Intercultural Affairs MeetingNovember 1, 2016

Attendance: Jamie Turner (guest), Enrique Elizondo, Matt Dubroff, Dani Widdows, Caroline Emmons, Dirk Johnson, Eric McDonald (guest), Hakeem Croom, and Lisa Burns.

Minutes from October 4th approved with 2 minor adaptations due to typos.

Safe Zone Training for staff and faculty was announced for November 11th from 3:30-5:30 pm. To be held in the Chairman’s Room. Light refreshments provided. An e-mail blast will be sent with a reminder 1 week in advance.

It was suggested that the IAC invite both Anita Garland and Richard Pantele to an IAC meeting to make them more aware of our mission within the H-SC community and to find ways in which we could collaborate to achieve our goal of fostering a more accepting and diverse campus. Dani will provide both Richard and Anita (potentially Ferg) with dates for upcoming meetings.

Dani shared data collected from H-SC’s fact book regarding diversity trends. It appears as if H-SC is not adding in minority students by race. Hispanics are the only group that has been growing. HSC has never been close to our peer institutions’ averages. Caroline suggested an IAC Master Plan as being quite timely. This plan should be created by April 2017 and presented to the President and Provost, along with Admissions, faculty and staff. Essential components: dream session, racial climate survey, focus groups of 4-5 sessions with 4-5 students each. IAC members should construct potential questions and a timeline for completion. Other suggestions included restoring language houses, an International Fair (picnic on the point style) in the spring, create suggestions for intentionality in all campus offices (esp. Admissions), clubs and organizations to increase awareness of how we are welcoming others to increase representation of minority groups in all areas of campus life.

It was reported that 2 of the total 24 of the President’s Men are students of color: Eric McDonald and Jacky Cheng. IAC members are encouraged to contact Cameron Cary with nominations of young men of color who would represent our College well.

Hakeem shared an affirmation concerning a positive shift in campus culture. Recently an HSC sophomore and Resident Advisor (RA) came out to the RA staff during a scheduled staff meeting. The entire RA staff welcomed the news and shared various forms of encouragement. The student’s courage was praised and members of the IAC were encouraged to reach out either in person or in writing to further affirm the student for his courage and openness. Eric suggested that the MSU should also draft a note to bolster the RA’s spirit.

It was also reported that the Provost received our letter of support regarding former Chief Williams’ commitment to inclusivity. The Provost did send a letter in response to the IAC’s appeal and he would also like to come and address the IAC in person. Upcoming IAC meeting dates have been provided to Ms. Clark. It was suggested that Tuesday, November 29th (4:10 p.m.) be a special IAC meeting date for the Provost to address the IAC faculty and staff. Enrique suggested that we share with the Provost suggestions for how the campus police could be more responsive and inclusive, especially regarding student complaints around LGBTQIA and minority student issues.

Great praise was given to the Open Up Oyster Shuck held on Graham Lawn on October 27th. Wellness Advocates, Gender Affairs Committee, MSCU, CAC, No More, and Res Life partnered up to increase campus awareness and togetherness. The central location and extensive partnering really pulled in a large crowd.