1. Pyramid (1900 yrds)

(go all the way down, then all the way back up. 10 sec rest between each step)

100 warm up/ cool down

25 skull ( no kick )

50 6 kick roll

75 streamlined kick (25 each of RS, LS and FR)

100 stroke

200 zipper freestyle

400 quality swim with flipturns

2. (1950 yrds)

WU: 100 swim, 100 stroke, 100 choice drill

6 x 50 drill ( 2 of each 6 kick delay, zipper, fists)

medium300 swim, 300 kick

medium-hard200 swim, 200 kick

hard100 swim, 100 kick

CD: 50 stroke, 50 swim, 50 stroke

3. (2000 yrds)

WU: 100 swim, 50 kick, 50 drill

4 x 75 drill (zipper, fists, 3 sec. delay, reach)

8 x 50 even 50’s: fly kick with board

odd 50’s: freestyle build

2x 400 swim with even pace

2 x 25 head up freestyle

2 x 25 free, hard effort

CD: 150 easy

4. (Total: 2100 yrds)

WU: 100 drill, 100 kick

6 x 100 (25 head up freestyle, 75 swim)

Main set:

400 continuous

4 x 25 windsprints (no breathing throughout entire 25)

400 continuous

3 x 100 (50 kick, 50 back)

CD: 100 easy

5. (Total: 2300 yrds)

WU: 300 easy drill of choice

200 streamlined kick (50 of each: RS, LS, FR, BK)

4 x 50 site twice in each 50

3 x300 swim (maintain pace!)

50 hard

150 pull

4 x 50 on :45 sec

CD: 200 easy

6. (Total: 2300 yrds)

WU: 100 free, 50 kick, 50 drill

500 continuous (time yourself)

4 x 50 pull

4 x 50 on 1:00 or :55

3 x 50 on :55 or :50

1 x 50 sprint

2 x 175 (75 kick, 100 swim)

500 continuous (time yourself, compare with beginning of practice)

CD: 3 x 50 easy stroke (stroke = backstroke, fly or breast stroke... no freestyle!)

7. (Total: 2100 )

WU: 100 drill of choice, 200 easy

400 continous kick (25 easy, 25 hard)

150 continous pull

9 x 50 on :50 sec (breathe every 3rd stroke the first 50yrds, 5th stroke the 2nd 50 yrds, & 7th stroke over the third 50 yrds. repeat 3 times)

50 easy backstroke

3 x 200 freestyle (lower your total time over each 200)

CD: 150 easy

8. (Total: 2200)

WU: 100 choice, 50 back

4 x 100 freestyle drill

25 head up freestyle

400 continous kick (build throughout each 100)

4 x 50 on :45sec

400 continous swim (build throughout entire 400)

3 x100 (kick if you are a boy, pull if you are a girl)

50 hard

CD: 100 easy

9. (Total:2200 yrds)

WU: 100 drill, 50 kick, 50 swim

2 x 100 pull

100 drill

4 x 25 sprint kick (2 dolphin kick, 2 flutter kick)

1000 continuous freestyle * every second 25 of each 100: site an object on the pool deck once, every 4th 25 of each 100: breathe on every 5th stroke

3 x 50 on :50 sec (or :45)

50 back

3 x 50 on :45 sec (or :40)

50 back

CD: 100 easy

10. (total: 1100 + 20 mins cont.)
WU: 200 choice of drill
100 flutter kick
100 pull
100 dolphin kick
20 minutes continuous swim with sighting objects to determine speed
200 flutter kick
6 x 50 swim on :45
CD: 100 easy stroke
11. (total: 2100)
WU: 100 swim, 50 drill, 50 choice
16 x 50 first 6 freestyle swim on :50 sec (or :45)
following 4 are fly kick (take 10 sec rest between each)
last 6 are again freestyle swim on :50 sec (or :45)
500 continuous swim, work on consistent pace
4 x 75 (breath every 3rd stroke for first 25m, every 5th stroke for
2nd 25, every 7th stroke for last 25m) *15 sec rest between each
2 x 100 perfect flags in (good flipturns & streamlines)
CD: 100 easy backstroke
12. (total: 2150)
WU: 200 easy choice
3 x 100 drill (fists)
4 x 200 swim
50 dolphin kick
2 x 25 windsprint (hard effort, no breathing at all! Take lots of
rest in between)
3 x 50 pull
50 perfect flags in (flipturn, good streamlines)
50 distance per stroke (focus on efficiency)
2 x 25 windsprint
CD: 100 easy choice

Intermediate Build 3

Monday Feb 25 (Total: 2300 yrds)

WU: 300 easy drill, 200 streamlined kick (50 each of RS, LS, FR, BK)

4 x 50 swim on :45 sec or :50 sec sighting twice in each 50yrds

3 x 300 swim at constant pace, 50 hard, 30 sec rest

4 x 50 swim on :45 sec or :50 sec, sighting twice in each 50 yrds

CD: 200 choice easy

Wednesday Feb 27

OPTION 1: 2500yrd continuous swim (alternate 500yrds with fins, 500 without fins)


WU: 200 drill

10 minutes continuous swim with sighting for pace

9 x 50 on :50 sec breathing every 3rd, 5th, 7th stroke

200 kick with board

4 x 25 sprint

200 kick with board

CD: 150 easy stroke

Friday Feb 29 (Total: 2300)

WU: 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 choice drill

4 x 50 on :45 sec sighting twice within each 50 yrds

600 continuous (alternate 100 hard swim, 100 recovery kick with board)

4 x 75 (25 pull, 50 swim)

750 continuous (alternate 200 medium/hard effort, 50 easy backstroke)

CD: 2 x 75 choice easy

Intermediate Down Week
Monday March 3 (Total: 1900yrds)
WU: 200 choice, 200 streamlined kick, 100 pull
4 x 75 swim (50 drill, 25 swim)
**work on flip turns for 10 minutes
5 x 200 swim on 3:30 **WITH FLIP TURNS
CD: 100 choice
Wednesday March 5 (2150yrds)
WU: 100 swim, 100 kick, 100 drill
5 x 50 drill
3 x 400 (1st 400 swim, 2nd 400 kick, 3rd 400 swim) with fins
5 x 50 on :45
CD: 100 easy, 50 stroke
Friday March 7 (2000 yrds)
WU: 100 swim, 100 drill, 100 kick
3 x 500 continuous swim **TAPING WITH VIDEOCAMERA
100 kick
CD: 100 easy backstroke