The following fees and fines have been approved by the Inter-County Soccer League Executive Committee: Payment of Fees/Fines must be made by CHECK ONLY. Cash will not be accepted.
1.Absence at Annual General Meeting (April)……………………………………..……………………………..$100
2. Absence at Coordinator’s Meeting (May)………………………………………………………..……………..$100
3. Absence at regular membership meeting………………………………………………………..………………..$25
4.Absence at any special membership meeting……………………………………………..……………………...$50
Clubs have 30 days to pay missed meeting fines. If payment is not received within 30 days, an additional $25 will be added to the fine.
5.Failure to provide club volunteer to league committees…………………………………………………..……...$50
6.Failure to report game scores within 10days…….……………………………….…………….….$25/Game (Min.)
7.Emergency Game Reschedule…………………………………………….…………………….…$50/Game (Min.)
8.Forfeit Fine (Youth Teams)…...……………………………………...……..$100 (1st game) $150/Game Thereafter
9.Forfeit Fine (U16 Teams & Older).…………………….………………………………………..………$150/Game
10. Forfeit fine Senior Teams……………………………………………………………...………...……..$150/Game
11.Failure to file team placement forms on deadlines set each year…………………………..….….…$100/Deadline
12.Failure to keep fields in proper playing condition …...... $50/Offense (Min.) & Referral to the Ethics Committee
(Fields should be properly lined, cut and equipped with anchored goals with nets and corner flags)
13.Failure to control spectators:
(A)Referee Warning – warning from Ethics Committee.
(B)Spectator Ejection - $50 fine and one match suspension for the Head Coach (minimum).
(C)Spectator Ejection & Continues Verbal Assault - $50 fine and three match suspensions for the Head Coach (minimum).
(D)Spectator Ejection & Verbal Assault beyond Field of Play - $100 fine and four match suspensions for the Head Coach (minimum).
14.Cautions and Ejections of coaches, managers, club or team officials (Listed are minimum penalties. The Ethics Chairman can implement more stringent sanctions):
(Per USSF rules, referees DO NOT ISSUE CARDS to coaches. ICSL relies on submitted game reports to determine Ethics issues.)
1ST Offense - Warning
2nd Offense - $50 plus forfeit of all subsequent games until fine is paid
3rd Offense - $100 plus forfeit of all subsequent games until fine is paid
1st Offense - $50 plus 1-match suspension
2nd Offense - $100 plus 3-match suspension and 1 year probation
3rd Offense - $200 and 1-year suspension from all soccer activities
All Caution/Ejection Fines and Suspensions are in addition to any penalties imposed at the discretion of the Ethics Committee in connection with the offense.
15. Appeal Fees- Grievance/Ethics…………..…..…..$100 Executive Board…………….…. $200
16. Game Administration – Players
A. Improper Player Line-up Fine………………………………………..…………………………$25/Game
B. Missing Player Passes Fine………...……………….…….………..……$5/Pass ($25/Team/Match Max.)
C. Ineligible/Illegal Player
The use of ineligible/illegal players by a team affiliated which, without ICSL approval, fields a player ineligible/illegal of improper or incomplete paperwork which prevents proper registration, Shall suffer the following penalties:
- Forfeiture of game(s) which the ineligible/illegal player is listed on the “Game Day” Roster(s) and/or known to have participated.
- Team Fine for every game the ineligible/illegal player participated – 1stplayer/game $25.00, while any subsequent player/games will be $50.00 each. Additionally, there may be a forfeit fee assessed for each game (see game forfeit fee schedule).
- The coach of the team involved will be referred to the ICSL Ethics Committee Chair for appropriate discipline. The discipline could include additional fined and/or suspension of the coach involved.
Examples of what couldconstitute an ineligible/illegal player include:
-Player who has not been properly registered and approved through the online registration system,
-PlayerPass not issued through ICSL,
-An approved updated roster issued by ICSL
The above examples may not be all inclusive any questions check with your club’s assigned coordinator or contract the ICSL office for any clarification
17.Special credits: Use of fields/facilities by the league…...……………………...……………….…………$25/Day
18.Forfeiture Bond……………...……………………………………….…………………...……………………$200
(To be posted by any member club at the team registration deadline upon written notice from the league for the illicit withdrawal of teams)
19.Delinquency Fines/Fees……………………………………………………….………………………….$25/Team
Any club that has any outstanding fines/fees due ICSL which are not paid by July 1st, will be fined $25 per team for failure to pay on time. If money owed is not paid by July 10th, the club will be automatically expelled from the league and will be placed in bad standing with EPYSA.
20.Late Team Online Registration (Date as determined by ICSL)……………...….…$100/Team ($300/Club Max.)
- PS-1 Charges (Adds, Transfers, Secondary’s) and Coach Additions to rosters
- Adds & Coach Additions………………………………………………..$20 each, upon roster approval.
- Transfers and Secondary’s………………………………………………$10 each, upon roster approval.
(Player/Coach Releases are done at No Charge)
22. Late Team Drop Fine………………………..……………………………………………………..……$200/Team
(Assessed against any team which withdrawals from the league after July 1. Team registration fee is also forfeit.)