Preliminary Application
Household Address / Phone Number: / Email Address
Household Members
Last Name, First Name / Relationship / Social Security Number / Date of Birth / Sex
M/F / Race / Health ins
(yes=x) / Last grade completed
1. / SELF / xxx-xx-
2. / xxx-xx-
3. / xxx-xx-
4. / xxx-xx-
5. / xxx-xx-
6. / xxx-xx-
*Race: 1 = African American, 2=Asian, 3= Pacific Islander , 4= Native American, 5=Caucasian, 6=Hispanic, 7=Bi-racial, 8-other
Income / Yes/No / Family Member / Monthly AmountEmployment
Unemployment Compensation
Retirement income from Social Security
Child Support
Alimony or spousal support
Veterans Disability
Pension from former job
TANF (cash welfare for families with children)
Food stamps
General Assistance (case welfare for adults)
Enter the number of adults receiving the following services:
How many adults in the household are currently employed: ______
How many adults in the household currently receive Mental Health services? ______
How many adults in the household currently receive Drug & Alcohol services? ______
How many adults in the household currently receive Domestic Violence services? ______
How many adults in the household are Veterans? ______
Has your household received Rental Assistance in the past 24 months? Yes ____ No ______
Do you currently have a Section 8 voucher? Yes ______No ______
Family Situation: Family is (check one) Homeless ______OR Near homeless ______/ BCOC Use Only:
By signature on this application grants permission to Bucks County Opportunity Council, Inc. to verify any information concerning residence, employment, income, or energy supplier. I affirm that Bucks County is my legal residence. I swear/affirm that all information contained in this application is true, correct, and complete, to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature: ______Date: ______
How did you hear about BCOC? ______
Have you received services through BCOC in the past? Yes ______No ______
What BCOC programs are you interested in – please check all that apply:
Emergency Assistance –
- Rental Assistance for families/individuals who are homeless or about to be homeless
- Utility Assistance if utility is shut off or in jeopardy of being shut off
Economic Self-Sufficiency – case management for individuals who are motivated to gain livable wage job skills and be free of all government subsidies
Home Energy Conservation – weatherization services, for owners and renters, to reduce utility bills
Food Assistance – food pantries located throughout Bucks County
Senior Food Box – age 60 and over
Wheelz to Work – transportation assistance program
Free Tax Program – free income tax preparation
Other: Information and Referral
Are you working with any other agencies? Yes ______No ______
If yes, which ones: ______
Caseworker name: ______
Please tell us why you are applying for assistance: ______
Please answer all questions – thank you
Are you employed? Yes______No ______
If yes, Employer name and address: ______
Job title: ______Rate of pay: ______Start date: ______
If no, name of last employer: ______
Job title: ______Dates of Employment: ______
If you are homeless or seeking rental assistance, have you called the Bucks County Housing Link? Yes ___ No ____
Do you: Rent ______Own ______Doubled up with friends/family ______Homeless ______
Rent/mortgage amount: ______Do you live in Section 8/subsidized housing: Yes: _____ No: _____
If renter, landlord name, address, and phone #: ______
Type of home: Single ______Double ______Row ______Mobile Home ______Apartment ______
Is there mold visable in your home? Yes ____ No ____ Do you have cracks in your foundation? Yes ______No ______
Do you have a basement? Yes ____ No ____ Is it damp? Yes ____ No ____
Does the basement get wet when it rains? Yes____ No _____ If so, is there ever standing or running water in the
basement? Yes_____ No ____
Electric ______Oil ______Gas ______Propane ______Other: ______
Utility company name: ______
Account Number: ______Age of heater: ______
Does the heater work: Yes ______No ______
Do you have a service contract: Yes ______No ______
Have you received LIHEAP in the past year: Yes ______No ______
Do you have a valid drivers license? Yes _____ No ______Do you own a vehicle? Yes ______No ______
If yes, year, make, and model: ______
Do you live near public transportation? Yes _____ No _____
Are you currently enrolled in an education or training program? Yes _____ No _____
If yes, name of program ______
Name of institution ______
Estimated completion date ______
Household Bills: please list monthly amounts
Rent/Mortgage ______Car Payments ______Cable ______
Electric ______Car Insurance ______Phones ______
Oil ______Gas ______Personal Items ______
Gas/Propane ______Bus/train ______Credit cards ______
Water/Sewer ______Child care ______Trash ______
Food ______Medical bills ______Prescriptions ______
Other ______
I hereby give The Bucks County Opportunity Council, Inc. permission to release any information about myself, spouse, and/or my children to other agencies during the course of their work with me.
I hereby authorize other agencies to release information about me to The Bucks County Opportunity Council, Inc. as deemed necessary while seeking to help me.
I certify that the information provided is true to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that the information I have provided is subject to review and verification and I may have to provide documents to support this application. I am also aware that I am subject to immediate termination if I am found ineligible after enrollment and may be prosecuted for fraud and/or perjury. I allow release of this information for verification purposes and understand that it will be used to determine eligibility. (Federal Regulation 520CFR76-75-30)
Date: ______
Participant Signature: ______
Case Manager Signature: ______
Representative BCOC, Inc.