Erie County Board of Ethics

Meeting Minutes

16th Floor Erie County Rath Bldg.

8:00 a.m. –July 1, 2013

Minutes prepared by: D. Mineo


David Mineo – Chairman

Steven Schwartz – Member

Dominic Telesco – Member

Jeremy Toth– County Attorney Representative


Chris Trapp – Member

Kim Bowers – Member

Tami Burns-DiCioccio – personnel department

Old Business:

1. Approval of minutes for 6/3/13 – Motion by Telesco, 2nd by Schwartz, Approved.

New Business:

2. Mineo –both he and Bowers monitor the email address established in early 2012. Email is . Mineo advised receipt of an email asking if the Board had in our possession disclosures for the Hamburg IDA. We replied that we are not in receipt of Hamburg IDA member disclosure forms and do not recall ever having been sent such forms in prior years.

3. Group– At 6/3/13 meeting motion carried to approve a change to County local law so that disclosures are required even though a person is no longer an employee at time the disclosure form is due. Toth has been asked to contact government affairs committee to introduce changes. Toth to report on progress.

4. Mineo – Reported a change to web site was made by Burns-DiCioccio and disclosure form has now been posted.

5. Group– Thirteen (13) disclosure forms were not received by due date. That number has been reduced to seven (7). The remaining seven individuals were advised of a fine being imposed, but that the fine would be suspended if disclosure form was received by July 14, 2013.

6. Group– At 6/3/13 meeting motion carried to approve draft report to the legislature regarding the board’s activities. Mineo will send report to comptroller, legislature and county executive.

7. Mineo – Jeremy Toth previously reported that he had advised the chief of staff a number of times that Telesco’s appointment had ended. Mineo reported that on 6/6/13 he sent an email to Jennifer Hibit, Chief of Staff to the Erie County Executive.

The reply by email on 6/6/13 is as follows;

“Yes the County Executive has been made aware of the open seat – we are currently searching for a member to appoint. We have many boards with many open seats and are working to fill them all. We will continue our search. If Mr. Telesco has not yet sent a letter requesting reappointment to the County Executive’s office, he should do so. We will put that into consideration.”

8. Group – members continued review of disclosures.

Motion to end meeting –David Mineo– all approved.

Next meeting: Monday, September 9, 2013 – 8:00am