Musical Productions

Mrs. Stukey: phone - 726-6134 email –

Mr. Cooper: phone - 726-6168 email –

*Please sign up for Remind 101 to receive group texts! Text @cmsmp to 81010

Course Description: This full year course is action-packed with singing and dancing. This group will sing a variety of styles of music ranging from pop to musical theatre to classical. They will have multiple performances throughout the year and attend several competitions in the spring. Students will also learn how to read music and conduct themselves in a professional manner.

Class Rules: 1. Be a COOPERATIVE learner: Do what you are asked to do. Respect ALL others. 2. Be a RESPONSIBLE learner: Have what you need. 3. Be a POSITIVE learner: Do it with a good attitude All students are expected to abide by the rules in the CMS Student Handbook

Policies and Procedures: 1. Take care of all restroom needs before class begins. 2. Get rid of gum. 3. Be in your place ready to begin learning when the bell rings. (Detention will be assigned for 3 or more tardies.) 4. Discipline issues will be dealt with in the following manner: a) verbal warning and/or teacher/student conference, b) detention, c) parent contact/conference, d) office referral.

Supplies Needed: SEE UNIFORM SECTION. Also, please send a package of two or more 9 volt batteries, one or more 8GB flash drives, & blank CD’s are always needed.

Grading Policy: A grade will be given at least 2 times a week in the following areas:


ACTIVITY: Activity grades will be based on daily involvement in various activities. Students are expected to be alert and ACTIVELY involved in the learning process.

WRITTEN WORK: This would include worksheets or any other type of written assignment.


QUIZZES: Students may be asked to complete written quizzes and possible oral quizzes to determine student growth and retention. These quizzes may involve speaking, clapping, singing, dancing or acting, either individually or in small groups.

REHEARSALS /PERFORMANCES/COMPETITIONS: Students will be expected to attend any scheduled rehearsal. There will be a few leading up to each performance. Test grades will be heavily weighted for each performance/contest.

Averaging system: Daily 40% Assessments 60%

Attendance Policy: Musical Productions students will be expected to attend after school rehearsals prior to each performance. Parents will be notified in advance and will need to make arrangements for your student to attend. Rehearsals/Performances are considered test grades. It is vitally important that students attend or grades will be affected. Absences will only be excused in the event of a serious illness or family emergency. Such circumstances must be communicated in writing by a parent/guardian (email). If a student misses a performance for any other reason, he/she will be given an alternate assignment that will be used to replace that test grade. Please remember this is a performance-based class; every member should be committed to presenting quality performances.

Academic Eligibility: The Oklahoma Secondary Activity Association requires eligibility checks for all students participating in contests. This includes checking each student’s grades in every subject. A student will not be allowed to participate if he/she is failing a subject and on the ineligible list the week prior to the event. It is the student’s responsibility to know if he/she is failing a class and to understand the consequences. Because performances are test grades, this forces us to give the ineligible students an alternate assignment for him/her to receive credit for our class. This class is not recommended for anyone who has a history of ineligibility! Our class functions as a unit, and we are constantly preparing forperformances. Most performances require that students be eligible in order to participate. Therefore, all Musical Productions students are expected to maintain academic eligibility. Failing to do so could result in dismissal from the class. Please be aware that no refunds will be given if a student cannot participate due to ineligibility.



Show Choir Tunic tops/jazz shoes will be provided for a $30 rental fee. All girls will be responsible for providing their own black tank top, black leggings, and black socks. Leggings should be full length and socks should be well above the ankle underneath so that you see all black from the waist down. We don’t want to see any ankles.

District Contest Attire will be professional dress/all black. You will need to have a nice black dress or black skirt/blouse that meets school dress code. Skirts should be at least fingertip length – the closer to the knee, the better. No floor length formals. Be conservative. Absolutely no strapless and no spaghetti straps. You will also need some comfortable black dress shoes (low heels/flats)


All boys uniform items will be provided. However, you will need to provide BLACK DRESS SOCKS. We do ask that the boys also pay a $30 rental fee to help cover replacement costs. The uniform includes a black shirt, black pants, a black vest, black shoes, and a tie.

In short, the $30 fee is the same for girls/boys and it is due on Friday, September 1st.

Please make checks payable to Central Musical Productions (no temporary checks)


*Be sure to see the attached calendar for specific dates/times/locations.

