Application Form

Intended for individual courses applying for the Universal Accreditation process

Prior to submitting this application form for Creative Skillset higher education accreditation we need to have received yourexpression of interest form (EOI). Currently Creative Skillset is capping the number of applications for accreditation it can process. The EOI form can be found above.

For this first stage of the Creative Skillset accreditation process, courses are asked to submitthis application form along with supporting evidence in order to demonstrate how your course meets the accreditation criteria outlined in the Guidelines for Creative Skillset Course Accreditation.

This application form and the guidelines are also available in large print, PC formatted disc Braille and audiotape formats.

Information about how to submit is provided at the end of the document.

Please contact the Quality Team with any queries or for advice on completing this form.

The Quality Team

Creative Skillset

Focus Point

21 Caledonian Road


N1 9GB

T: 020 7713 9800 | E:


A1.Please provide contact details for the applicant course leader and if applicable any other member of staff to be included in all correspondence:

Please include name, title, email, telephone/mobile, address

A2.Course title/level

A3.Course leader (if different from above)

A4.Date of application submission


B1.Evidence required

Outlined below is alist of supporting evidencewhich mustbe submitted with this application form to demonstrate the how the course meets the accreditation criteria. Applicants are free to submit any additional information necessary to represent the course adequately. We require one hard copy and one digital copy of the supporting evidence – please see the end of the application form and the Creative Skillset Course Accreditation Guidelines for full guidance.

Pleasegive a title and reference number to each item of evidenceand complete the check list to confirm that each item has been provided. (PLEASE ADD ADDITIONAL ROWS AS REQUIRED)

Please confirm that your submission contains the following documentation:
[tick if included]
Course content and structure:
REF No: / Student/course handbook
REF No: / Module descriptors (if not included in the student/course handbook) and programme specification
REF No: / Assessment briefs
REF No: / Timetables and teaching schedules
REF No: REF No: / Course structure diagram clearly defining progression routes from year to year
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
Course monitoring and development:
REFNo: / Most recent validation report/periodic review
REF No: / Annual course monitoring reports for the past two years
REF No: / External examiners’ reports from the past two years (if not included in the annual course monitoring report)
REF No: / Examples of feedback from students (e.g. minutes of staff/student meetings and/or student course/module evaluations)
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
Industry engagement:
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / Inventory of relevant equipment, ratio of equipment to student, details of student access time as well as technical support
REF No: / Details of learning materials and technical resources available to the course e.g. equipment/studio/library or shared facilities
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / Up-to-date staff CVs including details of recent professional development and professional screenwriting
REF No: / Staff professional development policies and procedures
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
Graduate employment information:
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
Student work:
NB: Fashion & Textiles applicants do not need to attach student work; this will be requested for inclusion at the Stage 1 course presentation to the industry panel.
REF No: / A range of 4+ recent pieces of individual student work from their final major projects (3rd or 4th year) along with feedback and assessment information for each. The range should include work assessed as top, average and borderline fail
REF No: / A range of 4+ recent pieces of individual student work from their interim projects (2nd or 3rd Year) along with feedback and assessment information for each. The range should include work assessed as top, average and borderline fail.
REF No: / 4+ recent samples of industry facing work showcasing the best of student talent from the course such as show reels/ exhibitions/ showcases etc.
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
REF No: / [Insert additional evidence item if applicable]
If applicable, please list any additional evidence provided with your application which is not included above:

B3.Student work – if you are submitting games or digital student work, please detail any specialist software evaluators will need in order to view the material (e.g.engines, 3D models, specialist video)

B2.If you have submitted any original work and/or you would like student work to be returned, please provided detailed information on who it should be returned to and when and clearly reference the work in the supporting evidence.


C1. Recruitment profile

Last academic year / This academic Year / Next academic year
Year for which information is being provided
Participants / Target number of enrolling students
Actual number of enrolling students
Numbers of students across all years of the course (if more than 1 year in length)

If necessary please provide a narrative of any patterns shown above.

C2.Retention profile

Last academic year / Year before last
Year for which information is being provided
% Retention in 4th year*
% Retention in 3rd year*
% Retention in 2nd year*
% Retention in 1st year*

* Delete as appropriate for postgraduate / 3-year courses.

C3. Cohort diversity profile

Creative Skillset is committed to diversity and equal opportunities in all aspects of our work. The information requested below will help us to comply with the law and to ensure that our policies and practices are fair and effective. The information provided will be treated in strictest confident and processed in accordance with the data protection act 1998.

