Component 3 Unit 1 Additional Materials

Component 3/Unit 1 Additional Materials

Additional Materials

1. Rules for plurals (table 1)

2. Word Roots Table (table 2)

3. Body Quadrants (table 3)

4. Abdominopelvic Regions (table 4)

5. Prefix Table (table 5)

6. Suffix Table (table 6)

7. Directional Terms (table 7)

8. Understanding Medical Words: A Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine. This is a tutorial from the National Library of Medicine that teaches about medical words. Available from: Students will learn about how to put together parts of medical words. Students will also find quizzes to see what they have learned.

Unit 1 Table 1. Rules for forming plural word forms from singular forms

Singular Form / Plural Form / Rule /


Singular / Plural
a / ae / Retain a and add e / pleura / plurae
ax / aces / Drop x and add ces / thorax / thoraces
en / ina / Drop en and add ina / lumen / lumina
is / es / Drop is and add es / diagnosis / diagnoses
ix, ex / ices / Drop ix or ex and add ices / appendix
apex / appendices
ma / mata / Retain ma and add ta / carcinoma / carcinomata
on / a / Drop on and add a / ganglion / ganglia
um / a / Drop um and add a / bacterium / bacteria
us / i / Drop us and add i / bronchus / bronchi
y / ies / Drop y and add ies if y preceded by consonant; if y preceded by vowel, retain y and add s. / deformity / deformities

Unit 1 Table 2. Medical Terminology Word Roots

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

Word Root /


aden / gland
algesi / pain
andr / male
angi / vessel
arteri / artery
arthr / joint
carcin / cancer
cardi / heart
cephal / head
cerebr / cerebrum, brain
cyan / blue
cyst / bladder; sac
cyt / cell
dacry / tear, tear duct
dactyl / fingers or toes
dent / tooth
dermat / skin
derm / skin
dors / back (of the body)
encephal / brain
endocrin / endocrine
enter / intestines
erythr / red
gastr / stomach
glyc / sugar
gyn / woman
hem / hemat / blood
hepat / liver
hydr / water
ile / ileum
ili / ilium
lapar / abdomen
Word Root /


leuk / white
lip / fat
lith / stone; calculus
mast / breast
melan / black
myel / bone marrow; spinal cord
myring / eardrum
my / muscle
narc / stupor
nas / nose
nat / birth
necr / death (cells; body)
nephr / kidney
neur / nerve
oo / egg; ovum
oophor / ovary
ophthalm / eye
orchi / testis; testicle
oste / bone
ot / ear
ov / egg
path / disease
phleb / vein
phren / mind
pneum / lung; air
poster / back (of body)
pseud / fake; false
psych / mind
pulmon / lung
pupill / pupil
pyel / renal pelvis

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

Word Root /


py / pus
pyr / fever; heat
quadr / four
ren / kidney
rhin / nose
sphygm / pulse
spir / breathe; breathing
splen / spleen
therm / heat
thorac / thorax (chest)
thromb / clot
ungu / nail
ureter / ureter
urethr / urethra
ven / vein
ventricul / ventricle
vertebr / vertebra; spinal or vertebral column
vesic / bladder; sac
viscer / internal organs
xanth / yellow

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

Unit 1Table 3. Body Quadrants





Major Structures

Right upper / RUQ / Right lobe of liver, gallbladder, part of pancreas, part of the small and large intestines
Left upper / LUQ / Left lobe of liver, stomach, spleen, part of pancreas, part of small and large intestines
Right lower / RLQ / Part of the small and large intestines, appendix, right ovary, right fallopian tube, right ureter
Left lower / LLQ / Part of the small and large intestines, left ovary, left fallopian tube, left ureter

Unit 1 Table 4. Abdominopelvic Regions

Left hypochondriac

/ Upper left region beneath the ribs
Epigastric / Region above the stomach
Right hypochondriac / Upper right region beneath the ribs
Left lumbar / Left middle lateral region
Umbilical / Region of the navel
Right lumbar / Right middle lateral region
Left inguinal (iliac) / Left lower lateral region
Hypogastric / Lower middle region beneath the navel
Right inguinal (iliac) / Right lower lateral region

Unit 1Table 5. Medical Terminology Prefixes

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

Prefix / Definition
a / without or absence of
ab / from; away from
ad / to; toward
an / without or absence of
ana / up; again; backward
ante / before
anti / against
apo / upon
bi / two
bin / two
brady / slow
con / together
contra / against
de / from; down from; lack of
dia / thorough; complete
dis / to undo; free from
dys / difficult; labored; painful; abnormal
ecto / outside; outer
endo / within
epi / on; upon; over
eso / inward
eu / normal; good
ex / outside; outward
exo / outside; outward
extra / outside of; beyond
hemi / half
hyper / above; excessive
hypo / below; incomplete; deficient
in / in; into; not
infra / under; below
Prefix / Definition
inter / between
intra / within
mal / bad
meso / middle
meta / after; beyond; change
micro / small
multi / many
neo / new
nulli / none
pan / all; total
para / beside; beyond; around
per / through
peri / surrounding (outer)
poly / many; much
post / after
pre / before; in front of
pro / before
re / back
retro / back; behind
semi / half
sub / under; below
super / over; above
supra / above
syn / together; joined
tachy / fast; rapid
tetra / four
trans / through; across; beyond
tri / three
ultra / beyond; excess
uni / one

