FALL 2008-2009

Instructor : Prof. Dr. Sevinç Üreten

Course Schedule: 353-31: Thursday 9:00-11:50

353-32: Thursday 13:00-15:50

Office Hours :Monday 10:30-12:00

Tuesday 10:30-12:00

Wednesday 10:30-12:00

E-mail :

Web Page : http://www.baskent.edu.tr/~sureten


Stevenson, William J., Operations Management, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2009


Chase B., Nicholas J. Aquilano and Roberts Jacobs, Operations Management for Competitive Advantage, 10th edition, McGraw-Hill, Irwin, 2004

Heizer, J., Barry Render, Operations Management, 7th edition,Pearson Education Int., 2004

Krajewski, Lee J., L. P. Ritzman, Operations Management, 6th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2002

Russell, R. S. And B.W. Taylor, Operations Management, 5th editon, Prentice-Hall, Inc, 2005


Operations Management (OM) is defined as the design, operation and improvement of all the activities that are required to transform input resources (labor, raw materials, supplies, capital, technology etc.)into outputs (products and services). On the other hand, companies need sales revenue in order to continue their existence. So it is not misleading to conclude that operations that create saleable output, is the core function of any business enterprise. Therefore, having a solid understanding of the role of operations in an organization is of substantial benefit to management students.

We live in an exciting time with many new, unique and interesting changes occurring in manufacturing and service operations around the world and operations is an exciting area of management that has a profound effect on the productivity of both manufacturing and services. Few activities have as much impact on the quality of individuals’ lives. Because of these reasons, management students need to get acquainted with this business function.

This course will help students to understand how OM affects society and their life. The goal of this course is to present a broad introduction to the field of operations in a realistic, practical manner. Students will better understand what goes on behind the scenes when they buy a meal at a Cafe, place an order at a mail-order system, buy a durable/nondurable good, go to a hospital to get cured, or buy a customized computer over the internet.

To compete on the dimensions of quality, cost, flexibility and speed and to survive in the economic life, good operations decisions (both short-range and long-range) should be made by professional managers. Long range decisions are strategic in nature and are concerned about the design of the operations system, whereas on the other hand, short range operational decisions are about running the operations of the production system. The strategic decision areas and a variety of scientific tools and techniques to make the decisions will be introduced in this course. As quality has gained strategic importance, it will also be covered. The short-range operational decisions will be held in another course (Operations Management)

As productivity is an important issue for the business enterprises and for the economic systems, all the topics will be examined in order to observe the contribution of the operations function to productivity improvements.

Lastly, all the topics will be discussed both for the goods and services producing firms.


This undergraduate course together with the course named Operations Management II is intended to give a good grounding in the terminology of Operations Management and an overall perspective of Operations Management within the context of the organization (the forest, not the trees).

The objectives of the course are:

to assess the relevance of operations to all members of the organization,

to ensure that the students gain a clear understanding of the operations functions of manufacturing and service firms,

to ensure that the students gain insight into how the operations function integrates with the overall business,

to examine the strategic decisions that are to be made by the operations managers in order to compete on the dimensions of quality, cost, flexibility and speed,

to examine the technological and methodological developments that have an impact on this area,

to introduce the student to a variety of tools and techniques that can be used by opeations managers

to introduce the productivity concept,

to emphasize the importance of efforts devoted to improve productivity,

to get the students apply the concepts, methods, tools and techniques learned in this course to case studies and real-life applications.


Week / Subject / Chapter
1 / Introduction to Operations Management / 1
2 / Introduction to Operations Management (contd.) / 1
3 / Competitiveness, Strategy and Productivity / 2
4 / Product and Service Design / 4
5 / Bayram (29 Ekim)
6 / Product and Service Design (contd.) / 4
7 / Strategic Capacity Planning for Products and Services / 5
8 / Midterm
9 / Location Planning and Analysis / 8
10 / Process Selection and Facility Layout / 6
11 / Process Selection and Facility Layout (contd) / 6
12 / Design of Work Systems / 7
13 / Management of Quality / 9
14 / Quality Control / 10
15 / Review


Midterm / 20 %
Final Exam / 40 %
Term Project / 25 %
Quizzes, assignments, cases / 15 %


  • All exams will be in English
  • The final exam will be comprehensive.
  • Each student is required to participate the quizzes in his/her own section
  • There will be no make-up for the quizzes
  • The details of the term Project will be delivered and the students are required to prepare the Project in 3 parts and hand them in according to the Schedule to be announced by the instructor.
  • Late deliveries will not be accepted
  • To prepare for class discussions, students are required to read thechapter and case assignments for each week
  • The quizzes may test the students’ reading assignments or may cover cases or term Project details
  • Cheating of any type will not be tolerated
  • Attendance will be controlled.
  • Students are not allowed to arrive late or engage in any form of distraction.
  • Assignments are to be prepared individually