NHS South of Tyne and Wear

Integrated Consultative Group

Notes of meeting held on 14 July 2009

at Thompson Suite, Business Innovation Centre

Present:Vicki Taylor – Director of HR and Organisational Development (Chair)

Kelvyn Petrie – UNISON

Ken Richardson - UNISON

Chris Macklin – Director of Finance

Kathryn Dimmick – Locality Lead (representing Bev Atkinson)

Kirstie Harris-Parker – SoCaP

AlisonMcNally – UNISONSouth Tyneside

Sonia Atkinson, HR Manager

Pam Roughead – HR Manager

Tracey Dibble, HR Manager

Sue Taylor – Head of HR

Mark Tull, RCNGateshead

Martin Wrate – BDA

Steve Holmes – SoCaP South Tyneside

Debbie Burnicle – Assistant Director – Commissioning and Reform (Representing David Humbleton)

Michelle Blythe – HR Advisor (Minutes)

In Attendance:Alison McMurrough – Training Manager

Michelle Fitzgerald – OD Facilitator

Darrin Shaw – Associate Director of Informatics (Acting)

1.Apologies for Absence

Apologies were received from Karen Straughair, David Hambleton, Bev Atkinson, Roger Nettleship, Diane Wilkinson, Michelle McGuigan, Jan Foster, Gordon Straughan, Louise Robson, Roy McLachlan, Alison Eden, Brent Kilmurray, Carolyn Taylor, Richard Atkinson, Phillipa Rothwell.

Vicki Taylor welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed everyone that Michelle Fitzgerald was in attendance as a development opportunity. Kathyrn Dimmick was representing Bev Atkinson, Debbie Burnicle was representing David Hambleton and Darrin Shaw was presenting the first item.

2.Notes of Previous Meeting

Page 1 – UNITE should be spelt consistently throughout the notes.

Page 2 – Bev Atkinson needed to supply the rewording of the IIP paragraph.

Page 3 – Page 5 update:

Staff side requested that all staff side chairs were represented

Page 4 – Ist paragraph, 2nd line should read:

This will then be shared with staff.

2nd para should read ‘resources were available for social enterprise’

Page 5 – The Interim Flu Pandemic Absence Monitoring Policy was agreed.

Page 6 – 11. Staff Survey Board Report – 2nd paragraph should read:

Martin Wrate suggested an on-line system but Vicki Taylor explained that this was not possible as we had to follow a national model which was a paper process.

Page 7 – Designated/Named Nurse

It was clarified that there would be a safeguarding nurse for each PCT within Commissioning and a safeguarding team within Provider Development. A Designated Nurse for each organisation will sit in Commissioning and a Named Nurse will sit in Provider.

Page 7 - Any Other Business

Ken Richardson was to research information regarding Total Place and to bring the information back to September’s meeting.

3Matters Arising

Investors in People

The information regarding IIP needed to be reworded, Vicki Taylor requested that this information and the information from the previous meeting be brought to the August meeting.

National Consultation on Mileage Allowance

Sonia Atkinson and Carolyn Taylor needed to discuss this in relation to the National Mileage rates. Chris Macklin confirmed that following the release of HRMC rates, he had instructed payroll to pay lease car rates in line with HRMC with immediate effect to prevent any overpayment to staff and then the need to claw back overpayments. This was effective from 1 July 2009.

Policy Review Update

Sue Taylor reported the last two meetings had needed to be cancelled however the Policy Sub Group were actively working on an integrated Flexible Working Policy and Partnership agreement. Vicki Taylor added that the changes to the statutory Disciplinary and Grievance process would have an impact on SOTW Policies and this would need to be looked at through the group. Sue Taylor and Vicki Taylor agreed to discuss this at their next 1:1:

World Class Commissioning

Debbie Burnicle informed the group that we were now in year 2 of the WCC Assurance process and the criteria for competencies have been amended and the governance requirements strengthened along with a greater choice of health outcome measures for selection by PCTs e.g. additional mental health indicators. Best practice has been shared and SOTW needs to revisit their Action Plan. The North East Chief Executives have spent time looking at what the criteria really means and have developed a self assessment tool which will help us identify gaps and share learning across the patch. The evidence to support our position as commissioners in the year 2 Assurance needs to be submitted by mid December 2009 for the panel in April/May 2010.

Mark Tull queried why mental health indicators had been added and Debbie Burnicle replied that the commissioners would have liked to have selected an outcome for mental health services last year but could not as the indicators were limited in this area e.g. suicides but as very small numbers, progress year on year could be difficult to achieve. Vicki Taylor added that this was a good move. Steve Holmes enquired whether there was consultation in relation to the overall changes and Debbie Burnicle stated that all of the changes were currently out to consultation with PCTs and any individual could comment on line by deadline of 9 July 2009 and the PCT had responded to an earlier deadline to the SHA.

