In view of the French Code of Education;

In view of Ministerial Order May 25, 2016 on international joint doctoral supervision procedure;

In view of (if necessary, include a list of legal references, rules and regulations applying in the partner country. Otherwise, cross out) …...


University of Reunion Island

A State Higher Education Institution

15 Avenue René Cassin- BP 7151 – CS 92003, 97744 Saint-Denis Cedex 9

Reunion Island, France

SIRET No.: 19 974 478000016

Represented byits President (full name, title) …......

Acting on behalf of the University and of the Research Laboratory:

…………………………………………...... ,

part of the Faculty of …......


Institution: ………………………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………



Status: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Represented by: (full name, title) ………………………………………………………

Doctoral candidate:

Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Date of birth: ……………………………………………………………………………

Place of birth (city, country): ……………………………………………………………

Nationality: ………………………………………………………………………………

Subject: …………………………………………………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………………………




Hereinafter “the doctoral student.”

Article 1

This Agreement applies to the implementation of a joint-supervision of a doctoral thesis between the two afore-mentioned universities. It defines the conditions and procedure under which Mr or Ms. (full name) …………………………………………...... will prepare a doctoral thesis in (subject) ………………………………......

Title of Thesis: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………


This Agreement shall take effect on ……………………………….., the date of official acceptance of the thesis subject by (institution) …………………………………………., until the defence date: between (date)…………………….. and (date) ……………………………….

The doctoral student is expected to complete his/her doctoral studies and research work in three years. This period may be extended by special agreement between the two institutions, on a joint request by both thesis supervisors.

Article 2

Time spent studying and researching will be divided between the two institutions with alternate periods agreed on by the two thesis supervisors.

Article 3

Mr or Ms ……………………………………………………… will register in each of the two institutions.

Registration fees will be paid to the University of ……………………………………………….

The doctoral student will be exempted from the fees of the partner institution (name ).……… ……………………………………….

Article 4

Mr or Ms. (doctoral student's name) …...... must subscribe a health insurance in the country where registration fees are paid.

The doctoral student undertakes to be fully covered for health and accident for the complete duration of his/her doctoral studies, and to prove it upon request of either institution. Where the doctoral student pays the fees to an institution that is not located in France, he/she will benefit from supplementary health coverage provided through the French Social Security system during his/her stays in France.

Article 5

The thesis will be jointly supervised by (full name, title of the co-supervisor at the home institution): …………………………………………………………………………………......

and by (full name, title of the co-supervisor at the partner institution) ………………………… …………………………………………………......

who agree to advise the doctoral student and perform their roles and responsibilities as thesis supervisors in accordance with the regulations in force in their respective institutions. The joint supervisors will consult on the doctoral student’s progress on a regular basis.

Article 6

Permission to submit the doctoral thesis will be given jointly by both institutions after the authorities concerned in each partner institution have given positive recommendation. The Board of Examiners is selected and appointed by the legal authorities of the institution where the thesis will be defended, in agreement with the partner university.

A single oral examination will take place at (institution, country):


The Board of Examiners appointed by both partner institutions will be constituted in accordance with the regulations in force in each of the two countries.

It will comprise at least four members, including both supervisors.

Article 7

The thesis will be written in (specify language)………………………………….

An abstract will be written in (specify language) ………………………………..

If the language used is not French, the oral examination will include at least a short oral presentation in French.

The doctoral student must abide by the rules and regulations regarding the submission, identification and reproduction of the thesis in force in both countries.

Article 8

On reception of the examiners’ positive report, each university undertakes to award the title of Doctor with the corresponding grade or distinction.

Each university shall award a doctoral degree for the same thesis.

The diplomas will specify that the student is awarded a doctoral degree with joint supervision (with the University of ………………………………………………………………….. and the University of ………………………………………………………………).

Article 9

The present agreement may be legally cancelled if the doctoral student drops out. The home institution will then inform the partner institution.

Agreement made in duplicate (in French) and signed at (place) …..………………………………… on (date) ……………………

Agreement made in duplicate (in English) and signed at (place) …..………………………………… on (date) ……………………

University of Reunion Island ……………………………………......

President / Vice-Chancellor:

Full name: …...... Full name: ………………………………….

Date: ……………………………………...... Date: ……………………………………...

Signature: Signature:

Head of Department / Dean of Faculty:

Name: …………………………………… Name: …………………………………….

Title: …...... Title: …......

Date: …………………………………… Date: ……………………………………...

Signature: Signature

Thesis Supervisors:

Name: ………………………………… Name: ………………………………………

Title: ………………………………… Title: …………………………………......

Date: …………………………………… Date: ……………………………………...

Signature: Signature:

Doctoral student:

Name: ………………………………………

Title: …………………………………......



University of Reunion Island Projet 20/10/2017

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