Thorpe St Andrew Town Council Meeting

Minutesof the meeting held on Monday 7th February 2011

1. Present:Mr J. M. Ward (Town Mayor)Mr S. Freeman-Pannett

Mr I. J. Mackie (Deputy Town Mayor)Mr E. A. Newberry

Mr A. J. BarberMr G. Rowe

Mr D. E. EleyMrs E. C. Laming

Mr J. EmsellMr R. S. James

Mr J. F. FisherMr R. Robson

Mr G. Allison

Apologies:Mr D. Spooner

In attendance: MrS.J.FordTown Clerk

2. Declarations of interest: Mr Mackie, Mr Shawand Mr Warddeclared a personal interest in any matters relating to Norfolk County Council and Broadland District Council asmembers of those councils.Mr Fisher declared a personal interest in any matters relating to Broadland District Council as a member of that council.Mr Barber declared a personal interest in item 12.

3. To confirm the minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2011

The minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2011, previously circulated to members were approved and signed.


The Town Mayor, Mr J. Ward reported that he had written his first monthly report for Parish Life magazine; he had attended the recent Thorpe Players production of the Pajama Game at the village hall. The new upholstered chairs had been very well received by the audiences at the production.

5. Public Participation:

The Town Mayor then put forward a motion, seconded by Mr S. Freeman-Pannettto suspend the meeting to enable members of the public to speak. Following a vote the meeting was suspended to enable members of the public, Town and District Councillors to speak. Notes on the public session are attached as an addendum to the minutes of the Town Council meeting.

6. Finance:

(i)Payment of accounts: Cheque numbers 004370 – 004407 totalling £54324.48, on the 20010/11 payments list were approved and signed.

(ii)Summary of receipts and payments

The summary of receipts and payments was noted.

(iii)Donations – allocation of remaining £250 in budget

It was RESOLVED to donate £100 each to the Norwich Citizens Advice Bureau and Macmillan Cancer Relief and £50 to the Norwich Fringe Project.

(iv)Review of Risk Assessments

It was AGREED that the Risk Assessments were satisfactory and no amendments were required.

(v)Review of effectiveness of Internal Audit

It was AGREED that the effectiveness of the Internal Audit was satisfactory and no amendments were required.

(vi)Review of effectiveness of Internal Control

It was AGREED that the effectiveness of the Internal Control procedures was satisfactory and no amendments were required.

(vii)Review job description of Responsible Finance Officer

It was AGREED that no amendments were required to the job description.

(viii)Review of Financial Regulations

It was AGREED that the Financial Regulations were satisfactory and no amendments were required.

(ix)Appointment of Internal Auditor

It was RESOLVED to appoint Mrs P. James as Internal Auditor for the current financial year.

7. Town Tree Warden’s Report:

The contents of the monthly report were noted. Mr Rope said that the Woodland Trust was looking for support for planting trees in 2012 to celebrate 60 years reign of Her Majesty the Queen.

8. Town Amenities Report:

The contents of the monthly report were noted. It was RESOLVED to accept the quotation of £1380 to connect all the hot water systems at the Fitzmaurice Pavilion to the solar heated hot water cylinder. An article on the energy saving measures that had been put in place would be placed in the next edition of the newsletter.

The manufacturer of the sun tubes had inspected the Morse Pavilion and advised that none of the units had been fitted to their specification. A quotation for replacing all the units would be brought to the next meeting.

It was AGREED to accept a quotation of £384 for cutting the grass at the St AndrewsPark roundabout. The Town Council grounds staff would be responsible for planting and maintenance of the raised flower bed.

A quotation for paving the frontage to the bowls club building had been received that was below the estimated cost of £5000. The work would be carried out as soon as possible.

9. Draft minutes of committee / working group meetings:

Plans Committee

The draft minutes of the Plans Committee meeting held on 17th January 2011were noted.

Amenity officer report working group

The notes of the Amenity officer report working group meeting held on 24th January 2011 were noted. The report recommended that woodwork above the new entrance doors be replaced with plastic units. It was RESOLVED to carry out the repair as soon as possible.

The manufacturer’s report on the leaking sun tubes had been received too late for inclusion on the agenda and would be brought to the March meeting. The sun tubes had not been installed to the manufacturer’s specification. The architect had been advised of the problem and told that the Town Council held them responsible for the cost of rectification as they had designed the building and supervised its construction. The clerk was authorised to contact the legal team at the County Council to seek redress if necessary.

The further contents of the report were accepted and noted.

10. Olive’s Garden:

No further updates on the garden had been received from the Rotary Club or Horticultural Club.

11. Update on River Green:

Industrial scale bird feeding by a small number of people who spread large quantities of grain and bird feed on a daily basis had caused substantial loss of grass that had exposed tree roots had reduced the area between the toilets and the car park area to a muddy morass.

A bylaw prohibiting the feeding of birds by throwing feed onto the surface of the green would be considered when proposed new legislation would allow their introduction. Members of the public would be encouraged to feed the birds by throwing food into the river rather than onto the green.

