International Organization projects
Do all of the following pieces and answer the following questions in your presentation (Required Elements)
- What is the purpose of the organization?
- What does the organization do and how do they do it?
- Who are the members of this organization?
- What are the benefits of this organization?
- How effective has this organization been and what have they done successfully?
- What is the global impact of this organization?
- Works Cited Page.
- Use of at least 3 primary sources in your research and presentation.
- Make a multiple choice question based on one of the primary sources that the class will answer at the end of your presentation.
Presentation choices.
International Organization in a Bag:
- On the front of the bag write the name of your organization.
- Place 6 objects that represent the international organization in the bag.
- The item do not have to be the actual things but may represent important concepts.
- You may make the items by drawing/creating them.
- 2 objects will be presented by each member of the group.
- Create slides to go along with your objects that will answer the required questions for the project. Put them in a bullet format that will be easy for the class to take notes on.
Letters Home
1. Write six letters to your family about different things you see and experience as a member of the international organization.
2. Each letter must be at least a complete paragraph and each on their own paper which will be read to the class as your presentation. They will also be shared as a google document to the class..
3. Each should be formatted like a proper letter (dear X, sincerely Y, etc.)
4. Each of the six letters should cover a different topic from the organization and must cover the required information.
5. Visuals are required to be displayed as the letters are read to help students experience your travels. Pictures of where you are or selfies of your experiences. (Google Slides)
Movie Poster and Critique
Your Task: Imagine the International Organization has been made into a Hollywood produced movie. Design the movie poster that you would use to advertise the movie and write a critique of the “movie.”
- Draw and color your poster on a full page of white paper.
- It must include:
i.An image or scene that represents the “movie”
ii.The title of the “movie”
iii.The “actors” in the “movie”
2. Then you write a critiques of the organization. Begin by explaining the required elements 1-4. Then finish with its effectiveness and impact. The critique is a minimum of 4 paragraphs and will be shared with other students via google docs. Your presentation is your critique of the “movie”
Puppet show
Your Task: Write a 3 paragraph explanation of your international organization, and create puppets to act out how the organization works.
- Research the assigned international organization using your textbook, your notes, library or class books, or the internet.
- Write a 3 paragraph summary of the international organization which includes all of the required elements.
- Write 10 statements the organization members would have said. These can be taken directly from speeches they gave or can be invented based on what you have learned about the person.
- Create puppets to represent the members and have them act out your scene to teach what the organization is about and how effective it has been.
Picture Book
Your task: Create a picture book (children’s book) detailing the most important information about your organization. The book should be simple enough for a child to understand but should still include important information.
- The book will be created on google slides and have between 6-9 pages each with its own topic.
- Each topic will have a drawing (picture, symbol, map, graphic organizer [“bubbles”], etc. that must be colored.
- Each topic will have cover the required elements.
- Make your presentation into a story.
Your task: Write and act out a 3-5 minute play about a specific International Organization. You will include a background for scenery (either drawn or projected via google slides) and any necessary props. Your play may be funny and take some small liberties with the facts but the basic story must be accurate.
Your play must:
Include a written script
Be performed mostly from memory (do not just read your script!) for the whole class.
Be approximately 3-5 minutes in length when performed.
Include backgrounds for each scene (either real or virtual)
Cover the required elements
Storyboard (not electronic must be paper)
Your task: Make a movie about a specific person or event in history. Before filming a movie a director first makes a storyboard which maps out the story on paper.
- For the international organization you are storyboarding think of the 5 most important parts. Cover the required elements.
- Create your storyboard for each of the 5 parts.
- Each part must have a written description of the place, time and people or countries involved.
- It also must summarize the action in the scene in a paragraph.
- Each part must also have a drawing which represents what you would be seeing if this scene were filmed.
- Make sure your storyboard is so clear that anyone could follow the directions to create your movie.
Remember, you have five scenes to complete and they should be in the order that they would be in a real movie about the subject.
Topics (NGOs are in purple)
- G20
- United Nations
- World Trade Organization
- European Union (include Brexit and implications)
- African Union
- Organization of American States
- World Health Organization
- International Committee of Red Cross
- Wikimedia Foundation
- Human Rights Watch
- Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
- Doctors Without Borders
- Ceres
- Cure Violence
Presentation Rubric
Topic / 3 / 2 / 1Citations / Citations clearly done and in MLA format / Citation attempted, but missing some or not in MLA format / Many citations missing
Required Elements:
purpose, members, and benefits / They are answered clearly and the class understands them. / They are answered, but not clear, or some parts are missing. / They are attempted to be answered, but make little sense.
Required Elements:
effectiveness and impact / They are answered and help the students understand the issue / They are answered but are unclear, or are only partially answered. / Few are answered.
Primary sources / At least three are used / Two are used / One or less are used
Multiple Choice question / Is similar to a test question. / Question uses a primary source, but does not have student analyze or evaluate. / Question does not use a primary source or make sense.
Format / All elements of a presentation choice are used / Most elements of a presentation choice are used / Some to few elements of a presentation choice are used.
Research / Fill out peer assessment / Fill out peer assessment / Fill out peer assessment
Presentation / All participants involved, add input and are serious in the presentation / Mostly serious and involved in the prentation / Not involved or not serious in the presentation.
Peer assessment of group members.
3- Peer member worked well and attempting to find information and add to the project in expected ways with few distractions or interruptions
2- Peer member worked at least 70% of the time but caused some distractions or interruptions or would not add to the project in a way the group agreed.
1- Peer worked less than 70% of the time and caused many distractions or disruptions or would not work with the group
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