(Elementary 6-10-year-old)


(Foundations of Reading and Writing)

Reading: Foundations of Reading

Writing: Foundations of Writing

(July 2014)

Unit Statement: The teacher will use this unit to establish literacy routines using best practices (for example: readers and writers workshop). It is suggested that a literacy portfolio be created to track literacy progress from year to year (see appendix for details).

This unit is designed to be opened on the first day of school and should not be closed or assessed until the end of the year. This unit is designed to be opened to support the rest of the units. As soon as Unit 14 routines are established, a teacher can open Unit 15 in conjunction with Unit 1, or wait until their literacy routines are established before opening Unit 2.

Teachers will administer the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment at least three times per year (September, December/January, May/June). This assessment identifies instructional reading level.

Reading Strategies: making connections, asking questions, inferring, predicting, creating mental images, synthesizing (analyze and evaluate), determining importance, monitoring comprehension (monitor/clarify)

Reading Skills: cause and effect, main idea, sequence, story structure (elements), author’s purpose, compare and contrast, fact/opinion, drawing conclusion and making generalizations, text and graphic features, summarizing

Writing Genres: narrative, opinion, informative

6+1 Writing Traits: ideas, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, conventions, presentation

Writing Process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing

Essential Outcomes: (reading and writing must be assessed separately for mastery)

IE Reading Literacy (E14): (Foundations of Reading)

Using course-level appropriate fiction and nonfiction text:

1.  The Student Will read course-level appropriate literature silently and independently for at least 20 minutes daily during school hours by the end of the year (Daily 5 p. 30-33).

2.  TSW self-select and read ”just right” books that are at his/her independent reading level. (Daily 5 p.30 - 33)

3.  TSW partner read and demonstrate active listening skills (Daily 5 p. 64-65).

4.  TSW demonstrate the use of the reading strategies (see unit emphasis).

5.  TSW use self-monitoring strategies (context clues, reading on, re-reading, adjusting pace, etc.) while learning to check for comprehension. (*See suggested activities).

6.  TSW demonstrate reading with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension.

7.  TSW demonstrate the use of reading skills (see unit emphasis).

8.  TSW engage in reading workshop routines. (Reading with Meaning p. 25-52)

9.  TSW participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups about grade level topics.

IE Writing Literacy (E14): (Foundations of Writing)

1.  The Student Will write for a minimum of 15 minutes daily during the school day.

2.  TSW use the 6+1 traits in all of their audience/purpose specific writing.

3.  TSW write for specific audiences and purposes.

4.  TSW demonstrate the writing process in all of their audience/purpose specific writing.

5.  TSW respond to questions and comments from peers and make changes to revise and strengthen writing.

6.  TSW regularly participate in word work activities (phonics, making words, vocabulary, word wall, spelling, etc.)

7.  TSW engage in writing workshop routines. (Lucy Calkins, Units of Study: unit 1)

8.  TSW speak audibly in complete sentences and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly.

Practiced/Ongoing Outcomes: (development is ongoing)

1. The Student Will acquire and use new vocabulary in reading, writing, and speaking.

2. TSW demonstrate proper course level-appropriate spelling in their writing.

3. TSW practice proper handwriting techniques.

Key Terms and Concepts:

*See reading strategies, writing genres, 6+ writing traits, and writing process in the unit statement.

Suggested Materials for Teachers: (provided by school)

●  Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment

●  Journeys 1 Common Core Textbook Kit

○  Reader’s Notebook (consumable SE)

○  Writer’s Notebook (consumable SE)

○  Common Core Writing Handbook (TE)

○  Literacy and Language Guide (TE- balanced literacy guide)

●  Units of Study- 1 Common Core-Lucy Calkins

●  Write Traits Classroom Kit

●  Handwriting Programs (choose one: D’nealian, Handwriting Without Tears, Zaner Bloser, etc.)

●  Phonics Program to support Journeys (choose one: Jolly Phonics, Modern Curriculum Press, Reading A-Z (phonics section), etc.

Suggested Professional Materials for Teachers: (provided by school)

Strategies That Work by Stephanie Harvey and Anne Goudvis

Reading With Meaning by Debbie Miller

The Daily Five by Gale Boushey and Joan Moser

6+1 Traits of Writing by Ruth Culham

Suggested Exemplar Texts:

*See individual units for read aloud titles

Additional Resources: (may not be provided by school)

Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA)

Rigby Books

Language Arts Today

Technology Links:

Destiny Webpath Express (see school librarian)

Use this search engine to find age-appropriate websites that align with your unit.

List of Suggested online resources (see course outcomes)

A website to search for other reading websites

A phonics and leveled reading website for emerging readers

An online levelled reading library with comprehension and fluency assessments

Online writing games and activities, graphic organizers, and and benchmark and writing assessments created by Houghton Mifflin

All levels of literacy support

This site has many resources for teachers to use.

This site is the Reading and Writing Project that complements our Lucy Calkins resources.

This site contains many CC writing resources including writing rubrics for narrative, informative, and opinion by age/class level.

This is a Daily 5 website is an extension of the Daily 5 book which offers more lesson plans, podcasts, articles, discussion boards, online workshops and seminars etc.

This Daily 5 website can be found within

This site uses the 6 traits for writing.