Sleep Over Rates

Sonia Atkinson confirmed that the sleep over rates had been agreed and implemented and payroll and employees had been informed. The rate was £31.98.

4IM & T Issues

Darrin Shaw explained that there were 2 new developments within IM&T which would strengthen security for both web and internet usage and e:mail usage. There are Acceptable Usage procedures in place within SOTW which set out how IT systems should be used but these are not pro-actively monitored. There are some new capabilities which can monitor web and internet usage and block sites for both usage and down loads, these new capabilities can also block viruses, spam etc. The new capabilities will monitor the sites and SOTW would know whether employees were accessing sites that were not appropriate, this is covered currently in the Accessible Use Policy. This initiative is not focused on what people are doing but how to protect the system. The plan is to roll out the information in a similar format as the USB Campaign and make staff aware of the changes in accessibility to sites. We will need to look at what we would do if someone is found to be accessing inappropriate sites in the workplace. Mark Tull enquired that when IM& T were drawing up a list of sites that were appropriate would they take into account any Union websites and sites necessary for clinical work such as MIND, sites for sexual health services etc. and ensuring there was a genuine accessible requirement. Darrin Shaw stated that we need to block the obvious sites such as facebook, twitter etc as these are the sites that are used globally and where hacking can occur. Steve Holmes commented that there was an expectation that it was allowable that internet and telephones were accessible for appropriate use over lunchtimes. Darrin Shaw added that the only way presently to detect misuse is if another member of staff spots inappropriate internet usage. Steve Holmes enquired who was going to speak to staff regarding issues. Vicki Taylor stated that there would be an awareness raising campaign and a process of gathering information regarding relevant sites that staff could access for work purposes. This would give people a steer of what was appropriate and permissible to view at work. If during and following the campaign to promote awareness it becomes apparent that an employee is accessing non appropriate sites then this would be deemed as misconduct and the disciplinary process would be followed. The employee’s line manager would be responsible for investigating this situation as it may be that the site had been accessed as part of the employee’s duties. Darrin Shaw added that in some circumstances this may become a criminal investigation depending on the information accessed and equipment may need to be quarantined. Vicki Taylor added that this would fall under the Disciplinary Policy. Some changes may need to be made to the Disciplinary Policy to cover this area in more detail and staff side requested that they were involved with this discussion through HR Policy Review group. This was agreedSue Taylor suggested that Darrin and she to meet to agree the process for agreeing new I.T. related policies through HR Policies Review Group.

Darrin Shaw added that there would be a Security function within the IT department which would analyse and monitor activity and this needed to be widely publicised across SOTW. Chris Macklin stated that it would be beneficial if staff side could encourage their members to be pro-active in identifying sites they required access to.

Darrin also discussed a campaign in respect of appropriate e:mail usage and a capability that would allow the context of emails to be monitored including foul language. Vicki Taylor added that there may be reasons why foul language is quoted in some documents legitimately as part of an employees work such as notes from disciplinary investigations and each situation would be looked at individually. Mark Tull queried whether an alternative e;mail address could be supplied for Union activities and Darrin Shaw confirmed this was possible but only under a different name. Darrin added that e:mails would be monitored proactively following an awareness campaign and would reduce the amount of spam and inappropriate e:mails that are received. Any breach of e;mail use would be dealt with in the same way as inappropriate internet usage. Vicki Taylor thanked Darrin for his helpful input in the meeting today.

5IIP Report and Plan

Alison McMurrough discussed the action plan (which was circulated) that had been put together following the IIP Assessment in March 2009. Alison explained the assessment was over 5 days and had been undertaken by 3 IIPassessors. Approximately 160 staff were interviewed and Alison was delighted to inform the group that NHS SOTW were successful in being awarded IIP status. There were areas of good practice identified and also areas for development. The areas for development were included in the Action plan. A discussion took place around the development area communication and team briefing and the timing and validity of this type of communication and how important it is to have a consistent approach across NHS SOTW. Ken Richardson enquired whether the assessors shared where the good practice was within the Trust. Vicki Taylor confirmed that the assessors maintained strict confidentiality in relation to both good and bad practice but the staff survey could identify good practice within Directorates. An area of concern had been raised but not the detail. This had caused Directors to express concern about their being unable to address this due to confidentiality but where necessary, the employee had been directed to appropriate support. Another area of good practice was the Chief Executive Roadshows and consideration was being taken in relation to recommencing these and therefore allowing staff to have some input in to these meetings. A new policy on communication would be shaped around the IIP report. The Formal Leader sessions and HR skills training sessions were seen as good practice and the assessors were impressed with this work. Vicki Taylor added that she was liaising with Karen Straughair in relation to the next Leadership event which is planned for September/October time but the pressures of Swine Flu may alter these plans. Vicki Taylor added that management effectiveness needed to be consistent across SOTW and a tool would be developed to assess effectiveness.

