International Federation of Modern Dance Sports
BECEJ, ON OCTOBER 23rd, 2009.
- National membership may be established by sending the membership application form which then should be accepted in a reply by the President’s Office and then the completion of the yearly membership fee payment is a condition for membership;
- The President’s Office may accept only one membership application from one nation ;
- Or, national membership may be established by acting as a foundation member.
- One member nation may be represented by only one member from the nation concerned, therefore the national member is a national representative and all other applicants from that nation may be in contact with IFMD through the national representative;
- National membership is for one calendar year, which means 12 months from the date of accepting the membership application;
- The national member accepted is the representative of the given nation having the obligation to collect and send to IFMD in due time the necessary data concerning dancers, dances, nominations, etc.
- In respect of national adherence, it should be considered as a guideline that the competitor, club or federation concerned will belong to the country, where his/her/its dancing activities are practiced (residence for private person/ seat for legal entity);
- The accepted member has the right to participate in the activities and on the events of IFMD under the conditions as announced for the event concerned and strictly keeping the deadlines, terms and conditions for the event ;
- The accepted member has the right to make justified proposals and suggestions in a written form which should be sent to IFMD President’s Office at least 15 days before the concerned meeting ;
- The accepted member has the right to vote for the nation concerned on the IFMD General Meeting and to hold a post in IFMD in case of being elected to do so ;
- The members are obliged to pay the membership fee and other relevant fees as set in this regulations hereunder ;
- The members are obliged to provide for the in fact data as required in connection with their competition participation and membership ;
- The national members are obliged to transfer all information sent to them without any alterations to their own national members ;
- The national members are obliged to collect the national nominations, technical card and accomodation inquiries, etc., to process them in the form as required by IFMD and to send them to IFMD by the deadline given ;
- The members are obliged to keep common and mutual respect and bona fidae behaviour with the IFMD officials, each other, judges and all other participants ;
- The members are obliged to keep the IFMD regulations.
The established membership can be terminated by:
- ellapse of paid membership period without the elongation of membership with new membership application and membership fee payment;
- official note from the member about such termination;
- resolution of the Presidium of IFMD based on the Executive Committee’s proposal in case of violation of membership obligations and duties.
- Annual membership fee
* for a national representative federation (with unlimited number of clubs and competitors) 250,- EURO/year
* for a national representative club (without a federation, only dancers of that club) 40,- EURO/year
* for a national representative duo/couple (without federation or club) 8,- EURO/year
* for a national representative solo competitor (without federation or club) 5,- EURO/year
-The membership fee should be paid by bank transfer to the IFMD’s bank account or by cash in case of a separate agreement to do so. IFMD will issue an invoice about such payment as soon as it arrives. The membership rights can be exercised only beginning from the arrival of such payment.
IFMD plans to organize, realize, permit and make
The national qualification competitions qualify for the IFMD international competitions and/or the IFMD European Championship of Modern Dance Sports or World Championship of Modern Dance Sports. These national competitions should be reported to IFMD President’s Office and should be accepted by IFMD President to bear the IFMD qualification competition (tournament) name. The national qualification competitions may be organized by the national member of the respective nation in IFMD under their own concerning regulations. The report and acceptance should take place at least 30 days before the said event. There are no competition organization fees for such competitions to be paid to IFMD.
An invitation-based, preparatory or friendly international competition may be organized by any national members of the IFMD in any place and at any date after a previous approval by the IFMD President’s Office to do so. Such approval may be received with an application to be sent to the President’s Office at least 90 days before the said event. The application should be sent using the attached application sheet. There are no competition organization fees to be paid to IFMD.