This academic year’s enrolling cohort / Last academic year’s enrolling cohort
Year for which information is being provided
Ethnicity / White
White - Scottish
Irish Traveller
Gypsy or Traveller
Other White background
Black or Black British - Caribbean
Black or Black British - African
Other Black background
Asian or Asian British - Indian
Asian or Asian British - Pakistani
Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi
Other Asian background
Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
Mixed – White and Black African
Mixed – White and Asian
Other Mixed background
Other ethnic background
Not known
Information refused
Gender / Male
Other gender identity
Age / 16-24
Disability* / No known disability
Blind or a serious visual impairment uncorrected by glasses
Deaf or a serious hearing impairment
Wheelchair user/mobility difficulties
Personal care support
Mental health difficulties
An unseen disability, e.g. diabetes, epilepsy, asthma
Two or more impairments and/or disabling medical conditions
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
A specific learning difficulty e.g. dyslexia, dyspraxia or AD(H)D
A social/communication impairment such as Asperger’s syndrome/other autistic spectrum disorder
A long standing illness or health condition such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy
A mental health condition, such as depression, schizophrenia or anxiety disorder
A physical impairment or mobility issues, such as difficulty using arms or using a wheelchair or crutches
A disability, impairment or medical condition that is not listed above
Information refused
Information not sought
Not known

* Disability, as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act, covers many people who may not usually have considered themselves disabled. It covers physical or mental impairments with long term, substantial effects on ability to perform day-to-day activities.

C4. Course modules - please include in your supporting evidence an overview diagram description of the course module structure and complete the headline information below.



Module title / Number of credits / Total teaching/ contact hours / % Practice (where appropriate) / Total self-directed hours / Is the module core or optional (C/O)

YEAR 2 (leave blank if postgraduate)

Module title / Number of credits / Total teaching/ contact hours / % Practice (where appropriate) / Total self-directed hours / Is the module core or optional (C/O)

YEAR 3 (leave blank if postgraduate)

Module title / Number of credits / Total teaching/ contact hours / % Practice (where appropriate) / Total self-directed hours / Is the module core or optional (C/O)

YEAR 4 (leave blank if postgraduate or three year course)

Module title / Number of credits / Total teaching/ contact hours / % Practice (where appropriate) / Total self-directed hours / Is the module core or optional (C/O)

C5.Staff to student ratios

What are typical staff to student ratios during practical teaching sessions?

What are the overall staff/student ratios on each year of the course?

C6.Staffing - teaching, technical and visiting lecturer input. Please attach up to date staff CVs in your supporting evidence and complete the headline information below. (PLEASE ADD ADDITIONAL ROWS AS REQUIRED)

Name / Part time/ full time/ technical or visiting / Role / Attached to which student year/s

How your course meets the industry focus and employer engagement criteria

The following criteria are designed to enable courses to demonstrate how they have a specific focus towards:

  • current industry practice,
  • professional preparation for students and
  • significant involvement of industry in:
  • course design
  • curriculum
  • delivery


Criterion: Demonstrate effective and fair recruitment and selection procedures for students from diverse backgrounds who wish to embark upon or further develop careers in the Creative Industries.

Please tell us how your course provides for the following:

  • Appropriate outreach work should be carried out and proactive recruitment practices in place to encourage wider access and diversity;
  • Pre-course information should clearly outline what students can expect during the course;
  • Effective procedures should be in place to identify those applicants who are innovative, creative and who have the potential to establish careers in the creative industries;
  • Teaching staff should beable to filter and refuse places to applicants that they judge unable to complete the course successfully. All shortlisted students shouldbe interviewed, either face-to-face or by telephone and/or provideportfoliosor equivalent where appropriate.

D1. Please provide a short narrative response to this criterion and reference numbers of supporting evidence.

Narrative response and reference numbers of supporting evidence:

D2. Please include a link to your published selection procedures for all applicants including information on portfolio review, group interviews, open days, offer criteria:

Selection procedures and website link:

D3. Application numbers

Last academic year / This academic year
Year for which information is being provided
Participants / Number of applicants
Number of offers
Numbers of enrolling students


Criterion: Provide a track record in high quality education relevant to the Creative Industries.

Please tell us how your course addresses the following:

  • The curriculum should cover appropriate content to professionally and practically prepare students for a future career in the relevant industry sector;
  • Methods should be in placeto develop in students the soft skills required of a successful industry professional, such as:
  • Team working;
  • Personal development planning;
  • Competitive pitching & presenting.
  • Studentcontact and feedback procedures should ensure that students are given appropriate developmental and professional guidance
  • Post graduate courses should enable students to specialise in the field above the level expected from undergraduate students and gain in-depth knowledge and experience of their field at a professional level. Graduates from post-graduate courses should progress to senior levels in their career more quickly than their undergraduate counterparts.

