Algebraic Applications & Theory – Course SyllabusMr. Alonge

Extra Help: Periods 1 (ACE), 4, 6, 9 (BDF)

MarlboroCentralSchool District Phone: 845.236.5810

Algebraic Applications and Theory is a required course to help prepare students for the NYS Integrated Algebra Regents Examination in June 2011. Students will become proficient in graphing calculator use as it is required for the New York State Regents Assessments. Some topics will go beyond the scope of the Integrated Algebra exam. We will begin developing skills needed for the Geometry and Algebra II/Trig exams as college Calculus and Statistics courses. I look forward to working with you for a successful school year and will help you meet my high expectations in and out of the classroom.


In class there will be three mains goals throughout the 2010-2011 school year:

First to provide students with a comprehensive study of Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry as it relates to the graphing calculator in preparation to pass the NYS Regents Exam.

Second, for students to develop and enhance their mathematical thinking, and advance their ability to attempt and solve unfamiliar problems.

Third, for students to become self-sufficient math learners with the ability to use all available resources (teacher, text, classmates, technology) to create a successful learning experience for themselves in this and future math classes.


I prefer a 2” – 3”, 3-Ring Binder/(Notebook & Folder)

Loose Leaf Paper

Graph Paper (One-fourth inch square paper is standard)

TI-83 Plus/TI-84/TI-84 Plus Calculator (Only a Recommendation)

  • I recommend that students have their own, but if not, the school will supply them with one to use for the year

Pens/Pencils (I will NOT supply you with a writing utensil, come prepared!)


Your overall grade is based out of a point system. Simply add up the points that you’ve earned throughout the quarter, and then divide that number by the total number of points possible. Please note that your participation grade will be another 50 points maximum added by the teacher.

Homework Assignments – Are to be done completely and neatly to receive full credit. Usually given every night, collected or graded in-class the next day.

Late Homework– Allowed ONE (1) day late at a penalty of 10% off, ZERO after 2 days.

Absenteeism/Missing Assignments – Only assignments missed for legal reasons can be made up. It is the responsibility of the student to check for work missed during the legal absence. Students will be allowed ONE week to hand in missed work. Remember, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to get notes and assignments from fellow students.

Band/Chorus/Teams/Clubs/Field Trips – You must come to class and receive my permission to miss the class before going to any of these activities. These activities do not exempt you from work due or assigned that day. If a test or quiz is assigned for that day, you will remain in class.

Passes – There is a sign in/out sheet on my desk. You may go to the bathroom/nurse/office if and only if it is an EMERGENCY!!!! Raise your hand and ask permission to be excused from class.

Cheating – It will result in a ZERO grade and a call home to your parents/guardians will be made (i.e. identical homework assignments, copying in study hall, or wandering eyes during a test/quiz)

Extra Credit/Retakes – Extra Credit will be available throughout the year, prior approval is needed. Any quiz can be retaken up to a week after it has been given back. You may NOT retake a test.

Textbooks – Are the responsibility of the student. Lost, damaged, or stolen textbooks will be replaced at the student’s expense. Books must be covered and brought to class everyday unless instructed otherwise.