Background country information: Right to independent living of persons with disabilities

Mapping Paper

Summary overview of types and characteristics of institutions and community-based services for persons with disabilities available across the EU

Country: United Kingdom

2014 and 2015

FRANET contractor: Human Rights Law Centre, University of Nottingham

DISCLAIMER: This document was commissioned under contract as background material for a comparative analysis by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) for the project ‘The right to independent living of persons with disabilities’. The information and views contained in the document do not necessarily reflect the views or the official position of the FRA. The document is made publicly available for transparency and information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice or legal opinion.
FRA asked its research network FRANET to collect information on types of institutional and community based services for persons with disabilities available in each EU Member State. The data collection focused on the main features of the service types (the type of the structure, the provider and funder of support) and the population provided for (age group, type of impairment, level of support provided). In addition, the data collection on institutional services included information on typical size, length of admissions, and length of time that institutions/services of that type have been operating. The data collection on community-based services included information on availability of the type of CBS in the country, eligibility and user control over the support provided).
More information is available in FRA’s Summary overview of types and characteristics of institutional and community-based services for persons with disabilities available across the EU.


Background country information: Right to independent living of persons with disabilities

Overview of institutional services for persons with disabilities (2014)

Table 1: Typology of institutions

Children’s Homes (total 1,718) (England)[1] / 1-5 places, 6-10 places, 11-30 places / Children / Mixed –mental health problem, intellectual disabilities(emotional and behavioural difficulties) [2] / 24 hour support provided / Mixed –local authority (22%), private and voluntary (78%)[3] / National Government / 6 months to 2 years(those living in homes tend to stay there for relatively short
periods of time – with few placements lasting longer than a year.)[4] / Over 50 years
Care homes for children and young people[5] (Scotland) / 1-5 places, 6-10 places / Children / Mixed - Intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed – local authority, private and voluntary / Local authority / 6 months to 2 years / 10 - 50 years
Children’s Homes[6] (Wales) / 1-5 places, 6-10 places / Children / Intellectual Disability (44 children in children’s homes were on the Learning Disability Register[7] on 31 March 2013)[8] / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed – local authority, voluntary and private[9] / Local authority / Mixed lengths of admission[10] / 10-50 years
Children’s Homes[11] (Northern Ireland) / Unknown / Children[12] / Mixed – Sensory disability, intellectual disability, physical disability and mental health problem,[13] (26% of children in Residential Placements were considered to have a disability)[14] / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed –local authority (41 homes) and independent (9 homes)[15] / Local authority / Unknown (however at 30 September 2013 249 children with disabilities had been looked after for at least 12 months) [16] / Over 50 years
Secure children’s homes (total 32)[17] (England and Wales) / -6-10 places, 11-30 places, 30-100 places (minimum places = 7, maximum places = 42)[18] / Children / Mixed – Intellectual disability and mental health problem (most vulnerable looked after children and young offenders with challenging and complex needs – e.g. with behavioural and emotional difficulties; learning difficulties etc)[19] / 24 hour support provided / Mixed - local authority and voluntary[20] / National Government / Mixed lengths of admission (under 1 month to 12 months)[21] / Over 50 years
Residential Special Schools (total 180)[22] (England) / 1-5 places, 6-10 places, 11-30, 30-100 places[23] / Children / Mixed – Intellectual disability, physical disability and sensory disability (In all special schools the three most frequent types of primary need were Severe Learning Difficulty with 24.7%, Autistic Spectrum Disorder with 21.5% and Moderate Learning Difficulty with 17.8%.)[24] / Variable support provdied -depending upon residents’ needs / Mixed – local authority (local education authority), private and voluntary / Mixed – government and private / Mixed lengths of admission[25] / Over 50 years
