“Equipped with his five senses, man explores the universe around him and calls the adventure Science..”
~Edwin Powell Hubble, The Nature of Science, 1954
TEACHER: Ms. Kohler
VOICEMAIL: 634-3521 EXT. 5253
I believe that the higher the expectations that you set for astudent, the higher end goal they will attain. Ioffer a rigorous educational experience, while supporting allstudents in doing their personal best by motivating the students to become more enthusiastic about real cutting edge science.
Text: Biology, (McDougal/Littel)
ü Students will have a personal text students are responsible for the upkeep of the books and they should be returned in the condition that they were checked out. ( online version at (
Materials: (Required):
ð 3 subject College Ruled Spiral Notebook
(8.5 x11)
ð Glue sticks (4)
ð Pens and Pencils
ð Red Pen
ð Scissors
ð Colored Pencils (12-24 colors)
E-mail: It is my expectation that students and parents email me with questions or to inform me of an absence, so that I can provide students with work and they will not get behind.
Calendars: Students will receive a detailed calendar at the beginning of the year,
ü Test, Lab and Projects dates will be accurate please try hard to make sure the students are here on those days.
ü Student will be required to turn in their work and take missed exams THE DAY THEY RETURN FROM THEIR ABSENCE
ü Students should come in before school to get missed work from excused absences.
Biology Interactive Learning Log (BILL)
ü Students will be keeping an Interactive Learning Log, and will be expected to do nightly reflections on the work accomplished that day in class
ü Students should have their Interactive Notebook with them every class period
ü Students are expected to carry glue sticks and colored pencils at all times, so that they can use them to work on their notebook in class if time permits
Independent Practice Work
ü Student should expect to have homework every night
ü Homework will be stamped everyday at the start of class, and must be at least 80% complete to get a stamp.
ü Any class work not completed will be finished as homework
ü Homework will be turned in packets at the end of the unit, generally the day of the exam.
Late Work
ü All late work will be given 50% credit, regardless how late it is.
ü Late Homework Packets will not be accepted after they have been passed back to the class.
ü Due to the timely nature of Labs there will be no make-up, any student who has a legitimate reason for their absence will be excused from that lab procedure, and be given an alternative assignment that relates to the topic of the lab, or given the lab data and will be expected to complete the lab analysis.
Make-up Work:
ü Students have until the end of the quarter to complete standards based work for that quarter, at which point their grade will become and F, if they have not completed the work for that quarter.
ü Standards based work includes: Labs, Projects, Activities, Interactive Notebook, Quizzes, Exams and Finals
ü If you are not in your assigned seat at the class’ scheduled start time, you will be marked tardy.
ü If you receive 3 tardies contact will be made with your parents
ü If you receive more than 4 tardies in class, you will receive a referral.
Bathroom/ Hall Passes:
ü Each semester you will a hall pass that allows you to leave the classroom 4 times.
ü You will keep your hall pass glued inside the front cover of you B.I.L.L.
ü If you choose to not use your hall passes at all during the semester, you can earn 5 extra credit points for each pass that was not used.
Content Standards:
ü All standards based assignments have to be completed in order to pass this class.
ü Incomplete work will not be accepted, students who have made an earnest attempt to complete the work, will receive a REDO, and may turn in the work the next morning with no penalty, after that a progressive point penalty will start.
ü Students will have daily quizzes that cover the previous days notes, homework or even lab.
ü Students may retake the quizzes
ÿ Before and after school daily
ÿ Must be retaken before the next class period and only before the quiz is passed back
ÿ The student will receive their best score
ÿ There are no retakes on exams or finals
ü Scoring Guidelines (Weighted Gradebook)
Exams: 100 pts. (Each) Daily Quizzes: 5-10 pts. (Each)
Labs: 25-50 pts. (Each) Unit Packets 20-30 pts. per the unit
Unit Projects 50-125 pts. (Each) Notebook Reflections 20-30 pts. per the unit
Final 10% of Grade
Lab Equipment and Classroom Materials
ü Students will be using lab equipment thought the year, and are responsible for the full cost of replacement repair of any items that are broken and or go missing, even if it was an accident.
ü If there were multiple students involved in the breakage, the cost will be equally divided by those students.
ü Students can pay equipment fines in the Student Store, and a price list is available on the class website.
ü Student initial: ______
ü Parent initial: ______
Classroom Management:
ü Students who interfere with the teaching of the class, or disrupt the rights of others to learn will be dealt with in a very stern fashion.
ü Discipline will be handled according to the severity of the behavior including,
ÿ Verbal warning
ÿ Detention
ÿ Parent Phone Call
ÿ Parent conference
ÿ Referral
ÿ Parent shadowing
ü Students who are caught with their cell phones will have a 30 minute detention as well as the office penalty.
ü Students must respect the classroom environment at all times. This includes cleaning up after themselves.
ü Due to the nature of this class there will be
ÿ No Food
ÿ No Drinks (except water)
ÿ No Hats
ÿ No Personal Electronic Devices ( such as IPod’s, Cell Phones))
****Each student will receive one warning after which such materials will be confiscated and not returned. *****
Attention Parents! If your child has failed a class before, or is at risk for failure due to previous performance please check with me regularly so that we can work together to reduce their risk of failure.
GRADING SCALE: Each student's grade will be calculated with summative assessments making up 70% of their grade and formative assessments making up the additional 30%.
100-98 A+
97-93 A
92-90 A-
89-87 B+
86-83 B
82-80 B-
79-77 C+
76-73 C
72-70 C-
69-65 D
64-60 D-
59-0 F
Visit Ms. Kohler’s website , read/review the class syllabus, then
1. What is the penalty for being tardy 4 times? ______
2. Can you retake exams? ______
3. What are the requirements for retaking quizzes? ______
4. How often am I expected to do reflections? ______
5. What are the four (4) items you must have daily? ______
6. How often should you expect to have homework? ______
7. Do I except late homework packets? ______
8. When are Homework Packets due? ______
9. Who is responsible for the replacement cost of classroom and lab materials that you might break or loss?
10. What is Ms. Kohler’s penalty for electronic device/cell phone violations? ______
ÿ Name: ______Period: ______
ÿ Email: ______
ÿ Please email me from your email address letting me know that you have read my syllabus. Include your child’s name and how best to reach you. I will then add your address to my email so we can keep in touch! (YOUR CHILD WILL EARN 5 POINTS EXTRA CREDIT)
ÿ Parent Name: ______
ÿ Parent Email: ______
ÿ Parent Phone Number
I ______(student’s name) have read and understand the above procedures indicated in Ms. Kohler’s course expectations. I understand that I am responsible for my own behavior and any consequences of that behavior. I also understand that I MUST complete all standards based assignments to pass this class and pass the class with a minimum of 60% of the total points. I understand that my parents and I are responsible for the full cost of replacement and/or repair of any items that are broken and or go missing, even if it was an accident.
Student Signature______
Parent Signature______