2015-2016BGJHS 6th Grade Advanced ClassesAgreement (2014-2015 5th Graders)
I understand that I have enrolled in an advanced class or classes and they are taught at a rigorous level with high expectations. I understand that this or these classes will require time and effort on my part as I endeavor to learn new skills and new content. I understand my responsibilities as a student in the advanced curriculum, and I commit to doing the work required.
Sixth Grade Advanced Classes
Advanced Reading
Advanced English
Advanced Science
Advanced Math
**There is a qualification process for Algebra 1 and a separate agreement that must be signed upon qualification.
(PLEASE NOTE: Regardless of the number of high school math courses taken at the Jr. High level, KY statute states that high school students MUST take a math course each year they are in high school. A sixth grade student taking Algebra 1 at the Jr. High level will complete his/her diploma requirements by the end of the eighth grade year. He/She will then have four upper level math courses at the high school.)
SAMPLE Math Plan for student taking Algebra 1 in 6th grade
6th Grade – Algebra 1 (with 8th graders)
7th grade – Geometry Pre-AP (at BGHS)10th Grade – Calculus AP
8th Grade –Algebra 2Pre-AP (at BGHS)11th Grade – AP Statistics
9th Grade –Pre-Calculus Pre-AP12th Grade – Even higher level math class
By signing this agreement, I agree that I have carefully read and understand the advanced criteria listed on the back of this document for each class selected. I have made an informed decision and I commit to doing the work required.
Printed Student Name Grade
Student SignatureDate
As a parent/guardian of the above mentioned student, I understand that my child has enrolled in anadvanced class or classes, and this is a yearlong commitment.
By signing this agreement, I agree that I have carefully read and understand the advanced criteria listed on the back of this document for each class. I have made an informed decision.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Advanced MathClasses
Incoming 6th graders (2015-2016 School Year):
In order for students to be successful in an advanced math class at BGJHS, they must:
- Have math skills that have been consistently above grade level as determined by Star Math or other district progress monitoring tests.
- Have mastered basic skills listed below (WITHOUT THE USE OF A CALCULATOR)
- Whole numbers, Decimals, and Fractions (add, subtract, multiply, and divide)
Ex: 668 1,345 + 12,997 = 78,000 – 3498 = 5967 ÷ 27 =
X 74
Ex: 93.26 3. 74 + 27.3 = 234. 58 – 12. 9 = 987.5 ÷ 1.5 =
X 4.6
Ex: 3 + = 7 x 4 = 76 - 12 = 2÷ =
- Maintain an 80% average for the year – if the average goes below this at the end of the first quarter or second quarter, then he/she will be removed – parents will be contacted about the placement
- No Movement in or out of the advanced class will take place after 2nd quarter
Advanced English/Reading Classes
Advanced classes at BGJHS will be opened to any student who wishes to enter the class. A course description will be given to students and parents and both will have to sign that they understand the requirements.
Advanced English and reading are designed for students who excel in these areas and who are preparing to take AP and APP classes in high school. Students will be exposed to the English Language Arts Common Core Standards and will be expected to read all materials assigned by the teacher. Alternate book assignments will not be given.
To be successful in advanced English/reading, a student must …
- Have reading/English skills that have been consistently above grade level as determined by STAR Reading or other district progress monitoring tests
- Maintain a 75% for the year – if the average goes below this at the end of the second quarter, then the student could be removed from the class and parents will be contacted about a better placement.
Prerequisites for Advanced English/Reading, Sixth Grade:
Students should come to advanced 6th grade English with proficient knowledge of all grammar concepts, (including parts of speech and subject/verb agreement), writing strategies (paragraph development, and sentence structure), and basic conventions (capitalization, punctuation, and spelling). Also, advanced sixth grade students should have competent reading fluency and comprehension skills such as determining main idea, author’s purpose, and story elements.
See Course Description in the full criteria document on our webpage.
Advanced Science Classes
In order for students to be successful in the advanced science classes at BGJHS, they must:
- Have reading and math skills that have been consistently above grade level as determined by Star Math and Reading or other district progress monitoring tests.
- Be able to exhibit comprehension of readings from a variety of texts from 8-10th grade level materials (high school Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and/or Earth Science books).
- Have mastered basic skills within science content:
- Read and interpret simple graphs
- Have knowledge of the steps of the scientific method
- Mastered content vocabulary from elementary school
- Be open to the use of technology throughout the course
- Be introduced to metric units of measure
- Maintain an 80% average for the year- if the average goes below this at the end of the first or second quarters, then the student will be removed- parents will be contacted about better placement.
- No movement in or out of the advanced class will take place after 2nd quarter.