The international competition system contains the international point-collection system ranking list competition series (European/World Cup competitions – one member nation may organize only one of such competitions within one calendar year, and alltogether no more than 5 of such competitions may be organized and held in the competition period from September 1st of the concerned calendar year till the May 15th of the following calendar year). The different member nations may apply for organizing the international competitions by the means of sending an Application on the corresponding form to the IFMD. Competition organization fee to be paid to IFMD is 100,- EURO for such competition, but the General Meeting may decide to allow for competition organization without payment. On the European/World Cup competitions, any and all dances and dancers of the IFMD members may be nominated if they are having the IFMD international competition card. Such card may be requested against payment of 3,- EURO/dancer latest 30 days before the concerned event by an application list for international competition card. The European Cup series will be called World Cup in case of having nominations also from members seated outside Europe. The organizer must use the IFMD competition PC program. IFMD has the right to send a competition supervisor for the international ranking list competitions. In such case, IFMD notifies the competition organizer at least 30 days before the event about the details. The local organizer is obliged to bear the travel, boarding and lodging expenses of the supervisor. The results of the international ranking list competitions should be published by the organizer on site by hanging the results list and by sending to the IFMD
President’s Office and all IFMD members within fifteen (15) days from the date of the competition as the period for protests ellapsed. IFMD President’s Office summarize the ranking list competition results and publish the ranking list and finally the sumarized results of the European/World Cup on IFMD homepage.
The international competition system also includes one European Championship per year (the scheduled period in which the date should be set is from June 20th to July 10th). The different member nations may apply for organizing the international competitions by the means of sending an Application on the corresponding form to the IFMD. Competition organization duty to be paid to IFMD is 200,- EURO for European Championship, but the General Meeting may decide to allow for competition organization without payment. On the European Championship, the com-petitions of all dance disciplines and categories in all age groups should be organized if nomination(s) arrive in them. Only the qualified dances and dancers of the IFMD members may be nominated if they are having the international competition card. Such card may be requested against payment of 3,- EURO/dancer latest 30 days before the concerned event by an application list for international competition card. The national qualification system is belonging under the competence of the national member. No more than 3 dance pieces may be nominated by each nation in each category. Plus qualification may be achieved by the solo and duo/couple dance pieces finally achieving the 1st and 2nd rank in the international ranking list (European Cup) competitions. Each nation furthermore has the possibility of nominating THREE SOLO dances per nation with WILD CARD. The nominations for the European Championship are accepted only from the national member. The Competition Office, category sequence and PC program is always provided for on the European Championships by IFMD President’s Office. The organizer has the obligation to provide for the accomodation, boarding and lodging of no more than 5 IFMD officials for at least 4 nights on the place of the event. IFMD notes the organizer at least 30 days before the event about details. The results should be published for the participants by hanging the results lists on site. IFMD President’s Office publish the results of the European Championship on IFMD homepage.
The international competition system includes one World Championship per year (the scheduled period in which the date should be set is from June 20th to July 10th and it should coincide with the European Championship) only in the case if there are member nations nominating also outside from Europe. Each member nations may apply for organizing the international competitions by the means of sending an Application on the corresponding form to the IFMD. Competition organization fee to be paid to IFMD is 300,- EURO for World Championship, but the General Meeting may decide to allow for competition organization without payment. On the World Championship, the competitions of all dance disciplines and categories in all age groups should be organized if nomination(s) arrive in them. Only the qualified dances and dancers of the IFMD members may be nominated if they are having the international competition card. Such card may be requested against payment of 3,- EURO/dancer latest 30 days before the concerned event by an application list for international competition card. The national qualification system is belonging under the competence of the national member. No more than 3 dance pieces may be nominated by each nation in each category. Plus qualification may be achieved by the solo and duo/couple dance pieces finally achieving the 1st and 2nd rank in the international ranking list (European/World Cup) competitions. Each nation furthermore has the possibility of nominating THREE SOLO dances per nation with WILD CARD. The nominations for the World Championship are accepted only from the national member. The Competition Office, category sequence and PC program is always provided for on the World Championships by IFMD President’s Office. The organizer has the obligation to provide for the accomodation, boarding and lodging of no more than 5 IFMD officials for at least 4 nights on the place of the event. IFMD
notes the organizer at least 30 days before the event about details. The results should be published for the participants by hanging the results lists on site. IFMD President’s Office publish the results of the World Championship on IFMD homepage.
Any competition may only be organized by an experienced competition organizer. The experience should be proven by written evidences accompanied to the Competition Organization Request Form. Competitions may only be organized by the national members of IFMD. IFMD will conclude an organization agreement containing all details with the accepted international competition organizers.
Local competition organizers for national competitions may be chosen and decided upon by the national members in their own competence. The national IFMD member may decide to involve one or more of its member clubs or schools in the international competition organization. In such case, IFMD will conclude the respective agreement with all competition organizers together as one party.
