Intel Retiree OrganizationBoard Meeting 19 August2009Minutes –Revised for Approval
Initial rough draft sent out 19 August 2009 for comment and revisions; incorporated comments/revisions from: Barb on 23 Aug. 2009; Sharon w/out revisions 23 Aug. 2009;
Roll Call – Barb/Caspar
In attendance: Debbie Watson; Caspar Helmer; Elyce Wair; Ben Manny; Duc Ngo; Sharon Bernier; Suzanne Boyd; Barb Frank Linda Allison
Apologies were noted from: Cheryl Pruss, Diana Daggett, and Debbie Silva
Barb had sent out an email introducing Linda Allison, who is replacing Barbara Brazil & Jim Hoffman as NM site rep.Round table introductions: [maybe we should post these on the web-site for pre-reading; could even add a photo, e.g. like Facebook?]
Caspar Helmer International rep; ret’ed 2006 after 30 years; started in US for 7 years; joined via acquisition of MRI Systems Corp; then relocated to UK for another 23 years; started in R&D/Engineering then moved into Systems Group Marketing and finally IT; Married, 4 children all pretty much out of the house and hand-full of grand-children
Ben Manny: as Caspar, acquired; stayed in USA; ret'ed 2006; stayed on Engineering side; joined first Intel Labs; chair Volunteer C'tee; prior H&B C'tee in OR
Duc Ngo: FM rep; worked with Ben ______
ElyceWair: 15 years at Intel, Mtg & Tng, field SRM; ret'ed 2004; chair Comms C'tee;
Sharon Bernier: ret'ed '99; Compensation and Finance; AZ started in OR; newsletter editor & AZ site rep
Suzanne Boyd: formed Hudsonsite group last summer; worked for DEC for 10 yrs; the Intel 7 yrs in Corp Purch ret'ed 2005;
Linda Alison: worked in NM Manuf site in training dept; worked on Manuf Lab- training; Pgm Mgr; writing doc'n for technicians; 25 yrs w/ Intel; ret'ed June 2009
Debbie Watson standing in for Judy Goodman: website C'tee; ret'ed 2007 after 23 yrs; 16 in Eng; 7 in HR; Intel Univ; OR
Review & Approve June/July Minutes - Caspar
AR Caspar to publish Final Minutes of June Board meeting
AR Caspar to draft and Publish Minutes of July meeting
AR Review – Caspar – skipped due to absence of minutes
AR’s Carried Over from June & July
AR Elyce/John to resolve with EasyStreet (Newsletter Hits)AR Barb to resurrect those website requirements and resend to Judy.
AR Ben to get Site Coordinators together for a brainstorm/prioritized volunteer strategy
AR for Website Committee to deal with mail reflector question.
AR Judy to come up with a proposal on whether we should publish new members abd whether we should be doing something for folks who pass away.
Intel & IRO Update - Barb
Barb sent out draft minutes of her meeting with Lisa; see email with action items taken.
Need to ensure that any Circuit articles are posted for all world-wide employees/retirees. Lisa has the AR Lisa to meet with Caspar – this has not happened yet.
Set up Call-in sessions for upcoming retirees for information; Q Ben: how will this be set up? Presentation? A Barb: yes, a presentation and then Q&As; calling it a 'brown-bag' with Lisa and some IRO board members. Fequency? Articles and session on q'ly basis.
Q Duc: will we integrate this in the retirement classes? A Barb: not yet, we first want to set up the sessions.
Q Ben; frequency of retiree classes? A Barb: haven't looked into this.
Q Caspar: can we get the information on the retiree classes? A: They are run through IntelUniv. totally based on requirements 1/q tops.
Linda: During layoffs in NM, they ran a few of these classes but the content wasn’t very good.
Barb discussed with Linda the concept of the retiree life-cycle noting which decisions are to be made. This starts on the day you’re hired e.g. selection of pension contribution. There is a lot of work to be done but we're heading in the right direction.
Lisa's focus now (to be done by end of year): Intel's value proposition and philosophy to agree on joint charter & have understanding of mutual expectations.
Additional ARBarb(?) to document the service level agreement to Intel: number of bridges, mails, etc. so Intel can deal with the work-load issue.
Lisa is also working on an environmental scan with prelim numbers; the number eligible employees could double our numbers; over the next 10 years we are looking at something like another 30,000 retirees!
On a side note: in response to the Post card which was sent out re the Newsletter, we received a huge opt-in volume but our systems are manual so we are having problems responding. Barb & Elyce are talking about this; we need more folks to opt-in and volunteer to HELP!
Conversion to Joomla was May and now Sept this will freeze our website. Our opt-in process is manual.
So, AR for ALL: if you can help please let Barb know or if you know someone go recruit them, so we can keep up with our growth.
Q Sharon: keeping up with the growth: as site coord. can she put an email together asking for help and doing an environmental scan? Can we put those number in an email; A Barb: not yet but in a month or so we may know when our number will be known.