E1. Please provide a narrative response to this criterion and reference numbers of supporting evidence.

E2. If your course is at postgraduate level, please explain how students research and specialise in their field of interest above the level expected from undergraduate students and gain in-depth knowledge and experience of their field at a professional level. Also describe how graduates progress to senior levels more quickly than their undergraduate counterparts.


Criterion: Demonstrate close links and interaction with the creative industries.

Please tell us how your course provides for the following:

  • Curriculum design should have regular input from the industry. Normally, this will include an industry advisory board, other input from industry professionals, and where appropriate, external examiners with professional backgrounds;
  • Appropriate visiting and guest industry lecturers should be regularly scheduled;
  • Students should have the opportunity to take part in live briefs, work simulationandproject work. (NB. Live briefs and project work should not undermine commercial business opportunities);
  • Work experience, placements and/or internships should be a compulsory component of the course, if appropriate to sector and geography.

F1. Please provide a short narrative response to this criterion and reference numbers of supporting evidence.

F2. Please complete an up to date schedule of external industry input into course delivery over the past 2 years. (PLEASE ADD ADDITIONAL ROWS AS REQUIRED)

Name / Company / Date of activity / Type of input; e.g. workshop, masterclass, student or staff mentoring, assessment, feedback to students, live brief, project setting / Duration of activity
i.e. one off or over a period. / Mandatory for this course or voluntary and open to all students?

F2. Industry engagement in course design, development, review and evaluation. Please provide information on advisory boards/ panels that oversee the course. Even if advice is informal please list it here and provide minutes/email trails in the supporting evidence. (PLEASE ADD ADDITIONAL ROWS AS REQUIRED)

Advisory board/panel (or other) / Membership / Specific to which courses / Frequency of meetings
Other consultation activity: e.g. visit to studio/ industry partner/ staff CPD / Who/which companies / Specific to which course/s / Frequency of activity

F3. Information on work experience placements and internships undertaken by the graduating cohort in the last academic year.

Is work experience compulsory and/or assessed?


What is the typical percentage of students obtaining work experience?



Academic year for which information is being provided
Total number of students in academic year
Student name or identifier / Type e.g. sandwich year, internship work experience / Duration / Company / Job Role


Criterion: Equip students with the necessary professional and business skills to develop a career in the creative industries.

Please tell us how your course provides for the following:

  • Professional preparation should be an embedded part of the course and should provide students with the financial, legal and business skills to further their career upon graduation, with an emphasis on freelance employment if appropriate for the discipline;
  • Students should be aware of current industry issues and developments, including IP, technological divergence and convergence and the impact of digital networks;
  • Students shoulddevelop appropriate skills to promote and showcase their work and to market their skills after graduation;
  • Courses should show how students and graduates develop their entrepreneurial skills within their chosen field(s), for example through specialist mentors and incubator units.

G1. Please provide a short narrative response to this criterion and reference numbers of supporting evidence.


Criterion:Have resources which will enable students to practise their skills in environments which reflect creative industry practice.

Please tell us how your course provides for the following:

  • Sufficient dedicated access to professional facilities and resources that replicate current industry practice;
  • Students should have sufficientoutof work hours access to facilities and equipment;
  • Sufficientdedicated access to supervision and technical supportshould be available to all students.

H1. Please provide a short narrative response to this criterion and reference numbers of supporting evidence.


Criterion: Ensure that all practice staff have credibility as practitioners and are up-to-datewith contemporary industry practices.

Please tell us how your course provides for the following:

  • All practice staff should demonstrate a suitable background in professional practice;
  • Clear procedures should be in place to ensurethat all production staff are required to regularly refresh their industry practice. This may include dispensation to deliver commissions or work placements with appropriate companies, etc. It should not be restricted to attending courses or conferences;
  • Senior management should have systems in place to keep track of staff professional development and ensure all staff have sufficient time and are enabled to put the above in to practice.

I1. Please provide a short narrative response to this criterion and reference numbers of supporting evidence.


Criterion: Provide evidence of successful progression of students in to the creative industries.*

Please tell us how your course provides for the following:

  • Most graduates should beemployed in the Creative Industries or in creative roles in other industries, withevidence of progression towards senior roles after a few years;
  • A proportion of current students and/or graduates should be achieving festival awards, industry and professional accolades, reviews, promotions or newsworthy achievements.

*Please note that should your course be accredited, you will be required to provide up to date graduate destination information on an annual basis as part of Tick course monitoring.