M.Ed. Y5Part-time Fall2015Requirements

Intern Requirements: Five Year M.Ed. Secondary and PreK-12

Part-Time Placement: Fall Semester 2015

  1. Arrive a few minutes early at your assigned school and maintain the same contract hours as required of your Mentor Teacher (MT).
  2. If you are ill and cannot attend school, you must call your MT first and then call your University Supervisor (US). You must make arrangements to get your lesson plans to school if you cannot be there. Do not expect your MT to plan when you are not there if it is your responsibility.
  3. Attend all staff meetings and in-service sessions on the days that you are in school. Attend "back to school" nights and parent conferences. (Please be sure that your MT has given his/her permission to attend these meetings.) If your school has a teacher workday on one of those days, check with your teacher to see if s/he would like you to be there.
  4. Interns are required to report on Friday, November 13th to a Mandatory Professional Development day to learn about AEDs/First Aid and CPR, listening to a panel comprised of Human Resource Directors discussion the hiring process and participating in mock interviews.
  5. When you begin co-teaching full time with your MT, you should start writing out full lesson plans (please check with both your MT and US as to the appropriate format) and have them approved by the MT well in advance of the lessons. All plans for the next school week should be emailed to your MT and US no later than the previous Thursday for review. (Your MT and US may change this day).
  6. Maintain a weekly electronic time sheet of your hours and activities in the school.This time sheet can be found on the UMW Clinical Experiences site under intern resources/forms. This time sheet will be submitted to the CoE at the end of the fall semester. You will also submit a time sheet for your full time internship for your licensure file at the end of the spring semester.
  7. Submit goals each week to your US and MT. Consult with your MT and US on your goals. The form for submitting these goals is located on the UMW COE Website: tasks to help achieve goals and record the progress you have made. Make your goals and evidence specific; connect goals to the standards in your Internship Evaluations.
  8. Maintain a binder for the MT and US. This binder should contain (a) the tentative schedule for the your increased involvement in the classroom, (b) the daily class schedule, (c) lesson plans both for the lesson to be taught as well as ones that have been taught, (d) a chart of requirements and dates completed, (e) your time sheet, (f) your goal sheets, and (g) any questions you may want to ask of the MT or US. It is useful to maintain all files in an electronic format as well, this will enable you to easily view, edit, and send documents between all parties. If your US prefers to have a hard copy of your lesson plans available for scheduled observations, please make sure to provide them. Your MT and US may add more requirements to your binder.
  9. Meet with MT often to maintain open communication so that this can be a successful learning experience for all involved.
  10. If you miss due to inclement weather you will need to make up that time. Check with your MT to arrange this.
  11. Interns are not permitted to have “personal days.” They are expected to be in their placement during all scheduled times.


This is a schedule of activities for involvement in the internship for the fall semester. The schedule of involvement may be modified, depending on the needs of the Mentor Teachers. Additional specific activities will be added that are part of the requirements for the courses in which interns enroll.

Week 1 (Work Week) August 31– September 4

At least five hours must be completed at the school during this week. Work with your

Mentor Teacher to determine the best times.

Help your MT arrange the classroom, put up bulletin boards, organize materials for the first week, etc

Attend beginning-of-the-year meetings and other school-related events that are recommended by your MT

Observe and take careful notes of all that your MT does to prepare for the new year

Become familiar with materials in the classrooms as well as other resources in the school (Be sure you are familiar with all multi-media equipment available.)

Acquire a space to "call yours" in the classrooms

Acquire a plan book

Study curriculum guides (district, school, grade level)

Plan your involvement in class activities with MT

If your MT approves, write a brief letter to the parents/guardians of the students in your first placement. Introduce yourself and describe your educational background, your role in the classroom. Stress your appreciation for this opportunity and your availability to work with their children. Be sure you have your MT and US’s final approval before sending the letter.

Talk to your MT about topics for your mini unit to be taught in Weeks 6 and/or 7 for Impact Study

Reflect on your experiences

Get a map and walk around the school

Set Goals for Week 2

Intern, US & MT: Meet to discuss expectations and procedures for the fall part-time internship. If you have multiple interns in one school, this may all be done together. They may also be accomplished during the Internship Orientation on 8/27.

Week 2 (First Week of School) September 8-11(No UMW classes this week)

You may wish to spend more than the typical 15 hours during this week to see how your MT begins the school year.