If we want to do a call to action we need to do it consistently; Sharon to table "Call to Action email" for the next Comms meeting; we all can tap folks on their shoulders asking for short-term help. Key issues are with Web-site and the e-mail directory. Is Judy aware of these resource issues?Debbie to pass this on. Barb was trying to recruit someone in AZ
Q Ben: did telepresence work? A Barb, not tried yet will try in Sept between OR & SC
Committee Updates:
Communications - Elyce
Met yesterday and reviewed articles: one of our own (button on left hand channel); article from Howard High re his travel.
Lisa is doing some systemic thinking to determine with Intel what would be a great Retirement experience: what was great and what was lousy. AR All to email Elyce about our own experience. Experiences are very different between individual or pool retirements also a few years ago 1000 middle manager. Caspar mentioned that there are some very good stories on the Alumni website.AR Elyce to look at the Intel Alumni Network website for the experience topics. Linda has very recent experience which she'll forward to Elyce.
Have been working with the Web-site C’tee - discussed how we can improve how we do things. We need to come into this century: e.g. web-cams, videos. We should video our sessions and post those on our web-site. AR Debbie for Judy to see whether we have the experience and have someone who can do it from creation to posting. Web C’tee is swamped with conversion to Joomla. Do we need extra resources or compartmentalize? ...
Q: Ben - about the PowerPoint about site coord process? A Elyce, as we grow and as people want to do things locally we get multiple folks trying to get things done with Intel; let's review the process in use and how to improve them. Intel is resource constrained.
1/ Database = mailing list? HR database, retiree opt-ins. Barb: rather than making the Comms C’tee a gating item maybe Bob can publish on monthly basis or folks should have direct access? Routeany database access requests via Comms C’tee Chair (not committee)
2/ How about (site) event notices? These currently go out to their local constituency. What is needed too send out this kind of information? Elyce was mostly thinking about collateral development. Q Sharon: can she send out email about local events? A Elyce: Sharon is on the Comms C’tee so she can just publish them as she is experienced; just copy Elyce. New Site C’tee reps would need to be trained and Elyce will help.
Ben: same for board committee communications -
Someone dropped off
3/ via board; e.g. financial support from Intel for annual dinner in OR; Lisa will be creating a budget so over time we can see whether this support is sustainable.
Bridge requests - Suzanne has never has done this. What can be done for the small sites? E.g. Financial support for Hudson retirees or finding a speaker? Elyce see this as a bottoms-up approach. Most of our events are self funding but Intel may want to contribute on occasion.
Someone (re-)joined...
About any Intel support requests, let Barb know and or go through the Corp Relations person. They are swamped and don’t have the bandwidth. Elyce did work this with Diana Daggett and she also was in an overload situation. Support and Resources available by site is varying. We are working with Lisa to get a minimum set. Barb has been kicking around that maybe Corp.Affairs isn't the right place to go, but maybe the local Site C'tee would be better.
Bob Flansburg's information is very minimal as is the information in the email database. Elyce can help. Sharon has worked with Bob re 'kick-outs' and Bob has been very responsive. Currently we are in a volume crunch. About the process change - we need to change our procedure document which is used to train new members. ARBarb to resend document.
Should we go directly to the appropriate Intel contact (e.g. Intel Vault)?Should we capture this via the email? Elyce captures and classifies the information coming through the mailbox. What to do with questions during meetings and or lunch-ons? We should make sure that the answers are consistent and recorded via the mailbox. The mailbox is managed every day! This ensures that issues are resolved. We need to ensure there is closure. AR Elyce to add this to the training that the site coordinator is always copied back ...
Barb: comment that while we're growing we need to make these process changes but do use common sense so that at events we just answer the questions but then just document this on the mailbox. This change needs to be reflected in the procedure document.
Ben: re PowerPoint foil. Site Coord also has direct connection with Intel e.g. Site Manager & Corp Affairs AR Elyce to amend the slide
Website – Judy (Debbie Watson)
Debbie is representing Judy. Big news is the migration to Joomla: the target completion is Sep. 30, 2009. It is only an issue as we have been talking about this for many months. Note that we'll freeze the web-site during the conversion. Conversion work has started few days ago and is ongoing until we get there. End Sep is the worst case estimate.We lost the resource that could have done this in a few days. Judy was trying to hold-off and be sensitive to his situation - he is now consulting with the people doing the work (2 weeks ago); the work has now started. We have the people who can make it happen and we are on track. Once we make this conversion then our capability increases and some additional support and services become possible. Debby is concerned that we may have become burocratic so we can't make thing happen quickly enough.
Caspar mentioned his recent experience with to small changes (corrections and amendment) to the web-site, This request has come up at the web-site C’tee but they decided to wait for ‘approval’. For someone to make a change on the web-site - who should be directing this? Or can we, theweb master(s) just do this? We should do what would work best for the Web C’tee but it would have to be approved by the Comms C'tee. Elyce wants the web-site folks to just make the change if it makes sense but copy her to keep her informed.
The changes proposed went to Comms C’tee members. Caspar to re-send them to Judy directly. Judy is monitoring her emails daily.
