresses updated. Check with your chapter to be sure we have correct information.

1st Vice President Donna Payne: Web Site; Roster to be entered on members only

Site. Proper notification to be given to members.

Treasurer: Linda Zmek gave report, see attached. Bills presented. Motion by Joanne Zunk to accept report and pay the bills, second by P/P Marcia Ashley.

Motion passed.

Financial Secretary: Denise Zawodni reported dues still coming in.

1 year Board: Arlene LeFehr and Charlotte Ulman, no report.

2 year Board: Connie Wlodarczyk, no report.

Newsletter: Angie White, articles due 5-9-2015.

Ships Store: Connie Wlodarczyk reported new shirts have been purchased.

Grievance: No report.

Mary Schultz, head teller, ask for Secretary to cast unanimous ballot because it is an unopposed ballot. Secretary P/P Sarah Schuman cast the ballot.

President : Donna Payne, 1st Vice Pres. P/P Betty DuPre’, Financial Secretary, Denise Zawodni, Treasurer: Linda Zmek,

Mary Schultz opened the nominations for Recording Secretary. Nancy Thomas

was nominated by Sharon Harper, second by Connie Wlodarczyk. Accepted.

2 year Board: Sharon Harper nominated Arlene LeFehr, second Connie Wlodarczyk. Accepted. P/P Sarah Schuman nominated by Sharon Harper,

Second by Carol Ghareeb. Accepted.

2nd Vice president: No nominations.

Carole Lee motioned to close the nominations. Second by Carol Ghareeb.

Passed. Recording Secretary P/P Sarah Schuman cast a unanimous ballot.

President Sandi Kosinski reports that several donations were given to

boating organizations throughout the year, she requests these stand as her

designated contribution.

President Sandi Kosinski relieved her Officers and called the new Officers and

Board to the front. She then installed them. She turned the meeting over

to President Donna Payne.

Respectfully submitted,

Acting Recording Secretary

Sarah Schuman



Donna Payne & P/C Ed

Sharon Harper & Kim


Jennifer Pastorek & P/C Chip

Angie Thomas & P/C Frank

Chris Harrigan & PC Bob

Pam Marter & P/C Larry

Jean McKee & P/C Bob


P/P Carole Lee & Bob Pietkowski


P/P Betty DuPre’ & P/C Jim

P/P Carol Ghareeb & Sam

Sue Grubb & Dennis

P/P Sharon Huffman & VJ

Sue Jones & Ken

P/P Sandi Kosinski

P/P Mary Lichtenwald & Kent Lafontaine

Judy Priest & P/C Herb

Kathryn Runkle & Russ

Sarah Schuman & Bob

Barb Smith & Bob

Rebecca Walsh & P/C Michael

Joann White

Connie Wlodarczyk & Woody


Arlene LaFehr & PC Greg Lowe

PC Bonnie Morton & PC Mike Morton

Information for the newsletter must

be in by deadlines otherwise

it will not be published!

E-mail reports and articles


Thanx, Angie

Newsletter editor

Visit our website @ internationalsatingavel.org

and like on Facebook