Dover-Sherborn Regional School Committee

Meeting of February 16, 2012

Members Present: Clare Graham, Chair

Shelley Poulsen, Vice Chair

Ellen Williamson

Lauren Balk

Robyn Hunter

Richard Robinson

Also Present: Valerie Spriggs, Superintendent

Christine Tague, Business Administrator

Dover Warrant Committee: Kathleen M.Gill-Body, John Cone, Kate Bush,

David Melville

Sherborn Advisory Committee: Mark Brandon, Russell X. Pollock, Barbara

Wands, Mary Wolff, Eric Sirri, Lanny Rubin

1. Call to Order

Ms. Graham called the meeting to order at 6:09PM in the Dover-Sherborn Middle School Library.

2. FY13 Budget Presentation

Ms. Graham and Ms. Tague presented the attached Dover-Sherborn Regional School FY13 proposed budget as of February 16, 2012 to members of the Dover Warrant Committee and Sherborn Advisory Committee.

The items in the budget that are still estimates include: State Aid (Chapter 70, Transportation and Circuit Breaker), Workmen’s Compensation and Property Insurance. State Aid figures will be known when the State Budget is approved. Workmen’s Compensation and Property Insurance will be known in April.

David Melville, Dover Warrant, expressed concern about establishing a stabilization fund rather than an irrevocable trust to fund Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB). Lanny Rubin, Sherborn Advisory, commented that the Region has always funded their OPEB obligations in their operating budget. The school committee will discuss the OPEB issue at their March meeting.

3. Approval of Minutes

Ms. Poulsen made a motion to approve the minutes of January 10, 2012. Ms. Williamson seconded.

VOTE: 6 – 0

Ms. Poulsen made a motion to approve the minutes of January 19, 2012. Mr. Robinson seconded.

Under Members Present, add Richard Robinson. Under item 2) c) first sentence, add an “h” to as to read “has”; capitalize “U” in unifund to read “Unifund”.

VOTE (as amended): 6 – 0

The Sherborn School Committee minutes of December 15, 2011 and the Dover School Committee minutes of December 19, 2011 were noted.

4. March Agenda items

Stabilization fund, Gale Report update, MS A/C update, SESC update, Certify budget, Public Budget hearing, Capital Policy, K-5 World Language, Extra Compensatory

5. Executive Session -Administrators/NonUnion Contract Negotiations–Return to open session

Poll to go into Executive Session at 7:50PM

Ms. Poulsen – yes, Mr. Robinson – yes, Ms. Hunter – yes, Ms. Williamson – yes, Ms. Balk –yes,

Ms. Graham – yes

6. Return to Open Session 8:10PM

Ms. Poulsen made a motion to approve the Administrator/Non Union salary increases, with the

exception of the Superintendent, as indicated on the schedule provided. The Director of

Technology will receive a 2% increase for FY13 and a $10,000 market adjustment. Mr. Robinson


VOTE: 5 – 1

Ms. Hunter made a motion to make a market adjustment of $10,000 to the Assistant

Superintendent position. Ms. Poulsen seconded.

VOTE: 6 – 0

7. Adjournment

Ms. Poulsen made a motion to adjourn at 8:10PM. Mr. Robinson seconded.

VOTE: 6 - 0

Respectfully Submitted,

Ellen Williamson