Ben has used Joomla; certain sections are owned by C’tee - if possible ensure that the appropriate C’tee can keep their pages current. Ben has no issue making changes directly to a web-site as long as there are tools. Elyce feels people should be trained first. AR Debbie/Judy: the Web C’tee needs to look into the possibility of enabling multiple people to update their own pages – pages would have to be clearly assigned/owned.
Barb wants to be able to add PowerPoint foils but not everyone has PowerPoint. Caspar mentioned there are publicly available ppt viewers as well as PDF or Word document viewers. Ben: this also applies to other file types. AR Debbie/Judy: the Web C’teeneeds to look into recommended formats for posted materials.
Ben suggested that once the conversion Joomla has happened that we should review the requirements list for the 'new' web-site. Debbie mentioned that this will be fairly soon!
Newsletter - Sharon
Savings 4-5k$ per Quarter; post-card went out in time; process worked well. Howard High [sp?] had problem accessing the hyperlinks in the Newsletter; maybe he was trying to access it from his Blackberry; these issues were all addressed before the post card went out.
Barb: postcards were highly effective;however, some people who had already opted-in were opting in again. Next post-card needs to make this clearer. We will have added another 100 people. Postcard went to every USretiree not just the opted in ones! We currently can't see how many hits we're getting.
On the post-card it also wasn't clear that people have to go to the web-site to read the Newsletter they were expecting it to be emailed. We want people to actually go to the web-site. Having the hit rate would be useful to have but won’t be available until we're on Joomla. AR Debbie/Judy to add hit reporting to the requirements list: we should have a page by page hit report.
Benefits – Cheryl/Barb
Cheryl couldn't attend. Barb reported that this work is on hold until Lisa has completed her environmental scan. There is a big disconnect between Intel C&B and what the retirees need/experience. Lisa is going to meet with Richard about this disconnect. We can't go forward until we have agreement on how to close this gap. The C’tee is working on theBenefits FAQ document to be sent end this week to Lisa for Intel legal review.
Volunteer - Ben
Ben is still dealing with family health issues in LO –he just came back today. There are quite a few folks mentioned in the last Newsletter doing volunteer work so there are new opportunities on the website. Ben is developing a slide-set at the monthly meetings which will be scheduled as of Sept. C'tee is working o.k. - a few requests e.g. Encore from CA. Still working with Aubrey on the June deadline for reportingvolunteer hours. She appears to be on vac'n - Elyce: she's due to go on sabbatical in Sept. Barb met with Aubrey last week about the United Way campaign. Aubrey has postponed her sabbatical and is working with her on the mailing for the new UW campaign - met with Annette (FM Sales Force rep) - meeting again in 2 weeks to create a plan for each site. Mostly focus is on donations rather than volunteering but there is some cross over. Meeting on how to communicate about the campaign. Ben: we may want to expand the scope to charitable contributions; he has worked with UW in OR with Elyce. He is travelling back to Portland today.
Barb: we’re talking about setting up call-in sessions and give outside contact names to go to all US retirees. This Campaign kicks off Oct 12, ends Nov 13th. Total Intel goal will be published; but for goal for retirees is to increase participation and dollar contribution as it is sooo loooow [only 3%]
Site Updates:
AZ - Sharon
Nothing new; next Luncheon 2nd wk Oct; personal: scheduled for surgery in Oct. (extensive back surgery) should be able to work on the newsletter; will miss Oct mtg. [fusing discs; Barb's neighbor had this done and back up and about in 6 wks]
Folsom – Duc/Carl
Duc: Aug 2nd cancelled; work on rescheduling; let Barb know if help is needed
Oregon – Judy (Debbie Watson)
Elyce: monthly lunches; numbers for gatherings are lower; extreme heat; food and type of events to be reviewed.
New Mexico – Linda (had to leave)
Barb working with Linda for NM
MA - Suzanne
Barb may need to help Suzanne too. Need to find out who the site C’tee is for help on next social. Waiting for hurricane Bill to come up the coast.
Santa Clara - Barb
Barb: nothing new; annual dinner (1st) Nov 7th; invitation to Debbie Silva to mail next week. In Sept an event on Barb's side of the Bay hike & wine; there is quite
GER/International - Caspar
Barb as per Lisa AR will start email tread about a social network strategy to address what we do with things like Facebook, Plaxo, Linked-In,
Ben: we should have a standard PowerPoint template which matches the web look-n-feel AR Elyce to work this
Caspar: should we also look at creating a logo? Elyce: we've done that before but all proposals were nixed by Intel. Barb: maybe we should review this once and for all. Elyce stated that we should review this again as circumstances change.
Duc - nothing
Elyce: Intel matching - can we become a non profit status organization? Sharon answered that this is a huge effort with different state by state rules and regulations [let alone international issues /c]. This was referred to the Comms C'tee to review.
Debbie for Judy nothing
Sharon nothing
Suzanne: nothing
Bin Items
Revisit small site strategy. Define: "What is a 'small' site?"