Integrated Social Studies B

Course Description: This course designed to introduce students to topics in social studies. Students will study geography, government and economics. This course provides the foundation for student’s historical studies.

Prerequisites: None

Materials: The following will be needed, a folder, a composition notebook, a supply of paper, a pen (black or blue), a highlighter and a pencil.

Grading Policy: All assignments are graded on a point system. Final Exams are worth 10% of the class average.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Respect Others.
  2. Be in your seat when the bell rings and stay in your assigned seat.
  3. Bring supplies to class.
  4. Do not bother anything in this room that does not belong to you.
  5. Observe all rules in the Student Handbook.


  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Conference in hall.
  3. Move to a new assigned seat.
  4. Write Discipline Referral


  • Daily work & Quizzes -announced & unannounced- (5 – 50 pts. each)
  • Bellworks (WORTH 100 pts.) Checked approximately every 4 weeks!
  • TEST (100 pts. each)
  • FINAL EXAM 10% OF GRADE---at end of each Trimester!

***To figure your grade----take the total points earned divided by the total possible points.

***EXTRA CREDIT will be available periodically during the semester

however, you will not be allowed any at the end of the grading period.


  • When using a hall pass you must ask permission when no one else is out of the room and at a time that you will not disturb the class.
  • “10-10 RULE”—can’t leave room first or last 10 minutes of class!!!


  • Do not run when entering the room, come in QUIETLY.
  • When seated get out your materials and begin the assignment on the board (marked BELL WORK). I will not start the class….You do when you enter the room!! Write the QUESTION and ANSWER to the bellwork in your composition book!


  • DO NOT Talk during announcements!!!


  • Unless I tell you otherwise, turn all of your work into the appropriate tray.


  • As long as you had an excused absence you get to make up work

you missed for full credit.

  • Get the bellwork from your neighbor when absent!


  • Off limits to you, unless I directly give you permission.
  • Only one person up on the floor at a time---So, LOOK before you move!!
  • Helpful Hint: I do not like a lot of movement and noise in a room! It is extremely hard to learn when you are distracted.


  • I think you can learn a lot when working in the computer lab and library. However, this is a PRIVILEGE, not a right!! DO NOT abuse computers!
  • When we use the computers in the lab, you will always have an educational purpose. You will have a handout with specific instructions as to what you are looking for while on the computer. You should NEVER go to sites that are not related to the material at hand.


  • When instructed move into groups QUIETLY. Sometimes I will let you chose groups, however, there may be times that I will put you into groups. This is for your benefit and a PRIVILEGE, so I hope you can follow directions and cooperate with each other.


Students will study civics (to understand the democratic principles of justice, equality, responsibility, and freedom and apply them to real life situations)and government for 12 weeks.

Course Outline:

Unit 1: (2 weeks) Introduction to Economics

  • Program of Studies:

2.18Students understand economic principles and are able to make economic decisions that have consequences in daily living.

 Topics- Scarcity, Wants, Needs, Trade-off, Opportunity Cost, Purpose of a Cost Benefit Analysis

 Resources/Activities:, Mind Jogger, Bingo, Eggs-pert, Pictionary, Jeopardy, Exit Slips, Bell Work, Vocabulary Activity: What is Economics, Re-teaching Activity over Vocabulary Words. T-Chart over Wants vs. Needs, Video: Surviving the Checkout, Wise Buying

 Culminating Assessment: What is Economics Vocabulary Quiz, Unit Test

Unit 2: (2 weeks) The American Economy

  • Program of Studies:

2.18Students understand economic principles and are able to make economic decisions that have consequences in daily living.

 Topics- Factors of Production, Gross Domestic Product, Consumerism

 Resources/Activities:, Mind Jogger, Bingo, Eggs-pert, Pictionary, Jeopardy, Exit Slips, Bell Work, Foldable on the Factors of Production, Video on Henry Ford, Classroom Assembly Line, Reading and Class Discussion on Bill Gates/Mark Zuckerberg/Steve Jobs, Crossword Review Puzzle over Key Terms, Video: Is Wal-Mart Good for America?, Video: High Cost/ Low Price w/questions.

 Culminating Assessment: Argumentative Informational Reading: Up-Front “A Tale of Two India’s” with Reading/Writing Rubric, Unit Test

Unit 3: Supply and Demand (2 weeks)

  • Program of Studies:

2.18Students understand economic principles and are able to make economic decisions that have consequences in daily living.

