Due October 4, 2013
Return to:
Joyce Martin
139 Ag Hall ● Stillwater, OK 74078
Fax: 407-744-5339
Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Conference
Concurrent Session Proposal
January 22-24, 2014
Stillwater, OK
Area and State Specialists, as well as County/District Staff are invited to submit proposals for concurrent sessions at the Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service Conference on January 22-24, 2014. Please consider sharing subject matter topics or innovative programming for the concurrent sessions. You will be contacted about whether or not your proposal is selected by November 5.
Title of Concurrent Session: _Responsible Outdoor Water Use for Oklahoma Lawns and Landscapes: Programming For Your County
Instructor(s) Name(s): _Justin Quetone Moss______
Full Mailing Address: _Department of Horticulture____ Email Address: ______
__358 Ag Hall, Stillwater, OK 74078
Daytime Phone: __405-744-5729______Fax Number: ___405-744-9709______
Presentation Length: X 1 hr 2 hrs
Number of Presentations (Would you be willing to present the session more than once?)
X Yes No
Rooms – Please indicate your preference and take the room into consideration when planning the workshop
X Classroom Small Auditorium
Workshop Description (75 words or less) – Description will be used for conference publicity
This goal of this workshop is to provide outdoor water conservation information and programming to Extension Educators and Specialist for potential use in their respective counties. The objective of this workshop is to provide an overview of our cooperative water conservation program with the City of Oklahoma City Water Utilities Department and to provide specific examples of fact sheets, guides, presentations, and pertinent information that can be similarly used across Oklahoma.
Biography for each instructor – Attach additional pages if needed
Dr. Justin Quetone Moss is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture at OSU with research and extension duties. Moss received his BS and MS in Horticulture as well as a PhD in Crop Science, each from OSU. His current research deals with turfgrass water and environmental issues. Dr. Moss is currently lead PI on several turfgrass research and extension grants dealing with development and testing of drought resistant bermudagrasses for Oklahoma and turfgrass and lawn water conservation for Oklahoma. Additionally he is a co-PI on a USDA SCRI grant with turfgrass breeders and researchers from Oklahoma State University, Texas A&M University, North Carolina State University and the Universities of Georgia and Florida. Dr. Moss is co-inventor of two OSU developed turf type bermudagrasses, ‘Latitude 36’ and ‘NorthBridge’. He has published research, extension, and teaching results in the Agronomy Journal, Crop Science, Applied Turfgrass Science, International Turfgrass Research Society Journal, Journal of Plant Nutrition, Weed Technology, Journal of Extension and the NACTA Journal.
Computer Needs (please list)
Will need computer, screen, powerpoint, and internet access