Residential Special School[26] (Scotland) / 1-5 places, 6-10 places, 11-30 places / Children / Mixed –Physical disability, intellectual disability (emotional and behavioural difficulties) / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed – local authority, private and voluntary / Local authority / Mixed lengths of admission[27] / 10-50 years
Residential Special Schools[28] (Wales) / 1-5 places, 6-10, 11-30 places / Children / Mixed –Physical disability, intellectual disability (emotional and behavioural difficulties) / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed – local authority and voluntary / Local authority / Mixed lengths of admission[29] / 10-50 years
Psychiatric Hospitals – Inpatient services [30] (England) / Unknown. (However, on the 31st March 2013, 16,989 people were subject to detention under the Mental Health Act 1983, across 225 hospitals) [31] / Adults, Children, Older People[32] / Mixed - Mental health problem and intellectual disability / 24 hour support provided / Mixed – Local authority, private (independent) [33] / National Government (NHS England) / Mixed lengths of admission (in 2012/2013 14296 detentions were the result of short term detention orders, defined as detention for a maximum of 72 hours).[34] (Up to three months (18.5%); Three months to up to six months (9%); Six months to up to one year (12.6%); One year to up to two years (18%); Two years to up to five years (24.3%); Five years to up to ten years (11.5%) Ten years or more (6.1%) NB Length of inpatient stay varied with age)[35] / Over 50 years
Psychiatric hospitals[36] (Scotland) / 11-30 places, 30 – 100 places[37] / Adults, older people, children / Mental health problem / 24 hour support provided / Local authority (NHS Boards)[38] / National Government (NHS Scotland) / Mixed lengths of admission (in 2012 the average length of stay of the 80% of the stays that were the shortest was 15.98 days, the average length of stay of the 20% of stays that were the longest was 261.53 days) [39] / Over 50 years
Mental health hospital and units[40] (Wales) / 30- 100 places[41] / Adults, older people, children[42] / Mixed - Mental health problem and intellectual disability / 24 hour support provided / Local authority (NHS Local Health Boards) / National Government
(Welsh Government to NHS Wales) / Mixed lengths of admission (although 79% less than one year)[43] / Over 50 years
Psychiatric Hospitals[44] (Northern Ireland) / 11-30 places, 30- 100 places and over 100 places / Adults, older people, children / Mixed - Mental health problem and intellectual disability / 24 hour support provided / Local authority (Health and Social Care Trusts) / Local authority (Health and Social Care Trusts) / Up to 6 months (in 2012/2013 average length of stay was 46.7 days (mental health)[45] and 73.2 days (intellectual disability))[46] / Over 50 years
Residential Care Homes[47] (England) / – 6-10 places, 11-30 places, 30-100 places[48] / Adults and Older People / Mixed – Physical disability, intellectual disability and mental health problem / 24 hour support provided / Mixed – local authority, voluntary and private / Mixed government and private(Local authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up)[49] / Mixed lengths of admission - (estimated national average 2.3 years or 832 days for all beds (nursing and care) – for care home placements the average was 852 days)[50] / 10-50 years
Residential Nursing Homes[51] (England) / 6-10 places, 11-30 places, 30-100 places, over 100 places[52] / Adults and Older People / Mixed – Physical disability, intellectual disability and mental health problem / 24 hour support provided / Mixed – local authority, voluntary and private / Mixed government and private (Local Authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up)[53] / Mixed lengths of admission (estimated national average 2.3 years or 832 days for all beds (nursing and care) – for nursing home placements the average was 790 days)[54] / 10-50 years
Residential Care Homes (for persons with physical disabilities)[55](Scotland) / Unknown (44 care homes provide 669 places to 554 residents)[56] / Adults / Physical disability / 24 hour support provided / Mixed - private, voluntary or local authority (410 adults with physical disabilities in voluntary sector care homes, 124 in private sector care homes and 20 in local authority/NHS sector care homes)[57]. / Mixed government and private ( Local Authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up)[58] / Mixed lengths of admission (72% of long stay residents for 5 years or more).[59] / 10-50 years
Residential Care Homes (for persons with mental health problems)[60] (Scotland) / Unknown (71 care homes provide 1,135 places to
1,032 residents)[61] / Adults / Mental health problem / 24 hour support provided / Mixed - private, voluntary or local authority (429 adults with mental health problems in voluntary sector care homes, 576 in private sector care homes and 27 in local authority/NHS sector care homes)[62] / Mixed government and private ( Local Authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up)[63] / Mixed lengths of admission - 6 months to 2 years, over 2 years (42% of long stay residents for 5 years or more.)[64] / 10-50 years