Your student should have put these event dates in their phone calendar and/or agenda. Please check to be sure they have and we ask that you write them on your calendar as well.

Boys Night Out: 7th/ 8thGrade boys will join with all the 7th/ 8thGrade choir boys in Edmond School District for a fun “Boys Night Out” performance! There will be a daytime rehearsal and an evening performance. Nice dress clothes should be worn that evening for the performance. Academic eligibility is required. Admission is free.

Winter Performing Arts Night: This event involves the 7/8thgrade Drama/Musical Productions classes. Because there are SO many students involved in this night, there will bemandatory after-school rehearsalson the two days leading up to the performance. Admission is free.

Central Talent Show: All Musical Productions students will be showcased in the Central Talent Show. There will also be mandatory after-school rehearsals leading up to the performance. Admission is $5 for adults and $4 for students/seniors. 4yrs and under are free. There will also be a shorter daytime performance by grade level for STUDENTS ONLY. Admission is $2

District Choir Contest: Musical Productions students will represent Central at this district level contest. They will receive a group rating for choral presentation and sight reading. The utmost professionalism is expected. Concert attire is required. See uniform section for details. Academic eligibility is required.

Show Choir Contests: Musical Productions students will represent Central in one or more state wide contests. They will receive a rating for their show choir presentation and compete for top honors. The utmost professionalism is expected. Show Choir attire is required. See uniform section for details. Academic eligibility is required.

Spring Performing Arts Night: This event involves the 7/8thgrade Drama/Musical Productions classes. Because there are SO many students involved in this night, there will bemandatory after-school rehearsalson the two days leading up to each performance. Admission is free.

Girls Night Out: 8thGrade girls will join with all the 8thGrade female singers in the Edmond School District for a fun “Girls Night Out” performance!There will be a daytime rehearsal and an evening performance. Nice dress clothes should be worn for the performance that evening.Academic eligibility is required. Admission is free.

Edmond Solo/Ensemble Contest: 7th Grade Musical Productions students are required to participate in an ensemble at Solo/Ensemble Contest. An ensemble is a group ranging from 9 to 12. Solos are optional for 7th and 8th graders. Students will receive a rating and judges will provide feedback/comments. Music must be memorized and professional dress/all black should be worn for ensembles. If you are just singing a solo/duet you can wear a nice dress of your choice (school appropriate). Extra rehearsals may be needed and entry/participation fees will apply for solos/duets only. Academic eligibility is required.


*Be sure to see the attached calendar for specific dates/times/locations

All School Fall Musical: All Musical Productions students are highly encouraged to audition for the fall musical. It is a great opportunity to further develop performance skills while having a lot of fun! It is a valuable experience that they cannot get in a regular classroom setting. This is a major commitment, however, and does require after-school rehearsals as well as costume fees, etc. If interested, be sure to attend the required information meeting on Tuesday, August 23rd at either 7:20am or 2:45pm in Mrs. Stukey’s room #125.

All Region & All State Auditions: All Musical Productions students are highly encouraged to audition for the COCDA (Central Oklahoma Choral Directors Association) All Region Honor Choir. Some may also want to try out for the OCDA (Oklahoma Choral Directors Association) All State Honor Choir. Extra rehearsals and entry/participation fees will apply. If selected for the All Region Honor Choir, students will attend a local regional festival where they will join all others selected to rehearse with a guest clinician and put on a special performance. If selected for the All State Honor Choir, students will travel to downtown OKC for a weekend festival where they will stay at the Renaissance Hotel while rehearsing with others at the Cox Business Center. The All State performance takes place in Bethany at the First Church of the Nazarene.Academic eligibility is required! No refunds will be given if a student becomes ineligible and is unable to participate.

Jazz Choir: Musical Productions students have the opportunity to audition for the Central Jazz Choir. This group will be formed toward the end of the first semester and begin rehearsing in January. They will represent Central at a contest, participate in the SNU Jazz Festival, and be featured in the Spring Performing Arts Night. After-school rehearsals will be required as well as a small fee.

Central Talent Show: This is your opportunity to show Central all that you have to offer. Although Musical Productions will perform as a group, you will need to audition for individual or small group acts in order to showcase your talent. There will also be mandatory after-school rehearsals leading up to the performance. Admission is $5 for adults and $4 for students/seniors. 4yrs and under are free.

