About USAL

International Exchange and Cooperation (DCII)

A few facts about USAL

Academic Calendar

About the exchange program

Admission conditions and procedures

Student visa

Health Insurance and health issues

Housing and meals

Arrival day and Student Orientation

Academic System and course selection

Academic system at USAL

Pre-selection of courses


Course selection and registration

Medical emergencies and travels


Appendix I: Spanish requirement at USAL. Description Intermediate Level.


The objective of this handbook is to provide exchange partners with information about the application and acceptance process for international students wishing to study at the USAL for one or two semesters.


Director María Soloeta

Cooperation Coordinator Maria José Chena

Academic Advisor Catherina Dhooge

International Exchange Coordinator Andrea Casareto

Academicadvisors Victoria Labari

Pablo Guzzetti

Administrative assistant Angeles Torrecilla

Short Programs Maria Soloeta

We can be reached at

Tel/Fax: (54 11) 4372 – 3016

Tucumán 1699

Buenos Aires, Argentina C1050 AAG

Office Hours: Monday thru Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

For emergency matters outside of business hours, please call:

(54 9 ) 115 669 3567

Andrea Casareto: ( 54 11) 4552 4122 (home)


The Universidad del Salvador (USAL) is a private Jesuit university founded in 1956. USAL is considered to be one of the finest academic institutions in South America, and with more than one hundred agreements with foreign institutions, it is a pioneer in international cooperation and student exchanges in Argentina.

USAL actively promotes faculty and student exchanges as well as internship programs. Yearly, it receives over 500 international exchange students in its classrooms from Brazil, Canada, Mexico, United States, France, Spain, United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, Germany, Finland and Iceland.

The Universidad del Salvador offers different programs for international students:

Intensive Spanish Course (CIE), a four-week language and culture program offered prior to the beginning of each semester.

The Programa de Inmersión Cultural (PIC), a 17-week interdisciplinary study program about Argentina and the region for students with limited Spanish language.

Regular semester program: advanced students access classes with local students and professors.

Faculty led programs on language, culture and politics.


USAL urban campus is located in the heart of Buenos Aires, cultural and business center. Buenos Aires, the capital city of Argentina, a sophisticated metropolis, it is one of the largest concentration of Spanish-speaking people in the world. Situated on the Rio de La Plata, 100 miles from the Atlantic Ocean, it is a major port and center of activity in Argentina.

Most schools and Facultades are within a ten-block distance in the downtown area. The University has a campus, “Nuestra Señora del Pilar”, located 60 km from Buenos Aires, where students can enjoy a suburban setting.

Student body

More than 16000 students are studying at present at USAL in about 150 undergraduate and graduate programs. Among the most traditional and popular degrees are Medicine, Social Sciences, Psychology, Business Administration, Journalism and Advertisement, Letters, English/Spanish Translation- Interpretation, and Eastern Studies.


JANUARYSummer recess. The university will be closed.

FEBRUARY 1 University resumes normal activities.

Second week: Spanish Intensive Course Session I begins (4 wks).

MARCHSecond week: Arrival of international students. Orientation Course.

Third Week: First semester begins.

24 Day of Memory for Truth and Justice

APRIL2Argentine Rights over the MalvinasIslands. National Holiday.


MAY1International Labor Day. National Holiday.

25Anniversary of the 1810 May Revolution. National Holiday.

JUNE20Flag Day. National Holiday.**

Last week: Spanish Intensive Course Session II begins (4 wks).

JULYFirst week: First semester ends.

9Independence Day. National Holiday.

Third week: Arrival of International students. Orientation.

Last week: WINTER RECESS. The university will be closed.

31San Ignacio de Loyola. University closed.

AUGUSTFirst week: Second semester begins .

15 Religios holiday. University closed.

17 Anniversary of the Death of Gral. San Martín. National Holiday**

SEPTEMBER21 Students Day. University closed.

OCTOBER12 Columbus Day. National Holiday*.


NOVEMBERFirst week: Second semester ends.

29University closed.

DECEMBER 8 Religious holiday. University closed.

24 and 25: Christmas Holidays. University closed.

31 New Year's Eve. University closed.

* National Holidays move to the following Monday.

** National Holidays move to the third Monday of each month.

***Exact dates of Academic Calendar will be provided at the beginning of each year.



Students must be nominated by their Exchange Coordinators by mail to: , indicating full name and period of exchange.

Students must complete the on line application form at with the following documentation:

  • Letter of academic motivation in Spanish (appr. 250 words).
  • Copy of official academic transcript.
  • Tentative list of courses
  • Spanish language proficiency report (to be downloaded before completing the form)
  • Completed Medical Form, signed by the student (to be downloaded before completing the form)
  • Valid Passport copy.

Once students are accepted, they are to complete their acceptance by sending:

  • Proof of health insurance coverage for exchange period
  • Completed and signed Información de Llegada,Arrival information form.(to be downloaded from accepted students website)

Application deadlines

  • First semester (March-July): October 15 of each year.
  • Second semester (July-November): April 15 of each year.