Residential Care Homes (for persons with intellectual disabilities)[65] (Scotland) / Unknown (233 care homes provide 2,125 places to
1,859 residents)[66] / Adults / Intellectual disability / 24 hour support provided / Mixed - private, voluntary or Local Authority (965 adults with intellectual disabilities in voluntary sector care homes, 695 in private sector care homes and 199 in Local Authority/NHS sector care homes)[67] / Mixed government and private ( Local Authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up)[68] / Mixed lengths of admission– 6 months to 2 years, over 2 years (18% of long stay residents for 5 years or more).[69] / 10-50 years
Residential Care homes (no nursing)[70] (Wales) / 11 -30 places, 30 – 100 places[71] / Adults and Older People[72] / Mixed – Physical and sensory disability, intellectual disability and mental health problem / 24 Hour support provided / Mixed – local authority, private and voluntary / Mixed government and private ( Local Authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up Local Authority funded with top-up, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Local Authority funded with charity top-up.[73] / Mixed lengths of admission– 6 months to 2 years[74] / Over 50 years
Residential Care homes (nursing)[75] (Wales) / 11-30 places, 30 – 100 places[76] / Adults and Older People / Mixed – Physical and sensory disability, intellectual disability and mental health problem / 24 Hour support provided / Mixed – local authority, private and voluntary / Mixed government and private ( Local Authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up)[77] / Mixed lengths of admission – 6 months to 2 years[78] / Over 50 years
Residential Care homes (no nursing)[79] (Northern Ireland) / 11-30 places / Adults and older people / Mixed - Mental health problem, intellectual disability, physical & sensory disability / 24 hour support provided / Mixed – local authority (Statutory), private and voluntary (Independent) / Mixed government and private ( Local Authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up)[80] / Mixed lengths of admission (The average length of stay in a residential care home is 4·51 years)[81] / 10-50 years
Residential Care homes (nursing) [82] (Northern Ireland) / 11-30 places, 30-100 places / Adults and older people / Mixed - Mental health problem, intellectual disability, physical & sensory disability / 24 hour support provided / Mixed – local authority (Statutory), private and voluntary (Independent) / Mixed government and private ( Local Authority, Self-funders, NHS Continuing Healthcare, Third party top-up)[83] / Mixed lengths of admission (The average length of stay in a nursing home is 2·33 years) [84] / 10-50 years
Supported Housing (England) [85] / – 1-5 places, 6-10 places, 11-30 places[86] / Adults and older people / Mixed- Physical disability, intellectual disability and mental health problem / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed –voluntary and not for profit (community organisations, housing associations) / Local authority (direct payment scheme)[87] / Mixed lengths of admission[88] / 10-50 years
Supported housing[89] (Scotland) / 6-10 places, 11-30 places, 30-100 places[90] / Adults and older people / Mixed- Physical disability, intellectual disability and mental health problem / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed – local authority, (Scottish Homes and housing associations) / National government (Communities Directorate) / Mixed lengths of admission[91] / 10-50 years
Supported Housing[92] (Wales) / Unknown / Adults and older people / Mixed – Mental health problem, intellectual disability, physical disability and sensory disability[93] / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed – local authority, (housing associations) voluntary and private ( businesses, such as lenders and letting agents.) / National government and local authority (Ongoing service planning, commissioning, governance and administration of the programme will be undertaken by Regional Collaborative Committees and the Supporting People National Advisory Board.)[94] / Mixed lengths of admission[95] / 10-50 years[96]
Supported Housing[97] (Northern Ireland) / Unknown / Adults and older people / Mixed – Mental health problem, intellectual disability and physical disability / Variable support provided – depending on the residents’ needs / Mixed – local authority (Housing Associations, Health and Social Care Trusts and the Northern Ireland
Housing Executive) and
voluntary (community organisations) / National government - Department for Social Development / Mixed lengths of admission[98] / 10-50 years