 Topics- Law of Demand, Law of Supply, Factors Affecting Demand, Factors Affecting Supply, Shortages, Surplus, Equilibrium Price

 Resources/Activities:, Mind Jogger, Bingo, Eggs-pert, Pictionary, Jeopardy, Exit Slips, Bell Work, Interpreting Demand Graphs, Guided Reading Activity on Demand, Vocabulary Activity over Key terms of Demand, Reading a Line Graph, Cooperative Learning Activity over Budgeting, Interpreting Demand Graphs, Supply Curve Graph and Tables, Informational Reading: Up-Front “What Advertisers Spend To Get Our Attention”, Informational Reading: Up-Front “That’s Advertainment” Up-Front “Wal-Mart’s Market (Stock Market, That Is) Up-Front “Wal-Mart Nation” with questions

 Culminating Assessment: Quiz over Demand, Quiz over Supply, Unit Test, Writing: “Wal-Mart Nation” with Reading/Writing Rubric, Argumentative Writing Piece w/ Reading/Writing Rubric,

Unit 4: Comparing Economic Systems of the World (2 weeks)

  • Program of Studies:

2.18Students understand economic principles and are able to make economic decisions that have consequences in daily living.

 Topics- Market Economy, Mixed Economy, Command Economy, Traditional Economy

 Resources/Activities:, Mind Jogger, Bingo, Eggs-pert, Pictionary, Jeopardy, Exit Slips, Bell Work, Political Cartoon on Economic Systems with Rubric

 , Foldable on Types of Economic Systems, Crossword Review Puzzle over Key Terms, Up-Front: What Ever Happened to Japan? Multiple Entry Journal (Differentiation),

 Culminating Assessment: Unit Test, Quiz over Different Types of Economic Systems,

Unit 5: Free Enterprise System (1 week)

  • Program of Studies:

2.18 Students understand economic principles and are able to make economic decisions that have consequences in daily living.

 Topics- Real GDP, Business Cycle, Federal Reserve System, Money, FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Banking Services, Federal Budget

 Resources/Activities: Issues to Debate: Should Consumers Be Able to Download Internet Music? , Political Cartoon: “Wall Street”, Supreme Court Case: McCulloch v. Maryland

 Culminating Assessment: Unit Test, Writing Piece: “ECON Speak” with Argumentative with Reading/Writing Rubric

Unit 6: Culture (1 week)

  • Program of Studies:

2.17 Students interact effectively and work cooperatively with the many ethnic and cultural groups of our nation and world.

 Topics- Real GDP, Business Cycle, Federal Reserve System, Money, FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Banking Services, Federal Budget

 Resources/Activities: KCCT Book: Unit II—Culture and Society

 Culminating Assessment: Critical Thinking 4.1 (KCCT), Critical Thinking 5.1 (KCCT), Reading: The Family (Reading Standard Rubric) Unit Test,

Unit 7: Geography (1 week)

  • Program of Studies:

2.19Students recognize and understand the relationship between people and geography and apply their knowledge in real-life situations

 Topics- Real GDP, Business Cycle, Federal Reserve System, Money, FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Banking Services, Federal Budget

 Resources/Activities: KCCT Book: Unit IV—Geography, “Sketching through Text”—Urban areas, Migration, Push & Pull Factors Graphic Organizer,

 Culminating Assessment: Reading: What is Geography? (Reading Standard Rubric), Reading: Can the Earth Feed Its People (Reading Standard Rubric), Unit Test

I encourage you to give this class 110% and to obey all rules and procedures so that we will have a successful semester.

I plan 4th (12:33-1:35)if anyone needs help with anything!

PARENTS: Feel free to contact me anytime you have a concern about your child, want to know what we are doing in class, or want to check on your child’s progress.

Thank You,

Mrs. VanMeter () 259-4078 Ext. 2151

Social Studies Dept.

Pep Club Sponsor

Mrs. VanMeter’s CLASS!

Return THIS SHEET ONLY, into tray!! (Int. Soc. St.)


  • Have your parent/guardian sign below and return by ______.

I have read the rules and expectations for the class and understand if I chose to disobey any of the above,

I will suffer the consequences of my actions.

______(student signature)

I have read the rules and expectations for the class and understand what is expected of my child for it to be a successful semester.

Please list a phone number and e-mail address that I may reach you during the day.

______(parent/guardian sign.)

______(relationship to student)

______(daytime phone number)

______(home number)

______(e-mail address)

Please comment if you think there is anything else I need to know about your child that might help me to guide them to be a better student:


Thank you!! I look forward to meeting or at least talking to you soon!! Feel free to e-mail me anytime!

Mrs. VanMeter