Our office sends acceptances by email with the following information:

  • Official Acceptance letter
  • Pre-departure Instructions
  • Migrations requirements information
  • Housing information
  • Academic calendar

Accepted students should follow the guidelines and directions on the Pre-departure instructions sheet as part of their exchange requirements. The instructions include information regarding selection and registration of courses, visa, health insurance, housing and arrival in Buenos Aires.

Extension of Period of Exchange

Students who wish to apply for a second semester at USAL once in Buenos Aires, must follow this procedure: contact our office, complete and submitt the Extension Application form, (including the requested documents). We will contact the home university regarding existing balance and make final decision upon revision of all documents.


  • Spanish proficiency requirement: all students will need proof of five semesters of college Spanish level (High Intermediate Spanish) or its equivalent. To see the descriptor of the language level, go to appendix I.
  • Student visa: Argentine migratory regulations stipulate that students, according to their citizenship, (1) may be eligible to enter the country on a tourist visa and change their status once in Buenos Aires or (2) apply for a student visa at their country of residency. Detailed information is included in this handbook.
  • Health insurance: International students admitted by the Universidad del Salvador will need a health insurance coverage for the term of their exchange. This coverage must include Medical Evacuation and Repatriation of remains. As part of the acceptance process, once confirmed by USAL, students are to send us proof of health insurance coverage.
  • Housing: Students are responsible for making housing reservations, except ISEP and North Park students. The Office of International Programs will assist in this process.


Beginning August 2006, Argentine Migrations (Dirección Nacional de Migraciones de Argentina) has passed a new law (Disposición 20.699/06) that regulates the entrance of foreign students into the country.

Based on this new law, students according to their citizenship: (1) may be eligible to enter the country on a tourist visa and change their migratory status once in Buenos Aires or (2) will have to apply for a student visa at their country of residency.

Citizens of countries that the Argentine migration policy states that do not require a tourist visa, will be have to change their migratory status once they arrive in Buenos Aires.

Citizens of countries that Argentine migration policy states that require a tourist visa, will have to apply for a student visa in the country of permanent residence prior to their exchange.

In order to check the migratory requirements, please go to:

Please note, that students that change their migrations status in Buenos Aires will need to bring a number of documents according to their country of origin and period of stay in Argentina.

Students who do not comply with Argentina’s migratory legislation will have to be cancelled from the program and will not be issued an academic transcript. USAL will notify the National Migrations Departmentand the home university.

We appreciate your cooperation in reinforcing the compliance to this requirement.


All international students admitted by the Universidad del Salvador will need a health insurance coverage that includes medical evacuation and repatriation.

Important note:

Students that take medication on a regular basis, should bring enough medication for the complete exchange period as well as their medical history (indicating diagnosis, drug prescribed and dosage) signed by their physician. Students must contact the Argentinean Consulate in order to be informed of the permits required to enter the country with the prescribed medication.


Universidad del Salvador provides housing and/or meals only to North Park, The University of Manchester and ISEP students.

Exchange programs with no housing and meal benefits:

Options available in Buenos Aires to international students are: homestay, private student residencies or apartment rentals. Once accepted, the USAL will provide updated information about these options.

Please note that it is the student who makes the reservations, final arrangements and necessary payments directly to the provider.

Exchange programs with housing and/or meal benefits(North Park, The University of Manchester and ISEP students)

Students will be placed in either student residencies or family stay during the period of benefits (please see the academic calendar for international students to check dates). The housing assingment will be done upon availability.

Should a student need housing before or after the period of benefits, he/she is to make his/her own arrangements.

Meals (for ISEP and North Park Students only)

USAL will give students a stipend that will cover all meals during the semester. The specific amount and forms of payment will be informed during Student Orientation.

Detailed information on housing will become available on line once students are accepted.

For more information contact:


The University is made of facultades (Schools) and Escuelas where one or more academic degrees are offered. Our academic system is based on a mandatory curriculum.

Our regular students are given a structured study plan every year of their degree. Argentine students take all their courses with the same group of classmates.

The language of instruction is Spanish.


It consists of two semesters:

First semester: 2nd week of March – 1st week of July

Second semester: last week of July – 1st week of November.

International students planning to stay at the USAL for a full year, we recommend that they apply from March to November.


There are semester-long courses and annual courses. International students may register in either type of classes.

International students can choose any subject offered in any major according to their interests, academic background and Spanish proficiency.

International students should register in a minimum number of 5 courses.

The teaching methodology varies according to the professor: lecture type classes in groups no larger than 40 students, small group courses with active interaction between faculty and students and classes specially designed for international students.

Courses meet once or twice per week.

Class attendance is mandatory. Students must have at least 75% attendance rate.

Student assessment varies: midterm exams, final exams, research work, term papers, etc. Examinations can be oral or written. Exams for international students are given within the semester and before classes end.

Our grading system is from 0 to 10. 10 is the highest grade. 4 is the lowest passing grade and anything below it is a Fail.

The language of instruction is Spanish.