Take detailed notes of the first days of school and reflecton your observations

Observe the MT as they conduct class routines and complete duties (e.g., hall, lunch or bus duty, etc.)

Observe each MT's system of management of student activity and behavior

Assume some general procedural activities/daily routines as directed by the MTs

Learn students' names

Learn the class schedule, class routines, and class rules

Talk to your MT about topics for your mini unit to be taught in Weeks 6 and/or 7for Impact Study

Study classroom materials -- guides, books, other resources

Weeks 3 – 5 September 14 – October 4 (Only UMW Classes)

You will not be in school for these three weeks. You will only report to UMW courses.

Work with US and MT to fine tunemini unit for Impact Study

Continue studying classroom materials -- guides, books, other resources

Check in with MT electronically (and possibly meet) as needed

Set Goals for Week 6

Week 6 (1st Full Week in Schools) October 5 – October 9

Try to teach the mini-unit for the Impact Study between Week 6 and 7.

Teach mini unit for Impact Study this Week or in Week 7.

Observe your MT's system of management of student activity and behavior

Assist MT in daily routines (Don't forget that if your MT has bus duty (or other duties), you need to be there too, unless the MT requires otherwise.)

Study MT's sketch plans in her/his plan book (Copy these into your plan book)

Observe students and take notes

Assume responsibility for maintaining daily routines on the days that you are in the classroom

Begin to “spot teach" from MT's plans and/or plans you have developed with MT's guidance

Team plan for next week with your MT

Continue studying classroom materials -- guides, books, other resources

Reflect on your planning and teaching experiences

Set Goals for Week 7

Save items for youre-portfolio.

Week 7 (2nd Full Week in Schools) October 12 – October 16

If you have not started (or finished) teaching your mini-unit for your Impact Study, try to do so this week.

Start or Finish mini unit for Impact Study

Assume responsibility for daily routines

Reflect on your planning and teaching experiences

Continue to observe students and take notes

Continue to team plan with your MT

Set Goals for Week 8

Save items for youre-portfolio.

Intern: Complete the first Self-Assessment.

MT: Complete the Mid-Placement Evaluation.

US: Complete one Informal ObservationForm and the Mid-Placement Evaluation.

All:MT and Interns should discuss Mid-placement Evaluation by 10/16. The Intern will set Goals based on MT & US Mid-Placement Evaluations. Interns should share Self-Assessment and Goals with their US & MT.

Week 8 (3rd Full Week in Schools) October 19- October 23

Try to co-plan and teach as much as possible. Complete a video-recorded lesson this week.

Continue to teach, as much as possible

Continue responsibility for daily routines

Continue to observe students and take notes

Continue to team plan with your MT

Reflect on your planning and teaching experiences

Set Goals for Week 9

Save items for youre-portfolio.

Intern: Video record one lesson and reflect on the review of the video recording and complete the second Self-Assessment (for video recording online). US will also observe this lesson either in person or via video recording.If you need to share the video, using Dropbox is a good option. DO NOT put the video online where the public can view it.

US:Complete second Informal Observation Form for the video lesson.

All: Discuss video Self-Assessment.

Week 9 (4th and Last Full Week in Schools) October 26- October 30

Try to co-plan and teach as much as possible. Reflect on what you need to work on for the full-time internship in the spring semester.

Continue to teach, as much as possible

Continue responsibility for daily routines

Continue to observe students and take notes

Continue to team plan with your MT

Reflect on your planning and teaching experiences

Prepare students for your temporary departure

Reflect on your experiences & make note of specific steps you will take to prepare yourself for January.

Get final approval for your research project from your MT. Set up dates for implementation.

Save items for youre-portfolio.

Intern: Complete the thirdSelf-Assessment

MT and US: Complete thirdInformal Observation and the Final-Placement Evaluation by November 7th, 2015.

All:MT, US and Intern should plan a time for a final conference to discuss progress and identify areas that need improvement as recorded on the Final Evaluation by November 7th, 2015. The Intern will share his/her third and final Self-Assessment at that time. Interns should work with MT and US to formulate goals for next semester.

Weeks 10 - 15 (UMW Classes Fulltime)October 31 – End of Semester

You will spend the rest of the semester completing UMW courses.

Intern and US:Impact Study Deadline will be set by the US.