International and Public Relations Office




Dear colleagues!

It is our great pleasure to invite you to participate in theIVthInternational Internet-Symposium“Global education: practices and prospects to carry out strategies of multicultural education” that will be held on-line on 25th October, 2017.

Full details would be available on our official website:

The Symposium aims to reveal similarities and differences in relevant approaches to multicultural educationemployed in Russia, CIS and Eastern countries, BRICS, European Union, North and South America as well as to define key strategies of multicultural education in the short term.

The Symposium is expected to cover the following range of issues:

  1. Strategies of multicultural education appliedin Russia, CIS and Eastern countries, BRICS, European Union, North and South America: background and prospects for further development.
  2. Intercultural education from the perspective of integration of educational space.
  3. Integration of EU educational systems.
  4. Academic mobility as a feature of international integration in education.
  5. Joint education programs: development and implementation.
  6. Language education: the current state and prospects for the development.
  7. Language and culture: interrelation of the phenomena. The role of language in culture.

The official languages of the Symposium are Russian, English, German and Spanish.

We kindly ask you to confirm your participation and send your abstracts, reports and presentations by 1st October, 2017.

If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contactus:

Udmurt State University, Russian Federation.

Organizing Committee.

tel.: 8(3412) 916-164;

tel.: 8(3412)916-159

e-mail:(Department of foreign languages for specific purposes).

The organizers are planning to publish collection of articles summarizing the results of the Internet-symposium. Please e-mail your papers by 1st December, 2017 based on the following requirements:

  1. Page count: up to 12 pages.
  2. 5-8 Key Words.
  3. Abstract: 150-200 words.
  4. Font: 14 Times New Roman.
  5. Spacing: 1.
  6. Paper margins: left: 3 cm; right: 2 cm; top: 2 cm; tail: 2 cm.
  7. References.