Suggested Activities and Strategies:

Self-Monitoring Strategies:

Fix up- Word Meanings:

1.  Check the picture and think about what would make sense and sound right.

2.  Read the sentences around the word. Do they give you any clues?

3.  Does the author provide a definition nearby?

4.  Look at the word. Is it like another word you know?

5.  Use a glossary or dictionary to look up the word.

Fix up- Text Comprehension:

1.  Slow down.

2.  Reread the page or part before the problem.

3.  Read on and see if that helps.

4.  Retell what has happened so far.

5.  Try to make a picture in your head.

6.  Ask yourself a question about the confusing part.

7.  Look at the pictures, charts, and maps. Do they help?

8.  Think carefully about what puzzled you.

9.  Read the part aloud to yourself.

10.  Ask a friend or your teacher for help.

Decoding Strategies:

1.  Stretch it out

2.  Look for picture clues

3.  Look for chunks

4.  Go back and re-read

5.  Get your mouth ready

6.  Ask, does it make sense?

7.  Skip it and move on

8.  Does it sound right

Anchor Charts:

Create and reference anchor charts when modeling how to write a narratives. Students will use these to reference when its their turn to write independently.

●  What good Beginning Readers Do

○  Track words with finger

○  Look at the pictures

○  Look for the beginning sound that match the pictures

○  Look for words you know within words

●  3 Ways to Read a Book

○  Read the pictures

○  Read the words

○  Retell the story

●  Read-to-Self

○  Quiet voice

○  Read the whole time

○  Stay in the same Spot

○  Get started right away

●  Read-to-Others

○  Elbow Elbow Knee Knee

■  One Reads

■  One listens

■  stay in same spot

■  Book in the middle

■  Quiet voices

Suggested Assessment Tools:

1.  Attached rubric or teacher-generated rubric that assesses ALL essential outcomes (TSWs). An effective rubric is presented and discussed with the student at the beginning of the unit, referred back to throughout the unit, and used to assess at the end. Students will collaborate with peers and the teacher to assess their own writing with final judgement by the teacher.

2.  Writing Pathways (Units of Study Kit) by Lucy Calkins provides rubrics and checklists for teachers and students.

3.  “6+1 Traits” writing rubrics

4.  Teachers can have students produce a quick write at the beginning and end of units. (*See QSI Quick Write Guidelines) Teachers should keep these as evidence of students’ writing.

5.  Elk Grove Common Core Rubrics for narrative, informative, and opinion writing are found in the QSI Literacy User’s Guide. Scoring on these rubrics should follow QSI mastery grading. (Scores on the 1 and 2 points should be P, scores on the 3 should be at the B level and scores on the 4 should be an A.) Document Source: Elk Grove Unified School District, Elk Grove, CA

6.  Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment / DRA

7.  QSI Reading and Writing Behaviors Checklists (*See QSI Literacy User’s Guide)

8.  MPG (MAP for Primary Grades): Early Literacy Screening and Skills Checklists (*See QSI Literacy User’s Guide)


IE LITERACY EL Reading: Foundations of Reading (E14)

Student Name: Date: ______

To receive a ‘B’ the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes. (TSW’s)

To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery on 3 of 4 ‘A’ available and ‘B’ level mastery on all remaining TSW’s.

Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment/DRA

Test Month / September / December/January / May/June
Test Date
F/P Level
TSW / ‘A’ / ‘B’ / ‘P’-Notes
1. Read course-level appropriate literature silently and independently for at least 15 minutes during school hours. / I read independently for at least 15 minutes every day at school.
2. Self-select and read “just right” books that are at his/her independent reading level. / I can choose books that are interesting to me at my independent reading level.
3. Partner read and demonstrate active listening skills. / I model all the practices of active reading.
4. Demonstrate the use of reading strategies. / I can explain my thinking when I use the strategies to understand the words and meaning of what I have read. / I can use the reading strategies and skills I’ve been taught to help my understanding of what I’ve read.
5. Use self-monitoring strategies while reading to check for comprehension. / I can give examples of when I used strategies, and explain why I used the strategy. / I use self-monitoring strategies when I read.
6. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. / I can understand what I read because I read smoothly and accurately.
7. Demonstrate the use of reading skills. / I can explain the skills I used and why I used them. / I use reading skills to read for understanding.
8. Engage in reading workshop routines. / I can explain the expected behaviors and why, to a peer or an adult. / I follow all of the behaviors in the reading workshop expectations.
9. Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups about grade level topics. / I participate in small and large group conversations.

IE LITERACY EL Writing: Foundations of Writing (E14)

Student Name: Date: ______

To receive a ‘B’ the student must show ‘B’ level mastery on ALL Essential Outcomes. (TSW’s)

To receive an ‘A’, the student must show ‘A’ level mastery on ALL available and ‘B’ level mastery on all remaining TSW’s.

TSW / ‘A’ Level / ‘B’ Level / ‘P’-Notes
1. Write for a minimum of 15 minutes daily during the school day / I write at least 15 minutes every day.
2. Use the 6+1 traits in all of their audience/purpose specific writing / I use the 6 traits to evaluate my own writing. / I use all of the 6 traits in my writing.
3. Write for specific audiences and purposes. / I can explain what changes I made and why I wrote in a certain way for different audiences / I think about my audience and change my writing for each situation.
4. Demonstrate the writing process in all their audience/purpose specific writing. / I use all of the steps in the writing process when I write.
5. Respond to questions and comments from peers and make changes to revise and strengthen writing. / I can revise my writing based on peer comments, and justify not changing if what I wrote serves a purpose. / I can revise my writing based on peer comments to strengthen my writing.
6. Regularly participate in daily word work activities (phonics, making words, vocabulary, word wall, spelling, etc.) / I participate in daily word work activities.
7. Engage in writing workshop processes. / I can explain or teach writing workshop procedures to a peer or an adult. / I follow writing workshop procedures.
8. Speak audibly in complete sentences and express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly. / I speak so others can hear and understand my thoughts, feelings, and ideas.



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