Integrity Sample ~

First of all integrity is the firm adherence to a code of special moral or artistic values. Integrity is also when you use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. In other words, when you speak, speak nothing but the truth.

Second of all, while speaking to others speak with integrity, act like you have some sense, and say only what you mean, and don’t go overboard. In other words don’t talk so much that it will cause a problem. Just say what you have to say without adding anything else to what you have to say.

Third of all avoid using the word integrity to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Gossiping about others is not about integrity, because when we usually gossip about someone we don’t tell the truth, we wanna add details (lies) to the story, so that it will look good on our end, and bad on there’s. So it will be best not to use integrity to gossip about others.

Fourth of all it’s ok to use integrity as long as you know, when and how to use it. For instance using integrity gives you the right to say what you mean and feel but that doesn’t mean that you can go up to someone and just say anything, there is a way to say it, and that way is to speak the truth, and say it with respect without hurting someone’s feelings. You can say things without trying to hurt someone’s feelings.

Last, but not least having integrity means alot, it means being completely true to what is inside you, to what you know is right, to what you feel you must do, regardless of the immediate cost of sacrifice to be honorable and to behave decently. Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful.

~ (1/1)

Content – Though the response is focused on the topic, the organization does not establish connections between the random ideas presented (First of all integrity is the firm adherence to a code of special moral or artistic values. Integrity is also when you use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love. In other words, when you speak, speak nothing but the truth.) Support and elaboration are confusing and unrelated (Second of all, while speaking to others speak with integrity, act like you have some sense, and say only what you mean, and don’t go overboard. In other words don’t talk so much that it will cause a problem. Just say what you have to say without adding anything else to what you have to say.) Details are sparse. Vocabulary and sentence fluency are not demonstrated.

Convention – The response demonstrated minimal control and receives a “1” for conventions. Sentence formation errors constitute the majority of errors. (Gossiping about others is not about integrity, because when we usually gossip about someone we don’t tell the truth, we wanna add details (lies) to the story, so that it will look good on our end, and bad on there’s.) Usage errors include a wrong homophone use. Mechanics errors include missing punctuation for introductory.

Integrity Sample @

To the graduating class of 2006, let us remember and value the true meaning of integrity. The true meaning of integrity is a firm adherence to a code of special morals or artistic values. To live in a society that seems to frown on those who withhold such integrity can diminish one’s spirit, but to achieve your own integrity you must first believe in yourself, obtain much knowledge, and learn to respect all living things.

Most everyone here has been guilty of compairing themselves to someone else. But to find out who you are and what you morally stand for takes no compairson. Forget the rap and pop stars you see in the media who flaunt their fame and fortune as if it’s nothing, compairng your actions to theirs will bring you no closer to your own integrity. Only you can determine what your moral or artistic values are.

As you step into your future you’ll come to experience much more and with that experience comes knowledge. Use that knowledge to better understand yourself and others. Absorb the knowledge from the people and experience in your life and grow from it. Integrity without knowledge is alot like a tree with out roots. The tree depends on the roots to support the tree’s growth. Stand firm in your integrity with the knowledge you’ve absorbed from experience.

Another important factor in the meaning of integrity is respect. Respect is witholding others values so that feelings and virtues aren’t violated. To withold good integrity means to respect others opinions and beliefs by listening and not pushing your own ideals onto theirs.

As you leave your highschool years behind you, remember a man/woman is only as good as their word, so speak in the direction of truth and love. Remember that no one but yourself can dictate your moral or artistic values. Absorb the knowledge from the people and experiences around you, and use that knowledge to better understand who you are and what you stand for. Lastly, respect all living things as well as their own aspirations and views with this you can difine the meaning of your own true integrity.

@ (2/2)

Content – The response is focused on integrity throughout and is generally clear. The organization plan is outlined in introduction; however, ideas are minimally developed. (Most everyone here has been guilty of comparing themselves to someone else. But to find out who you are and what you morally stand for takes no comparison. Forget the rap and pop stars you see in the media who flaunt their fame and fortune as if it’s nothing…)There is an attempt at elaboration and support, but there are major weaknesses in relatedness and details remain underdeveloped (Integrity without knowledge is alot like a tree with out roots. The tree depends on the roots to support the tree’s growth.) Vocabulary and sentence fluency are minimally demonstrated.

Conventions – This response exhibits reasonable control and receives a “2” for conventions. Overall, only a few minor mechanics errors occur. (compairing, with out, difine), while sentence formation and usage are adequate.

Integrity Sample $

What is integrity? Integrity is the firm adherence to a code of special, moral and artistic values. What does that mean? To Don Miguel Ruiz, it means to speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

I once observed this on a T.V. show called 7th Heaven. One of the characters, Lucy, was at a sleepover and one of the friends was under the bed listening to the other girls’ conversation. The whole point was that they were talking about the girl under the bed to see if Lucy would join in. But she didn’t, she stood up for her and told them how wrong they were. To me this shows integrity because Lucy stood up for herself and her friend in saying that it was wrong instead of following along with the crowd and trying to be cool.

To me, integrity may not be not gossiping about someone but being yourself and not doing what everyone else is doing. This could be not doing drugs because your friends are, or not skipping school because they are. If you know its wrong, and you’re going to get in trouble, don’t do it. You shouldn’t worry about what they think, do what you want to do. If they don’t like you for that then they weren’t your friends to begin with. Doing what’s right to you is integrity.

For instance, one day some friends of mine that drove wanted to skip school and go to the state fair. I knew that I would never get away with it, and plus I had two tests that day, I didn’t really want to go. So I didn’t. They didn’t get caught but neither did I. I also got an A and a B on those tests. They were still my friends and understood why I didn’t want to get in trouble. They respected me for doing what I wanted to do. So in the end integrity pays off.

Another display of integrity is that I read in a magazine that a guy was a cheerleader at the highschool he went to. And of course to every other guy they think “Oh he must be gay” but he wasn’t. He was picked on for being a cheerleader but he didn’t let it get to him. He did it because he enjoyed it. If anything with all the gossip going on about him it would makes him quit. But it just pushed him harder to want to be good at it. How is that not integrity? He did it for him and didn’t care about what people thought. This was artistic value.

To conclude my speech I would say that integrity is doing what you believe and sticking it or in a more formal way, a firm adherence to a code of special moral or artistic value.

$ (3/1)

Content – The topic generally stays clear, and the organizational structure establishes relationships among ideas. (You shouldn’t worry about what they think, do what you want to do. If they don’t like you for that then they weren’t your friends to begin with. Doing what’s right to you is integrity. For instance, one day some friends of mine that drove wanted to skip school and go to the state fair.) There is a logical progression of the ideas in the first idea with 7th Heaven and the second example with the state fair. However, the third idea with the cheerleader is not developed as well and is not supported like the previous two ideas (Another display of integrity is that I read in a magazine that a guy was a cheerleader at the highschool he went to. And of course to every other guy they think “Oh he must be gay” but he wasn’t. He was picked on for being a cheerleader but he didn’t let it get to him.) There are some specific details. Precise vocabulary is minimally demonstrated, while sentence fluency is reasonable.

Conventions – This response demonstrates minimal control and receives a score of “1.” There are some sentence formation errors. (You shouldn’t worry about what they think, do what you want to do… I had two tests that day, I didn’t really want to go… But it just pushed him harder to want to be good at it). Usage is reasonably controlled throughout the response. Mechanics errors include not underlining a title (7th Heaven) and missing commas with introductory clauses.