Membership Covenant


I testify joyfully that I have received Jesus Christ, by faith, as my Savior and Lord; and

I affirm that I have been baptized by immersion as an act of obedience before God; and

I believe that God desires that I be securelyjoined to a local body of Christian believers.

Therefore, I willingly commit (re-commit) myself to be a faithful Christian member of the family of God known as Grace Baptist Church of Ridgeway, Virginia.

I understand that being a devoted member of this community of believers will require my steadfast commitment to the following beliefs and practices. Therefore, my signature at the end of this document reflects my wholehearted vow before God and before the other members of the congregation to embrace this membership covenant. Irecognize, furthermore, that I may be fully released from this covenant upon the dissolution of my church membership. [Neh 9:38]

Prayer. Understanding that prayer is absolutely essential to Christianliving, I will be faithful in my prayer life. I realize, among other things, this commitment will require time set aside to pray before God, both privately and corporately. [Matt 26:36-46, 1 Thess 5:17, Jas 5:16]

Evangelism. Understanding that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is the only wayof salvation, I will be faithful in sharing my testimony and the gospel message with others. I realize that a commitment to effective Christian witnessing will likely require formal evangelism training. [Matt 28:18-20, Luke 16:19-31,John 14:6]

Missions. Understanding that missions is the conduit which carries the gospel message, I will be faithful in supporting the missional activity of my church. I realize, according to the word of God, that personal missions involvement is a non-negotiable reality of the Christian faith – we must go where we can go and we must send others where we cannot go ourselves. [Isa 6:8, Acts 1:6-8, Acts 13:1-3]

Worship. Understanding that worship glorifies God and impacts so many areas of the Christian life, I will be faithful in both my private and my corporate worship of God. I realize that devoted attendance to the Sunday Morning Worship Service is a primary expectation of my membership. [Isa 6:1-5, John 4:23, Heb 10:25]

Discipleship. Understanding that God desires that I grow continuously toward Christian maturity, I will be faithful in striving to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. I realize that discipleship is a life-long process, which includes serious Bible study, committed Christian service, and the pursuit of a lifestyle of personal holiness. [Luke 9:23-25, Eph 4:11-16]

Fellowship. Understanding that God desires that His children live in healthyrelationship with one another, I will be faithful in participating within the life and community of the church body. I realize that this commitment will involve my harmonious participation in various church activities, both on and off the church property. [John 13:34-35, Eph 4:1-6, 1 John 1:5-7]

Ministry. Understanding that God has gifted each of His children for effective Christian service, I will be faithful in using my spiritual giftedness for God’s glory. I realize that this commitment will involve steps of faith in identifying my gift(s) and embracing my specific area(s) of personal ministry in order to touch the lives of others for Jesus Christ. [Matt 25:31-46, 1 Pet 4:10]

Youth & Children. Understanding that children are a special gift from God and represent an emerging generation, I will be faithful in helping to bring them up in the ways of God. I realize that this commitment will involve wholesome support of the numerous ministriesfocused uponthe children and youth within this church and community. [Deut 6:4-9, Prov 22:6]

Attendance. Understanding that God desires the active participation of His children in the life of His church, I will, therefore, be faithful in my attendance of church services. I realize this commitment will require making church a consistent priority in my life. [Heb 10:19-25]

Stewardship. Understanding the basic truth that “the earth is the Lord’s and all it contains,” I will be faithful in managing all personal resources that the Lord has given me for His glory. I realize that this pledge assumes the generous giving ofmy time, money, and resources to help support the overall ministries of this church. [Matt 25:14-30, 2 Cor 8:1-5, 2 Cor 9:6-15]

Reconciliation. Understanding that God desires His children to live in perfect unity with one another, I will be faithful to safeguard and nurture my relationship with others. I realize this unwavering commitment to church unity will require humility and prayerful vigilance in quickly resolving any conflicts that may arise. [Matt 5:21-24, Matt 18:15-20, Eph 4:1-3]

Discipline. Understanding that we areby nature sinful creatures prone to fleshly desires, I willbe faithful in submitting to official church discipline designed to bring about spiritual correction and the building up of the body of Christ. I realize that all actions should follow biblical guidelines and be fully redemptive in nature. [1 Cor 5:1-13, Heb 12:4-13]

Leadership. Understanding that God provideshuman leadership for His churchbody (pastor, deacons, leadership team), I will be faithful to recognize, honor, and follow those leaders who have been formally established within this local fellowship. I realize that this decision will requirea steadfast faith and commitment to the Lord. [Eph 4:11-13, Heb 13:17]


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Approved: GBC BM 4-15-2009