Foreclosure Sale – 2016
Sale Date: October 26, 2016
Sale Time: 10:00 AM
Sale Location: Ellis County Courthouse 1204 Fort Street District Court Room, Third Floor Hays, KS 67601
NOTICE is hereby given that under and by virtue of an Order of Sale issued by the Clerk of the District Court of Ellis County, Kansas, and a certain action pending in said Case No. 16-CV-46, wherein the parties above named are respectively Plaintiff and Defendants and to me, the undersigned Sheriff of said county directed, I will offer for sale at public auction and sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand in the District Court Room, 3rd Floor, located in the Ellis County Courthouse at 12th and Fort, in the City of Hays, in said county on the 26th day of October, 2016, at 10:00 a.m. of said day, the following described real estate situated in the County of Ellis, State of Kansas.

Taxpayer Name / Tract/Parcel # / Description / Property Address / Total Tax & Penalties
Erikson * Jan / #4 31-3140 / Pfeifers Third Addition, Lot 11, Section 07, Township 14, Range 16 / 714 Main St., Victoria / $11,639.34
Jacobs * Jon / #5 132-2410 / Munjor Tracts, Section 30, Township 14, Range 17, W 215 Tract 6 & S 6.25 of W 215 of Tract 5 / 886 280th Ave., Munjor / $171.52
Legleiter * Tyler A. / #6 10-40040 / Lebold Allen, Block 78, Lot 3, Section 33, Township 13, Range 18 / 403 E. 13th St., Hays / $14,200.12
Legleiter * Tyler A. / #7 51-2510 / Section 35, Township 13, Range 18, Acres 2.3 PT NW4 Beg 1385 E & 33 S of NW Cor TH E 199.4 TH S 278.6 TH E 100.6 TH S 206.4 TH W 300 TH N 485 TO POB / 2390 E. 27th St., Hays / $51,568.90
Modern Priscilla Club / #10 20-5270 / Big 4 U P 1st Addition, Block 0F, Lot 008 & 9, Section 08, Township 13, Range 20 / 701 A Jefferson St., Ellis / $185.04
Riedel * Gilbert J. / #11 30-520 / Anton Dreiling Addition, Block 01, Lot 2 & N 46.3 of Lot 1, Section 01, Township 14, Range 17 / 1009 Cathedral, Victoria / $1,475.82
Braun * Kent J. / #13 10-66790 / J E Wilson, Block 21, E2 Lot 14 & W2 Lot 16, Section 04, Township 14, Range 18 / 516 E. 7th St., Hays / $5,615.48
Harris * Fay / #14 20-8380 / Keagy’s First Addition, Block 02, E 21’ of Lot 1, Section 08, Township 13, Range 20 / 200 W. 11th St., Ellis / $335.96
Payne * Kathleen / #16 10-28720 / College Hill Addition, Block 02, Lot 026, Section 33, Township 13, Range 18 / 508 W. 17th St., Hays / $11,512.38
Thummel * Minnie A. / #19 105-1460 / Section 02, Township 14, Range 16, TR NW4 Desc as Beg at a PT 230 (S) NE of the Intersection of UPRR R/W & Vac ST E of Blk 8 of Walker Town Lots TH N 30 (S) TH E 87(S) TH SWLY ALG UPRR R/W to POB Formerly Known as Blk 7 Lot 19 Town of Walker / 0 Walker Ave, Walker / $81.75
Wideman * Roy T. & Jean D. / #20 10-30520 / Hays Original, Block 40, Lot 5 & W 8 of Lot 7, Section 33, Township 13, Range 18 / 413 W. 15th St., Hays / $5,658.11
McDaniel * Michael N. & Cindy / #8 20-4830 / Raynesford Addition, Block 04, N 42 Lot 1 & N 42 of E2 Lot 2, Section 05, Township 13, Range 20 / 514 Jefferson St., Ellis / $6, 652.74
McDaniel * Michael N. & Cindy M. E. / #9 20-4820 / Raynesford Addition, Block 04, S 88 Lot 1 & S 88 of E/2 Lot 2, Section 05, Township 13, Range 20 / 516 Jefferson St., Ellis / $6,705.96

For questions concerning Foreclosure sales, email or call Ann or Karla at 785-628-9465 (Treasurer’s Office) or Bill at 785-628-8226 (Legal Counsel).
IMPORTANT NOTICE:The Treasurer (Tax Collector) is not allowed, by law, to sell properties by any means other than at a public auction. Ellis County does not sell tax liens for tax-defaulted properties. The owners listed above have the right to pay the back taxes up until the day before the sale by 4 pm. The tax amount due by the owner is the amount listed above plus a 5% administrative fee to remove from the sale. The owner listed does not have any right of redemption. The tax amount listed above shows the taxes owed through the 2015 tax year. The buyer will be responsible for paying 2016 taxes.
Research Before you Invest!
The sale of these properties should not, in any way, be equated to real estate sales by licensed salesmen, brokers and realtors. The County Treasurer cannot guarantee the condition of the property nor assume any responsibility for conformance to codes, permits or zoning ordinances. You should inspect the property before investing. The burden is on the purchaser to thoroughly research, before the sale, any matters relevant to his or her decision to purchase, rather than on the county, whose sole interest is the recovery of back taxes. Should the successful purchaser desire a survey of the property, it will be at the purchaser’s own initiative and expense. No warranty is made by the County; either expressed or implied, relative to the usability, the ground location, or property lines of the properties. The exact location, desirability, and usefulness of the properties must be determined by the prospective purchaser. The County assumes no liability for any other possible liens, encumbrances or easements, recorded or not recorded.
Michelle Tholen
Office Manager