Transcripts are sent to the student’s home university at the beginning of the following semester:

First semester: academic transcripts will be mailed by September.

Second semester: academic transcripts will be mailed by February.

WHEN COMPLETING THE APPLICATION, international students must include a list of

classes of interest. We suggest to make a pre-selection of 7 to 8 classes so that

they have abroad range of options in case courses are not available.

Descriptions of courses can be found at :

USAL's complete academic offer.

Spanish as a second language courses and most popular courses are listed by areas.

NOTE:Schools or Facultades may cancel a class without prior noticification.

The final admission of an international student into a class is based on the school’s approval, the student’s academic background and proficiency of Spanish.



International students that arrive at the Aeropuerto Internacional de Ezeiza on the official arrival date will be met by personnel of the Universidad del Salvador.

In order to be met at the airport, students should send their Arrival Information at least 15 days prior to their arrival.


Upon arrival at the Universidad del Salvador, international students attend a mandatory International Orientation course. The course is structured in the following way:

  • A two-day orientation meeting where we present them with information about personal safety in Buenos Aires, health matters and emergency procedures, transportation system, academic system, selection of courses and registration.
  • Spanish level exam: during the first week, students interested in taking the Spanish courses for international students will take a placement exam.
  • Interviews with international academic advisors: Individual appointments are scheduled with the academic advisors to help students review the pre-selection of courses.
  • Migratory requirement meetings: mandatory meetings about the procedures and documents required to apply for the student resident permit.(Residencia transitoria).
  • Social activities with Argentine students: the office organizes a couple of social “get together” for international students. Argentine students participate in these events.


1-Student orientation: our advisors will guide students with the steps to complete their selection of classes: academic calendar, course schedule, registration dates and procedures, etc.

Meet with the International Academic Advisors: for general academic advising.

2- Beginning of Classes: International students will go to the pre-selected courses until course registration.

3- Registration: Official registration is the third week of classes. Students register on line. Please be reminded that the minimum course load per semester is 5 classes.


International students that do not comply with USAL course requirements will be cancelled from the program.


During orientation, International students are given information as to how to proceed in case of a medical emergency:

1)Contact our staff at any time.

2)Go to the nearest hospital if necessary.


For safety reaSons, we ask students to inform us if they will be travelling within or out of the country.


(Monday to Friday, 9.00 a.m. – 6.00 p.m.) / OUTSIDE OFFICE HOURS
4372-2758 / 15 5669 3567

Appendix I

Intermediate Spanish level descriptors for USAL

  • Comprensión y producción oral:

Tiene conciencia de registro formal e informal y comprende a hablantes nativos de una variedad conocida en situaciones cotidianas, pero puede manifestar dificultades para expresarse especialmente en el registro formal.

Es capaz de expresar opiniones sobre temas abstractos y culturales de forma limitada, ofrecer consejos sobre un área conocida, y comprender instrucciones o anuncios públicos, y matices en los significados y opiniones.

Puede describir experiencias pasadas y actuales, acontecimientos, deseos, y planes futuros.

Puede expresar con estructuras simples y básicas hipótesis, eventualidades presentes, pasadas y futuras. Puede opinar y fundamentar su opinión. Puede argumentar con estructuras simples.

Sabe desenvolverse en la mayor parte de las situaciones que pueden surgir durante un viaje por países que hablan español.

Puede tomar y transmitir todo tipo de mensajes.

Vacila con frecuencia buscando las palabras adecuadas para comunicarse. Realiza pausas para organizar su discurso, y depende en cierta medida de la colaboración de su interlocutor para mantener la fluidez de la conversación. Puede manifestar muletillas de su lengua materna.

Conoce el léxico correspondiente a áreas temáticas generales. Presenta restricción en el uso de sinónimos.

(El conocimiento y uso de los componentes gramaticales se detallan en el punto de Producción Escrita.)

Puede presentar alguna dificultad en la producción de sonidos característicos del español, y su entonación puede presentar marcas fuertes de la lengua materna (en la mayoría de los casos no afecta la comprensión).

  • Lectocomprensión:

Es capaz de comprender el significado general y puntos principales de textos claros en lengua estándar, sobre temas desconocidos y teóricos dentro de un contexto conocido. Puede diferenciar entre información principal y secundaria. Puede requerir la ayuda del diccionario

Puede comprender artículos periodísticos que traten sobre hechos reales, cartas informativas sobre un tema que conoce y con una estructura convencional, textos de opinión simples y textos instructivos.

De textos más complejos solo comprende la idea general, siempre va a necesitar el diccionario para leer textos académicos. Incluso con su ayuda puede tener dificultades para comprenderlo.

  • Producción Escrita:

Es capaz de producir textos sencillos y coherentes sobre temas familiares o que le interesen particularmente, de manera precisa. Puede escribir cartas personales y correos electrónicos que describan experiencias y reacciones, organicen planes futuros, hagan pedidos, etc.; puede producir textos narrativos (respetando la concordancia verbal), descriptivos, argumentativos básicos e instructivos.