The Edmond Public School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, disability in admission to its programs, services or activities, in access to them, in the treatment of individuals or any aspect of the their operations. The Edmond Public School District also does not discriminate in its hiring or employment practices.

Please fill out the Contact Information/Syllabus Acknowledgement sheet on the back of this paper and BOTH SIDES of the attached Permission to Participate/Medical Release form. Students CANNOT go with us to any activity outside of school without it! Please return both by

Friday, September 1st.




Student Name: ______Grade: _____Hour:_____

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Cell Phone: ______

Home Phone: ______Work Phone: ______

Email: ______

___ Yes! I would be willing to volunteer if needed

___ I can help during school hours ___ I prefer after school or in the evenings.



I have read the 2017/2018 CENTRAL MIDDLE SCHOOL Musical Productions Syllabus. I understand the commitment and agree to the expectations.


Student SignatureDate


Parent SignatureDate

Musical Productions Calendar 2017-2018

* = Required for all Musical Productions students All other events are optional

SPT = School Provides Transportation PPT = Parent Provides Transportation

FALL SEMESTER August 23rd: Musical Information Meeting – Stukey’s Room #125 7:30am or 2:45pm

August 24th: Fundraiser Kickoff – Who Hoo!!! Please help us make some money!!! $$$$$

August 28th or 29th: Musical Auditions – sign up for specific date/time at information meeting

August 31st: Musical Callbacks -3:00-5:30pm Cooper’s Room # 121 -for those notified to return

September 1st: Uniform Rental Fee Due $30 (pay online or check made out to Central MP) See uniform section for details. COCDA Entry Fee Due $15 for those auditioning

September 5th: 1st Musical Rehearsal – 3:00-5:15pm - Cooper’s Room #121 – Mandatory Parent Meeting immediately following in Cafeteria - 5:30pm

September 5th : Fundraiser Packets and Money Due $$$$$

September 15th: OCDA Entry Fee Due $15 for those auditioning

September 30th: COCDA Auditions Memorial HS – Specific times will be given if auditioning

*October 26th: Boy’s Night Out – BOYS ONLY - Edmond North HS, 9-12 rehearsal, 7:00pm performance SPT - rehearsal PPT - performance

October 28th: OCDA Auditions Round 1 - Enid High School – details to follow if going SPT

October 30th: COCDA Festival – Location TBA - PPT

November 8th: Wizard of OZ Matinee Performance - 8:00am & 1:00pm for students only $2

November 9th & 10th: Wizard of OZ Evening Performances - 7:00pm, $4 students/ $5 adults

November 14th: OCDA Auditions Round 2 - Rose State College – details to follow if going SPT

*November 16th: 8th Grade ONLY Girl’s Night Out - Edmond North HS, 9-12 rehearsal, 7:00pm performance - Admission Free SPT - rehearsal PPT- performance

*December 5th & 6th: PAN Rehearsals - 3:00pm-5:00pm after school

*December 7th: Performing Arts Night - 7:00pm Admission Free


January 9th, 10th, or 11th: Talent Show Info Meeting - During Tiger Time - Stukey’s Room #125

January 11th – 13th: OCDA Festival – Downtown OKC - for those who make honor choir - SPT

January 17th or 18th: Talent Show Auditions for solos or small group acts - 3:00pm-5:00pm in cafeteria – sign up for specific time at information meeting

*January 29th 30th & 31st: Talent Show Rehearsals 3:00-5:30pm

*February 1st: Talent Show Evening Performance – 7:00pm, $4 students/$5 adults

*February 2nd: Talent Show Matinees - 8:00 & 1:00 for students only $2

*February 13th: Duncan Show Choir Contest - time TBA – SPT

*Late February or Early March: District Choir Contest – Mustang - time TBA - SPT

*March 14th: Carl Albert Show Choir/Jazz Choir Contest–time TBA- SPT

*April 21st: Solo & Ensemble Contest - Cheyenne Middle School - times TBA -PPT Ensembles required for only 7th grade, Solos optional for 7th/8th

April 25th: Santa Fe Show Choir Contest – time TBA

*May 8th & 9th: PAN Rehearsals – 3:00-5:00pm after school

*May 10th: Performing Arts Night - 7:00pm Admission Free

8th Grade performs at Graduation - TBA