12. Encroachment of land at DussindalePark:

No further updates had been received.

13. St AndrewsPark roundabout:

Mr J. Emsell had researched options for the planting and signage for the roundabout and would bring sponsorship proposals to a future meeting for consideration by the Town Council and their sponsor. The cutting season would commence in April; ground staff would carry out planting once this had been agreed.

14.NorfolkCounty Council

(i) Correspondence fromChloe Smith M.P and Keith Simpson M.P. regarding the Postwick junction proposals that had been put forward by Mr D. E. Eley and supported by the Town Council was noted.

(ii) Consultation – Norfolk’s 3rd Local Transport Plan. Any comments to be

submitted by 25 February. Mr D. E. Eley would reply and press for consideration of his alternative proposals to the scheme that had previously been approved by the Highways Agency and County Council.

15. Broadland District Council

(i) Delegation of Bus permits and Railcards. Variation to existing agreement.

Information that bus permits would only be issued by the County Council from 1st April 2011 was noted. The County Council would be asked if they would continue the scheme that had previously delegated the issuing of bus passes to parish and town councils who had the capacity to carry out the work.

(ii) Community Involvement Protocol for Significant Development Proposals.

The statement of endorsement of the Protocol for Significant DevelopmentProposals was signed.

(iii) Neighbourhood Planning within the Localism Bill, Neighbourhood Planning


It was AGREED to support the contents of the briefing note that set out how Neighbourhood Planning fitted within Neighbourhood Development Orders as part of the Government’s Localism Bill.

(iv) Election 5 May 2011

Information on the forthcoming District and Town Council election timetable was noted.

(v) Broadland Community Partnership

Funding opportunities that were available for projects that would improve the quality of life outcomes for Broadland residents was noted.


(vi) Delegated functions

Information on payments that would be made by the District Council for work carried out on their behalf was noted.

16. Attendance of RFO at Town Council meetings

It was RESOLVED to instruct the R.F.O. to attend at least 3 Town Council meetings; ideally in October – December for budget setting and at the end of the financial year. The job description would be updated to include the commitment.

17. NorfolkCounty Council - The Big Conversation.

Information on the meeting that had been held at County Hall with parish and town councillors was noted. Further information on County Council work that could be taken on by the Town Council and any payment that would arise was awaited.

18. Request from the Norwich Fringe Project for their 2011 funding


It was RESOLVED to donate £50 under s137 of LGA 1972 to Norwich Fringe Project who carried out a great deal of work in the area.

19. The Royal British Legion. Great Poppy Party Weekend.

Information on the weekend that would be promoted over the 10 -12 June 2011 would be passed to the Events committee for consideration.

20. Youth Football Tournament

It was AGREED that St Andrews Youth Football Team to use could use the Recreation Ground to hold their tournament on 22 May.

21. NorwichCity Council – Consultation on Site allocations plan and

development management policies

The policies and plan would be passed to the Plans committee for consideration and recommendations would be brought to the next Town Council meeting.

For information

A. Request for grit bin at Highfields Close.

Correspondence from resident of Highfields Close who did not support a previous request for a grit bin in the Close was noted.

B.Thorpe St Andrew Council Chairmen and Mayors.

A list of past Chairman and Town Mayors prepared by Mr J. M. Ward, Town Mayor, was noted.

C.Wild about Norfolk 2011.

Information on the event that would be held at EastonCollege on 15 October 2011 was noted.

D.Report on the Broads Forum held 7th October 2010!

The report on the meeting that had been received from the Norfolk Association of Local Councils in January was noted.

E.Plain English guide to the Localism Bill from Dept for CLG and

information on aspects of the bill from Norfolk Association of Local


Information on the Localism Bill that had been received from the Department for Communities and Local Government and the Norfolk Association of Local Councils was noted.

The meeting closed at 21.30.

Date of next meeting 7thMarch 2011 at the Dussindale Centre 7.30p.m.

Addendum to Town Council minutes of meeting held on 7h February 2011

5 (i) Public Session

County and District Councils

Mr I. J. Mackie said the County Council’s cabinet would make decisions following the Big Conversation consultation on 14 February. There would be a considerable reduction in the County’s budget over the next 3 – 4 years. The government’s proposals regarding the proposed sale of forests in the county would come to the Town Council in due course for comment.

DussindalePark Community Trust

Mrs E, C. Laming felt that progress should be made to separate the work of Town Council staff from administration of the Community Centre. Mr D. E. Eley reported that the caretaker was making progress in handling bookings etc, all enquiries should be passed to the caretaker who would be happy to resolve any issues arising.


Mr P. Rope said he agreed with the content of the article about the Town Council in the current edition of Parish Life. He was pleased that the newly elected Town Mayor, Mr J. M. Ward would continue to write an article on the council’s work each month. Mr Rope commented that he liked the comprehensive financial breakdown that had been provided on agenda item 6 (iii).