In relation to Reward and Recognition staff had stated that they would like positive feedback and some staff had identified that they felt devalued in relation to their Job Evaluation banding.

Mark Tull queried the comment from the assessors that there was ‘destructive management behaviours’. Vicki Taylor re-iterated that the assessors maintained the strictest confidentiality and the Trust were unaware of the areas where concerns were but the employees were advised accordingly regarding support. Management competence is different to management behaviours and should be evaluated differently. Awareness of the Harassment and Bullying Policy should also be taken forward.

Equality and Diversity was an issue in relation to flexible working and discussion took place regarding publicising the work that is going on around the flexible working policy. Kathryn Dimmick suggested a ‘rumour line’ to aid communication. Vicki Taylor discussed past experience that was unhelpful in relation to a rumour line. Alison McNally suggested a staff side forum for staff to access to raise issues and Ken Richardson added that Bullying and Harassment advisors were made available.

6Transforming Community Services (TCS)

A document was circulated which included the project plan which will be monitored by the TCS project board. A Project Manager had been appointed who had a wealth of experience of the NHS and Project Management and Vicki Taylor recommended that all 3 Staff Side chairs met with the Project Manager. Vicki Taylor discussed the Right to Request Event on 19 June 2009 and felt the morning session had been unhelpful to the people who had attended and the afternoon event in respect of pensions was more informative. However a number of people had not stayed for the second half of the event. Steve Holmes raised the issue of private health care professionals carrying out NHS work and was concerned around governance and assurance issues.

Vicki Taylor discussed the 1st Visioning Event which was on 30 June 2009 and the implications were shared with staff around the 5 options available for the PCT in relation to Transforming Community Services and the Provider and Commissioner split of the organisation into two separate organisations and the TUPE arrangements regarding this. Chris Macklin and Vicki Taylor had spent some time prior to today’s meeting,with staff side colleagues to discuss the implications of this and Staff Side confirmed during the formal meeting that they had not had time to discuss this as a group. Vicki Taylor requested any staff side feedback both negative or positive by 23 July 2009 as Vicki Taylor was meeting with the Non-Executive Directors on 28 July 2009. Mark Tull queried whether this would have implications on payroll providers and Chris Macklin replied that the SLAs with payroll were being reviewed.

7Swine Flu Update

Chris Macklin stated that it must appear sometimes that the organisation was unclear about what was happening in relation to Swine Flu but that the Centre were changing their directive almost hourly and the PCT had to respond to this, there was no room for negotiation. Each organisation must have a Director solely appointed for Swine flu and Judy Thomas has been appointed to this role with David Hambleton covering the two days Judy does not work. Anti-viral Centre have been set up in all three patches and the demand for Tamiflu had increased. At 13 July 2009, 700 doses of Tamiflu had been prescribed. The recent media attention may be a reason for this, due to the reporting of some cases of the death of otherwise healthy people. Chris Macklin acknowledged the efforts of the staff and staff side colleagues for their continued support with the daily changing situation. An advert for Bank staff to cover Anti Viral collection points had been posted on NHS Job with a closing date of 17 July 2009. Chris Macklin added that he thought it would be helpful to make some further information available to the public to re-assure them.

The interim Absence policy was approved

The Redeployment Policy had been circulated to managers and there was a new sickness absence reporting procedure which needed to be done daily. Steve Holmes queried whether people on annual leave had to report where they had been and Chris Macklin confirmed this was not necessary and he would pick this issue up with Michelle McGuigan.

Vicki Taylor thanked staff side for their support and their willingness to work together.

Mark Tull asked that the Redeployment Policy was taken to the Health and Safety Committee for ratification. Vicki Taylor confirmed that Gordon Murphy and his team had had specific input into the policy.

9 CRB Project Update

A paper was circulated and the item was deferred to next month.

8Staff Side Commissioning Input

Vicki Taylor discussed the need for accredited staff side representation who was designated to work with the Commissioning/Corporate arm of the organisation. The possibility of seconding a staff side member over to this side of the organisation was discussed but this would require formal agreement. Discussion took place about this being a full-time officer but concern was expressed about how much understanding they would have of the organisation’s business. Vicki Taylor agreed to work with the 3 Staff Side Chairs and HR Colleagues regarding this issue.