Wednesday 30th July 2014
Penny Cording, Felicity Weston, David Kunnzman, Alison Dodd, James Joy, Chas Taylor, Malcolm Allen, Peter Lambert, Linda Ellis.
Jan Bowman
1. Minutes of Previous Meeting
Read and agreed – minor amendment; correct name for one of the Triffic Trail sponsors is Granite Direct.
2. Matters Arising
3. Penny:
Rent agreement: Penny reported that SHC agreed to go with the cap again this year.
Chairman’s role: Penny advised us that she will be standing down as Club Chairman at the next AGM.
4. Treasurer’s Report – Felicity Weston & David Kunzman
Felicity and David distributed the TPRC Q1 Finance Update.
Online banking payments: Now that online banking is working well it was agreed that payments under £200 could be made by Felicity; payments between £200 & £500 would require one other approval and for payments over £500, 2 other approvals would be required.
Requests for payments: Must quote the payee’s name, bank account number and sort code.
Use of Pay Pal: Discussions were held regarding the use of Pay Pal for club kit payments and membership fees and also Entry Central. DK to investigate.
5. Communications – Chas Taylor
Park Life: Should have been issued at the end of June; will be available as soon as possible. Trevor Jex is guest editor for the next issue which will be the “Anniversary Special”.
Triffic Trail: A great success and profitable. Chip-timing was the only negative and this will be reviewed with regard to what to do next year,
Container Keys: Upper container now has a padlock with 6 new keys cut; need to agree who should hold these and who should have access. List of keyholders to be supplied.
Volunteer Voucher Scheme: Going well.
6. Club Team Manager – Malcolm Allen
Anniversary Challenge: Due to finish at the end of September with the Handicap. Malcolm estimates that there will be 11/12 members eligible for a prize. MA to look at potential trophies.
URN renewal: Renewal emails are being sent directly to club members who currently have a URN registered with England Athletics. Agreed that club members should pay for the renewals themselves and the Club will reimburse them when they attend the race or if they are unable to run due to injury/illness.
Hosting: We will be hosting 2 races; Chingford League race with Barnet on the 27th December and the
Sunday League race in Trent Park on the 15th January 2015.
7. Coaching – James Joy
Tri-Coaching: James advised that 3 Club members were interested. In view of the cost (Level 1 £300 and Level 2 £500) we would expect a minimum commitment of 20 hours a year for the benefit of the club members. It was agreed that they could charge for their coaching time if they are not using club facilities.
Coaching Co-ordinator: James advised us that he would be standing down from this position at the next AGM. JJ to review the actual requirement of the role and define the expectations in order to assist the next role holder
8. Membership – Alison Dodd
Membership numbers: 284 fully paid up seniors (includes 7 students) and 131 juniors. There were 35 new members who joined the Club between April and June. 49 members have not yet completed the revised membership form or ticked the box on the on-line form. Last year at this point the Club had 329 senior members.
9. Club Kit – James Joy
Tri-Kit: On its way from Poland. Total cost is £4,353. This includes cycle kit and training kit.
30th Anniversary t-shirts: Cost £4,050.
10. Triathlon update – Pete Lambert
Junior Triathlon: Pete reported that we would need at least 4 Level 2 coaches to take lead roles if we wanted to set up a Junior Triathlon section and provide the training required to meet the requirements of British Triathlon.
Aquathlon: Plan is to close off free entry to members earlier in the entry process. Pete confirmed that he had received lots of positive feedback from the last event.
11. Social – James Joy
30th Anniversary Party 20/9/14: Will be held at the Hockey Club; entry will be free but will be admission by ticket. The hire of the club will cost £400 and a DJ £275. Discussed and agreed to buy in a large cake with cup cakes as a change from baking our own and this will be available to be consumed at the party in the evening (thanks Foulla!). It was confirmed that the handicap race would take place in the morning and we would also support the Dorney Lakes Tri-Relays.
Dinner Dance: James confirmed ticket price will be £35.00 and will be on sale to members only – 2 tickets per member.
12. AOB
Pete Lambert: As we all know, Pete currently looks after the Handicap, the TPRC website, the Aquathlon and also represents the Tri- section at the Committee. Pete has advised the committee that he intends to hand over 2 of these by the end of 2014. We will also be looking for a new Tri-Section representative for the committee at the next AGM.
AGM: Next AGM will be held at the Hockey Club on Monday 27th October.
13. Date and venue of next meeting
Date: Wednesday 1st October
Venue: Pete Lambert’s: 6 Crofton Way, Enfield, EN2 8HX: