Welcome to Fujitsu Services Internal Opportunities.This website should be the first port of call for any Fujitsu Services employee who is looking for a new role within the organisation.
Page Structure - each page on this site is split into 3 distinct sections i.e. Page Header, Page Content and
Page Footer.
Page Header - the header is shown on every page and contains the Fujitsu logo followed by the
NavigationLine (e.g. Opportunities > Home).
Page Footer – see descriptions below
How to section
How do I log-in?
Please enter your Fujitsu email address in the email field
The default password the first time you log-in is the first six letters of your surname (where your surname is less than six letters please type in your entire surname) and last three numbers of your personnel number e.g. bloggs321. Please change your password on your first log-in.
What if I forget my password?
Click on the forgotten password link at the bottom of the log-in page, this will be emailed to you within a few minutes.
What can I expect from the role as an internal candidate?
I-GRasp will allow you to start applying for internal opportunities, register for job alerts, book interviews online and track the status of any application you make from CV submission through to offer.
How do I search for available roles?
Once you have logged on click on ‘Search vacancies now’ enter your search criteria (full description of search criteria in next section)Click on search and apply to display your results. Click on the title to view job description and apply
What does each search option mean?
Search enables specification of detailed search criteria to locate opportunities. Returned opportunities can be sorted (ascending/descending) by RAR Number,Job Title, Location and Date Authorised.
RAR Number - if you know the RAR number of the opportunity you are interested in, enter it in this field andpress search key
Professional Community Hierarchy - Professional community and professional community code, changing theProfessional community will automatically repopulate professional community code.
Organisational Hierarchy- specifieswhich part ofFujitsu Services is offering the opportunity i.e. Division, Organisation Level 1, Organisation Level 2.
Region- region the opportunity is located in. Selecting "Show all" will search for opportunities in all regions.
Site location- shows which Fujitsu site the opportunity is located in. Selecting "Show all" will search for opportunities in all sites.
RAR Status- "Approved Internal" or "Approved External". "Approved Internal" means approved for internal recruitment only. "Approved External" means approved for internal AND external recruitment. Selecting "Show all" will search for both.
Search - initiates the search based on the entered criteria above. Returned opportunities can be sorted (ascending/descending) by RAR Number,Job Title, Location and Division
How do I apply for a role?
Scroll to the bottom of the job description and click on click here to apply for this role. This will take you back to the homepage. Under my profile complete all sections:
For roles in Great Britain the following needs to be completed
My Details – click on this to complete the section
CV Upload – click on this to complete the section
For roles in Northern Ireland the following needs to be completed
My Details – click on this to complete the section
Education - click on this to complete the section
Qualifications - click on this to complete the section
Work History - click on this to complete the section
At the end of each section please ensure that you have ticked the ‘Tick here to mark this section as completed’ then click save details.
How do I know if a new jobs has been added
In order to keep updated on new jobs are soon as they are added, please register for job alerts. As soon as a role is added to internal opportunities you will receive an email notification with the RAR number.
How do I register for job alerts?
Click on search opportunities, enter your search criteria. If this does not bring up any roles you are looking for or you would like to register for similar roles at the bottom of the search criteria there is a link call ‘register for job alerts’. Click onto this to add your alert criteria and click submit.
Can I modify my job alerts?
Yes, on your homepage under the section email alerts, there is a link titled modify job alerts. Click on this and make the relavant changes.
How will I find out if my CV application is successful?
You will receive feedback at CV stage via email. If you application is unsuccessful the email will advise why. If you are successful to the next stage which is interview, if will give you details to log-on to book an interview slot.
How do I book interviews on-line?
Follow the link in the email or click on the internal opportunities link. Log-in and on your homepage there will be a link called book interview. Click on the link and select a slot you can attend. Confirmation will be sent to you by email to confirm the interview and it will also be sent to the hiring manager to confirm you have booked in for an interview. Your homepage will also show booked interviews pending.
How can I look at my exisiting applications?
On your homepage in the top box click on show previous applications. This will list all roles applied for. Date applied – shows the date you applied. If you click on the job title this will take you to the job details and description and the status shows the status your application is currently at.
What is my emails?
If you click on my emails, it lists all the emails you have received and the dates they were sent to you.
Will my application remain confidential?
Only the individuals responsible for recruiting for the role you have applied for will be able to see your application and HR. You do need to inform your Line Manager if you are applying for another role internally.
What ate the useful links on thepage footer?
Home:Fujitsu Services Internal Opportunities home page.
Recruitment Portal: Cafevik portal of information encompassing a wide variety of resources related to recruitment.
Human Resources Portal: Cafevik portalfor the Human Resources (HR) Community, which contains a wealth of resources and HR information.
Invest In YourselfPortal: Cafevikpersonal development portal. This site contains a number of programmes, techniques and guidance notes which will assist you in your own personal development and career progression.
Introduce A Friend.A scheme that exists to enhance the Fujitsu Services recruitment model, giving the business an additional reliable and highly cost effective source of excellent candidates for permanent externally approved vacancies.
Feedback:Emailfeedback on Fujitsu Services Internal Opportunities website.
Recruitment Services Contact List:Provides details of who to contact within the Recruitment team and how to contact them.
CV Preparation:Guidelines on how to produce a professional Curriculum Vitae (CV), whether for developing your career or changing roles.
Career Guidance: Useful information on developing your career.