Mrs. Walter’s 7th Grade English
Tentative Weekly Overview
MondaySeptember 30, 2013 / Objective: Students will participate in a parts of speech review and complete test.
Homework: Vocabulary homework for the week is given out on Monday and is due in its entirety on Friday before the test.
This is in addition to daily assignments that cover content from class.
October 1, 2013 / Objective: Capitalization Rules
Students will brainstorm capitalization rules and practice implementing the rules in their writing.
Homework: Capitalization worksheet
October 2, 2013 / Objective: Punctuation Rules
Students will read different types of sentences and identify what kind of sentence it is and the appropriate ending.
Homework: Types of sentences worksheet
October 3, 2013 / Objective: Fragments and Run-ons
Students will identify the subject and predicate in a sentence to explain if it is a complete sentence.
October 4, 2013 / Objective: Weekly Rap up
Vocabulary test
Progress Monitoring
Practice Fluency read over the weekend
Other Information / Spelling Lists and vocabulary lists are alternated weekly. For example, last week the students were responsible for knowing how to spell the words this week they will be given the definitions for the words and will be expected to define them.
Quizzes and progress monitoring are usually completed on Fridays.
Students will receive a tentative weekly overview on Mondays.
If changes occur students will be made aware and up to date homework and Spelling lists can be found on the Carl Sandburg website under
V. Walters
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