

International Experience Canada (IEC) provides youth with the opportunity to travel and work in Canada.

Depending on where you are from, you can choose from up to three travel and work experiences:

Working Holiday: for Irish (ages 18-35) and British (ages 18-30) citizens who intend to travel in Canada and who wish to find temporary paid employment to help pay for their trip (Up to 24 months: one participation)

Please note if you participated in IEC before 2015 for a period of up to 12 months, you are eligible for a second participation of up to 24 months. Those who participated in IEC more than once before 2015 are no longer eligible to apply.

Young Professionals: for Irish citizens, particularly post-secondary graduates, who wish to further their careers by gaining professional work experience in Canada.

Participants must have a signed letter of offer or contract of employment (up to 24 months) before submitting a profile to the pool.

International Co-op Internship: for Irish citizens who are enrolled at apost-secondary institutionin Ireland.

Participants must be registered students for the duration of the internship. To qualify for this program participants are required to complete a work placement or internship in Canada to fulfill part of their academic curriculum (up to 12 months).

As of Friday, November 3, 2017, at 3:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time, the pool is open. If you’re eligible, you can submit your profile now.

To Apply:

Submit YourProfile

Ifyouget a positive resultfromCome to Canada questionnaire,thetoolwillsendyou toMyCIC,which is used for allonlineprofiles andapplications.

Withyour MyCIC account,youcan complete and submityourIEC profileonline.

Yourprofilewilltellyouwhich categoriesyou areeligible for. Thereis onepool of eligiblecandidates per countryandpercategory.You can submityour profile to oneor moreof thesepools.

Ifyou are eligible:

you willbeplaced in thepools forwhichyou areeligible, alongwith other eligiblecandidates, and

ifyou receive anInvitation to Apply,you can then applyforawork permit.

Oncein thepool, ifyouhavealetter of employment forthe YPor Co-op streams,your

chances of beingselectedwillbehigher.

Forthosesubmittingunder theWH, theprocess willbebylottery.

Important:SubmittinganIEC profile does not meanyou have applied forawork permit.Ifyou receiveanInvitation to ApplyfromCIC, thenyou need to giveCIC moreinformation inyourapplication for a work permit, includingsupportingdocumentation and fees.

Apply fora WorkPermit

Candidates in thepoolsmust receive anInvitation toApplybefore theycan applyonline forawork permit.

Ifyou receiveanInvitation to Applyforawork permit,you willalso useMyCIC to submityour work permit application, pay your fees and check thestatus ofyour application.

Afteryou receiveyourInvitation to Apply,follow thesteps to applyfor awork permit underInternational ExperienceCanada.


Find outhow longitwilltake forCIC to processyour application.


What to expectat theborder:

Whenyou arrivein Canada,youwillbegreeted byaBorder Services Officer from the CanadaBorder ServicesAgency(CBSA).Beprepared to present the followingto the officer:

  • yourpassport;
  • yourPort Of Entry(POE)Letter ofIntroduction;
  • proof of funds;
  • proof of health insurance;
  • aticket foryour departure from Canadaor sufficient funds to purchase suchaticket.

Note:Ifyou arean unpaidInternational Co-op (Internship)participant,youmayalso be askedto show proof of additional financial resources to cover expenses foryourentire stay.

IRCCrecommends having original copies availableof allthe documentsyouprovided for yourInternational ExperienceCanadawork permit application.

Whenyou arrive at thePort of Entry,you must havehealth insurancevalidforthe entire duration ofyour authorized stayin Canada.

Please notethat beingin possession of avalid provincial health card willnot meet this requirement as repatriation is not covered by provincial health insurance.

You maybe refused entryifyou do not haveinsurance.If yourinsurancepolicyisvalid forless thanyour expected stay,you maybeissued awork permit that expires at thesametime asyour insurance.If this happens,youwillnotbe able to applyforan extension ofyourwork permit at alater date.

Checkyourwork permit carefullybeforeleavingtheBorder Services Officer.

Makesure you understand allthe information on thepermit and that the expirydate iscorrect. Checkyourwork permit beforeyou leavetheinternational zone.Ifyou think thereis a mistakeonyourwork permit, pleasetell theBorder Services Officer rightaway.

Ifyou arein the Working Holidaycategory,yourwork permit should show:

A validityperiodfortheduration ofyour expected staystartingfrom the date

you enter Canada;“open” employer and“open”employment location.

Open employerand open employment location meansyou canwork foranyemployer, anywherein Canada, should theybewillingto employ you.

Thereis norestriction on how longyou can work, orhow manyhoursyou can work, as longasyourwork permit is valid;the code “C21.”

Ifyou arein the YoungProfessionals orInternational Co-op (Internship)categories,your work permit willshow:

Avalidityperiod equal to the period oftime listed in the agreement between Canada andyour country; thename ofyouremployer; the actual location whereyouwillwork duringyour pre-arranged employment, workplacementor internship and;the code“C21.”

This means thatyou can onlywork for theemployer specifiedinyour letter ofintroduction.Ifyoufinishyourwork contract andyourwork permit is still valid,you can stayin Canadaundera renewed contract with thesame employer to work at thesame address or stayasavisitor untilyour work permit expires.