IFMD President’s Office will issue invitations for competition organization at least six months before each competition period concerned. The invitation also contains the conditions and term to be fulfilled by the competition organizer.
After receiving a competition organization request by the IFMD President’s Office, it will discuss it with the Executive Committee, the Technical Committee and the Professional Committee and will give a reply about its acceptance latest within 30 days from the date of arrival. These replies are to be verified by the General Meeting in respect of the European/World Championsip.
The national members may decide upon the technical conditions for their own national competitions, however they should grant for the qualification of the dances to be nominated for an IFMD international competition in accordance with those set in point II.A above.
An IFMD international competition may only be organized in case the venue of the event is meeting the following technical conditions:
- proper security and availability;
- suitable and enough parking;
- useful stage dimensions of at least 10 m x 10 m;
- stage covering with completely lined and evely placed plastic ballet carpet or plastic coated sports carpet;
- separately provided warm-up area(s) in enough size and quantity for the competitors incurred in the competition;
- dressing rooms for each participant provided with at least one chair and rack, hiders or paravans in order to provide separation of genders within one dressing room;
- proper and easy accesibility of the stage(s) from all directions;
- an inside height of at least 4,5 metres above the stage surface;
- enough room to keep the necessary distance of min. 5 m for the jury from the stage(s);
- good visibility for music technicians, speakers, competition officials and jury members;
- jury room separately;
- guaranteed presence of a doctor or ambulance car with first aid medical experts;
- set, tried and operative audio device free from disturbing effects and of at least 2.000 Watts performance per sides;
- lighting system not disturbing the dancers;
- acceptable auditorium;
- buffet or other food service of enough capacity during the whole competition time, completely separated from the competition space.
The nominations should be sent to the competition organizers as included in the official competition announcement using the IFMD nomination form and summaries as published together with the com-
petition announcement. Nominations for the international competitions should be collected by the national members, process them with filling the necessary summaries in and then forward them to the IFMD President’s Office and/or the ranking list competition organizer. Nominations arriving on other forms are NOT accepted. Late nominations after the nomination deadline are NOT accepted. After the nomination deadline, only cancellation of nominations are allowable.
The national member will be responsible for the truth of data included in the nomination sheet. In case of an incorrect data is revealed in respect of birth date or name of a competitor and this would anyway be in contrary with IFMD regulations, a disciplinary action will be commenced by the Executive Committee against the national member concerned. The result belonging to such false data will be annulated.
It is the power of the national member to set the national qualification system in the given nation. However, it is also the responsibility of the national member not to nominate any dances or dancers for such a great international event which may possibly not matured enough for presentation under the circumstances of such a great competition. Only the qualified dances and dancers of the IFMD members may be nominated if they are having the international competition card. The national qualification system is belonging to the competence of the national member. No more than 3 dance pieces may be nominated by each nation in each category. Plus qualification may be achieved by the solo and duo/couple dance pieces finally achieving the 1st and 2nd rank in the international ranking list (European/World Cup) competitions. Each nation furthermore has the possibility of nominating THREE SOLO dances per nation with WILD CARD. The nominations for the World Championship are accepted only from the national member. Summarized : that the first three positions from the national qualification system may be nominated for EACH category, plus possibly the first two of the international ranking list (should they be of same nation and different in person from the three of the national qualification system in solo and/or duo/couple categories) plus the WILD CARD holders (for solo categories only). A GENERAL RULE IS THAT ONE DANCE MAY BE NOMINATED ONLY ONCE. IDENTICAL CHOREOGRAPHIES NOMINATED IN MORE CATEGORIES WILL BE EXCLUDED. In the summary list to be complied by the national member, the way of qualification should also be indicated by a mark.
Dancers having their 17th birthday till August 31st in the calendar year concerned or those being elder. In duo/couple categories, it is allowed to have one dancer, while in the small group/formation categories it is allowed to have more dancers belonging to the junior age group.
Dancers having their birthdays in the range from 14th to 16th till August 31st in the calendar year concerned. In duo/couple categories, it is allowed to have one dancer, while in the small group/formation categories it is allowed to have more dancers belonging to the youth age group.