Application Form
Please select the program you are applying for:
SelectIRPG-EU if:
- your project includes partner(s) from institutions in EU countriesand/or
- as an outcome, your project identifies the submission of specific applications to major internationalfunding programs. Examples ofEuropeansponsors include, but not limited to: Horizon 2020 funding programmes, European Space Agency, European Research Council, National Agencies (e.g. ANR, France, DFG, Germany, NWO, Netherlands, RCN, Norway, Research Councils, UKetc).
Select IRPG-China if:
- your project includes partner(s) from institutions in China and/or
- as an outcome, your project identifies the submission of specific applications to major international funding programs. Examples of Chinese sponsors include the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
General Information
Start date:
End date:
Note: Activities should normally take place within a one-year period starting a minimum of one-month following the deadline
Researchers (add additional rows as needed)
Waterloo PI:
Position / Department / World University RankingsQS / THE / ARWU / Leiden
Waterloo Co-PI:
Position / Department / QS / THE / ARWU / LeidenPartner PI:
Position / Department / Institution, Country / QS / THE / ARWU / LeidenPartner Co-PI:
Position / Department / Institution, Country / QS / THE / ARWU / LeidenNote: You may include additional world or national university rankings relevant to your discipline/ partner institution(s) – include the ranking and source
Description of the Research CollaborationThe Research - please provide summary of the collaborative research topic, methodology, key challenges/problems the research addresses, expected results, and how the research is innovative and important.
Key Expertise of Researchers - briefly state the key areas of expertise of each of the researcher
Complementary Expertise and Value-added of Team Members - explain the complementary nature of the project and the value-added as a result of the collaboration. Identify past or existing partnerships with the researchers and/or their institutions
Expected Outcomes of the Research and the Collaboration – please address each of the following: i) expected scientific advances, technology development, policy formulation, scholarship, or innovation, etc., ii) national or international research funding applications (as a direct result of this grant/collaboration), iii) how will results be disseminated, and iv) other expected outcomes
Activity Plan - include main activities, milestones and dates/duration (add additional rows are needed)
Activity / Description / Dates/Duration (months)
Milestone 1:
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Milestone 2:
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Milestone 3:
Activity 1:
Activity 2:
Budget (add additional rows as needed)
Budget provisions normally involve 50/50 matching where the University of Waterloo will cover 50% of the costs up to $20,000. The remaining 50% must be from another source(s). Although internal sources (i.e. start-up funds, departmental/Faculty cash) are accepted, preference is given to external sources.
Activity /Expense / Cost ($)TOTAL COST
*Funding is primarily for travel-related expenses and partnership-building activities.
Source / Amount ($)Office of the Vice President, University Research (IRPG and IRPG-EU)
Global Prominence and Internationalization Strategic Plan (IRPG-China)
Matching cash – min 50%, please specify source
Other matching source - specify
Other matching source - specify
Curriculum Vitae
Attach a 1-2 page CV or biographyfor each of the PIs (Waterloo and Partner PI only). Include only recent activities (e.g. within the last 5 years). CVs/biographies more than 2 pages in length will not be accepted.
Letters of EndorsementLetters of endorsement from EACH partner institution are required.These must include the amount and what the funds will be used for.