Basic Mental Health Trianing for PHC Health Facilities

3rd- 19th Dec.2011


To integrate mental health in 6 PHC health facilities in Kabul city in order to provide Mental health Out Patient services

To establish a functional two way referral system between PHC health facilities and Mental Health Hospital

The Mental health training focused on the knowledge, understanding and skills that are needed to provide Mental Health and Psycosocial services for people suffering from mental health problems.

The trianing was organized by IMC with support of MoPH Mental Health department and facilitated by 4 National Trainers who are trained by MoPH.

It was a 12 days training held in Mental Health Hospital, started at 3rd Dec 2011 and ended at 19th Dec. 2011, totaly 15 trainees from different health facilities including Dasht e Barchi DH, Rahman Mena CHC, Ahmad shah Baba DH, Hod Khil CHC, Proja e Jadid Khairkhana CHC, Taimani BHC, ANA Hospital, ANP Hospital Amniat hospital and Mental Health department of MoPH regularly attended this trainingThe teaching methodology includes self-experience, personal reflection, skills practice sessions, discussions related to real clinic experiences, small group activities, learning guides and presentations.


During the trianing two training and licture evaluation were performed, one at the med and one at the end, which shows trainees satisfiction from the facilitators and training material, also two knowledge assessment were performed one at the begining and one at the end of the course which shows considrable improvement in trainees knowledge and abilities.

Pretest(Knowledge assessment)and Post Test (Knowlege assessment) Reasult :

Pretest / Post test / Reasult
No. Of Participants / 15 / No. Of Participants / 15 / 15
Total Score / 393 / Total Score / 724 / 331
Percentage / 28% / Percentage / 55.6% / 27.6% improvement

Licture and Training Evaluation for PHC MH Course

Grading Scale / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q5
A=Exellent / 10 / 6 / 4 / 3 / 5
B=Good / 3 / 7 / 7 / 10 / 5
C=Fair / 1 / 0 / 2 / 0 / 2
D=Poor / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
E=Non Existent / 1
The Following questions were asked:
Q1: Are the lecture presentations effective?
Q2: Does the licture engage the audience effectively?
Q3:Did you fully understand the licture as it was being delivered?
Q4:Did you understand the teaching methods applied?
Q5:How much do you feel this will improve your skills?
Note: The Numbers show the participants who take part in the evaluation process


In the closing ceremony some authoritied from MoPH( Dr.Mohammad Tawfiq Mashal General Director of Preventive Medicine and Dr.Bashir Ahmad Sarwary Acting Director of Mental Health&DDR Department), and Mental health hospital Management staff were invited to attend in the closing ceremonty, The MoPH authorities attend in the closing ceremony, they had speachs and take part in certificate distribution for the trainees, totaly 15 Medical Doctors graduated form this course and got the certificate.