Newcastle Parents and Carers Survey for Pupils at SEN Support


In 2016 Healthwatch carried out a survey of parents and carers of children and young people to gather their views on the new EHC plans. In order to gather the views of parents and carers of children at SEN Support, the School Improvement Service SEN Team were asked to survey parents and carers of children and young people in the city.


Following a meeting with the School Improvement Service SEN Team and the SEND Information, Advice and Support Service Lead Specialist, a questionnaire was devised by the Lead SENCOs within the SEN Team.The questionnaire was designed with scaled options to 6 questions including an option to comment on each question. The electronic survey,for parents and carers of children and young people between 0―25 years at SEN Support in Newcastle, was available on the Local Offer during April and May 2017. The survey was promoted throughthe SENCO networks, within schools, shared by parent / carer forums through their Facebook pages and reminder emails sent out to colleagues.

135 responses were received from parents and carers of children in48different schools.The survey was intended for parents and carers of children and young people at SEN Support, however, of the 135 responses, 23 were from specialist provisions and 4 responses from parents of children out of area. On the whole, parents and carers with children and young people in specialist provisions are happy with the support their child receives. However, it is highly likely that these families would have a child or young person with an EHC Plan or a statement.As the survey was intended for children and young people on SEN support,the results of the 23 responses from specialist provisions have been removed from the data in the findings below.


The following data shows the results of the 112 responses for children and young people on SEN Support. It should be noted that this is a very small return as there are currently over 5000 children and young people at SEN Support in Newcastle. The return represents0.02% of this population and therefore significant caution must be applied when interpreting the results. Nevertheless, it is hoped that they will form a starting point for future discussion.

1. The staff understand what my child's needs are
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
All / 25.0% / 28
Most / 33.9% / 38
Some / 37.5% / 42
None / 3.6% / 4
answered question / 112
2. There is someone to talk to about Special Educational Needs in the school or setting my child attends
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Yes / 91.9% / 102
No / 8.1% / 9
answered question / 111
3. This help is making a difference for my child
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Yes / 63.4% / 71
No / 13.4% / 15
I don't know / 23.2% / 26
answered question / 112
4. Which school or setting does your child attend?
Answer Options / Response Count
answered question / 108
5. My child is getting the help they need
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Yes / 42.0% / 47
Partly / 43.8% / 49
No / 8.0% / 9
I don't know / 6.3% / 7
answered question / 112
6. I would recommend this school or setting to other families if their child has Special Educational Needs
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Yes / 69.2% / 72
No / 30.8% / 32
answered question / 104


  • SIS SEN Team willcontinue to gather the views of parents and carers of children and young people with SEN. Individual schools / settings will be asked to share their school parental questionnaires summaries in relation to SEN. TheSEN Team will use these, alongside the above survey to build a more accurate and comprehensive picture of views across the city.
  • Where comments from the survey raised an issue the SIS SEN team will contact the relevant school to discuss parent/carer concerns with the SENCO.

SIS SEN team June 2017