Honors World History and Geography

Instructor: Steve Cutillo Email:

Rm #: 2221

Office Hours: Wednesdays 3:15-4:00pm

Welcome to Honors World History and Geography! This survey course will take us on a journey throughout the ages. Our goal will be to have a strong framework of the entirety of history, from the very beginning through the Cold War. This is a lot of stuff to learn, and we may not get to it all. But history is not about memorizing facts. History is about people, their lives, experiences and culture. The reason we study history, besides learning from history’s mistakes, is to better understand our place in this world. To form a worldview, and be able to vocalize that.

Therefore, we will look at some major THEMES throughout this year:

Humans and Belief

Humans and the Environment

Humans in Society

Humans and Government

Humans and Technology

Humans and Resources

Humans and War

Humans and the Arts


-Respect. This is the most important rule. We can have a lot of fun in this class, but only if you respect myself and most importantly, each other. All behavior that is inappropriate comes down to this. You don’t need to agree with each other (or even me!), but you do need to be respectful

-Get involved. I like to ask a lot of questions, and get you thinking. You will get so much more out of this class if you take part in discussions, ask questions and give your perspectives on what we talk about. History is often more about interpretation and perspectives than facts.

-Please use your devices at the right times and with the right purposes

-All work done in and for this class should be your own. Taking someone else’s work, be in parent, friend or random internet blogger without proper citation is cheating.

-Come to class prepared and on time


Our textbook for this year is World History and Geography by McGraw Hill. You will be given access to the online version of the textbook, and we have a classroom set of physical books.

The class website

Notebook, pen/pencil, 3-ring binder

Late Work

In my class, I want us to value quality work, respecting due dates, and doing our personal best. To help support strong habits of scholarship, you can expect:

●  Classwork and homework (work in which you are practicing your learning) is due on the assigned due date. It is so important for you to have your homework ready when class begins. Late homework can result in no credit. Remember, strong efforts in our daily practice leads to success as learner.

●  Final projects, long-term assignments and tests (work that assesses your understanding of a unit of study) are important demonstrations of your learning. It is expected that you hand in final and long-term projects on the due date. There will be a 10% per day for any late final projects or long-term assignments.

●  I want to be sensitive to major life events that may get in the way of completing work. If you feel overwhelmed, or foresee a major issue with completing something on time, please come talk to me. I want to be available and approachable if you need me.


If you are absent, you are responsible for what you missed. Check the website, check with classmates, and/or check with me when you return, to find out what we did while you were gone.

●  If you have an excused absence the day homework is due due, you will have two class periods from your return date to turn it in for full credit.

●  If you have an excused absence the day a final project/test/long-term assignment is due, you will need to turn it in (or take the make up test) on the day you return, to avoid a 10% late reduction.


Grades will be calculated using a point system, broken down into the following categories.

-  Assessments: 80%

-  Learning Activities: 20%

The following grading scale will be used, and each individual grade will correspond to mastery of a particular standard.

A = 90-100% (4) F = below 70% (1)

B = 80-89% (3)

C = 70-79% (2)


Students who struggle to reach proficiency on standards and concepts have the opportunity, after taking the appropriate steps to catch up, to re-take assessments in order to show that they have indeed mastered the content. If you would like to re-take an assessment, first you must come to office hours to discuss with me your situation, and why you need to retake the assessment.

Areas of Study:

This class will be divided into two parts.

The first part will be regional: The Ancient Mediterranean, India, the Far East and the Middle Ages.

In the second, we will see how histories of the regions interact and globalize through: exploration, colonization, revolutions (both military and social), and finally through war.

I am very excited to get to know each and every one of you! Your first homework assignment is to take this home and read through it with your parents. Keep this sheet in your history binder, and return the final sheet signed to me tomorrow.

We have read the World History overview and understand the expectations for this class.

Student Name (printed): ______

Signature: ______

Parent Name (printed):______

Signature: ______