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

Unit 1Table 6. Medical Terminology Suffixes

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

Suffix / Definition
ac, al, ar, ary, eal, ial, ic, ous / pertaining to
algia / pain
apheresis / removal
ase / enzyme
asthenia / weakness
atresia / absence of a normal body opening; occlusion; closure
capnia / carbon dioxide
cele / hernia; protrusion
centesis / surgical puncture to aspirate fluid
cidal / killing
clasia / break
clasis / break
clast / break
clysis / irrigating; washing
coccus (pl. cocci) / berryshaped ( a form of bacterium)
crine / separate; secrete
crit / to separate
cyte / cell
desis / surgical fixation; fusion
drome / run; running
ectasis / stretching out; dilatation; expansion
ectomy / excision or surgical removal
ectopia / displacement
emesis / vomiting
Suffix / Definition
emia / blood condition
er / one who
esis, iasis / condition
gen / substance or agent that produces or causes
genesis / origin; cause
genic / producing; originating; causing
gram / record; x-ray film
graph / instrument used to record
graphy / process of recording; xray filming
ia / condition of diseased or abnormal state
iatry / physician; treatment
ician / one who
ictal / seizure; attack
ism / state of
itis / inflammation
lepsy / seizure
lysis / loosening; dissolution; separating
lytic / destroy; reduce
malacia / softening
mania / madness; insane desire
megaly / enlargement
Suffix / Definition
meter / instrument used to measure
metry / measurement
morph / form; shape
odia / smell
odynia / pain
oid / resembling
ologist / one who studies and practices (specialist)
ology / study of
Oma / tumor; swelling
Opia / vision (condition)
opsy / to view
oorhagia / rapid flow of blood
orrhaphy / suturing; repairing
orrhea / flow; excessive discharge
orrhexis / rupture
osis / abnormal condition (means increased when used with blood cell word roots)
ostomy / creation of an artificial opening
otomy / cut into or incision
oxia / oxygen
paresis / slight paralysis
pathy / disease
penia / abnormal reduction in number
pepsia / digestion
pexy / surgical fixation; suspension
Suffix / Definition
phagia / eating; swallowing
philia / love
phily / love
phobia / abnormal fear of or aversion to specific objects or things
phonia / sound or voice
phoria / feeling
physis / growth
plasia / formation; development; a growth
plasm / growth; substance; formation
plasty / plastic or surgical repair
plegia / paralysis
pnea / breathing
poiesis / formation
porosis / passage
prandial / meal
praxia / in front of; before
ptosis / dropping; sagging; prolapse
salpinx / fallopian tube
sarcoma / malignant tumor
schisis / split; fissure
sclerosis / hardening
scope / instrument used for visual examination
scopy, scopic / visual examination
sepsis / infection
Suffix / Definition

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

sis / state of
spasm / sudden involuntary muscle contraction
stasis / control; stop
stalsis / contraction
stenosis / constriction; narrowing
thorax / chest
tome / instrument used to cut
tripsy / surgical crushing
uria / urine; urination

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 8

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.

Unit 1 Table 7. Directional Terms




/ Movement away from the median plane of the body or one of its parts
Adduction / Movement toward the median plane of the body
Medial / Pertaining to the midline of the body or structure
Lateral / Pertaining to a side
Superior (cephalad) / Toward the head or upper portion of a structure
Inferior (caudal) / Away from the head, or toward the tail or lower part of a structure
Proximal / Nearer to the enter (trunk of the body) or to the point of attachment to the body
Distal / Further from the center (trunk of the body) or form the point of attachment to the body
Anterior (ventral) / Near the front of the body
Posterior (dorsal) / Near the back of the body
Parietal / Pertaining to the outer wall of the body cavity
Visceral / Pertaining to the viscera, or internal organs, especially the abdominal organs
Prone / Lying horizontal with the face downward, or indicating the hand with palms turned downward
Supine / Lying on the back with the face upward, or indicating the position of the hand or foot with the palm or foot facing downward
Inversion / Turning inward or inside out
Eversion / Turning outward
Palmar / Pertaining to the palm of the hand
Plantar / Pertaining to the sole of the foot
Superficial / Toward the surface of the body
Deep / Away from the surface of the body (internal)

Component 3/Unit 1 Health IT Workforce Curriculum 12

Version 2.0/Spring 2011

This material was developed by The University of Alabama Birmingham, funded by the Department of Health and Human Services,

Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology under Award Number 1U24OC000023.