Summer, 2012

Instructor/Phone: Dr. Joe Greco (657) 278-2375

Office: SGMH 5174

e-mail/Home Page: /

Class Time/Place: M,T, Th 6 - 9:00 PM / SGMH2307

Office Hours: T, Th 5:00 – 6:00 PM

Course Description

The course is a graduate-level finance course that studies globalization, its causes, the effects on the financial markets and global corporations, and related current and future trends. In particular, it studies offshore outsourcing and financial innovations. Financing methods and exchange rate risk management are analyzed in light of globalization’s impact. The course uses a collaborative (teams) seminar approach: a combination of lecture-discussions and case studies (Ivey Case Methodology). We will use Titanium. Since this is a blended course, approximately one-third of the course is online.

Required Texts 1. Alan C. Shapiro, Multinational Financial Management, J.Wiley and Sons

2. Thomas L. Friedman, The Lexus and the Olive Tree,

3. Robert Reich, Supercapitalism

Academic Honesty

The Department of Finance policy requires that students engaging in academic dishonesty receive a grade of F. Plagiarism is closely monitored. We will follow the policy.

Grading Policy

Case Study: Oral Presentation by Group 60

Panel Discussion 40

Exams (2@50 pts each) 100

Total 200 points

Group Case Analyses and Presentations (40Points)

The instructor will assign members to each group. Each group prepares and delivers a power-point presentation to the class to accompany each case.

Criteria for Evaluation of Case: Oral Presentation

Financial Analysis 20

Comprehension of Content 20

Evaluation 10

Communication 10

Total 60

Financial Analysis(20):

How well was the case analyzed using: background research for the case, financial spreadsheets and the Ivey Case Study Techniques?

Comprehension of Content (20):

The points earned represent how much, how often, and with what precision financial concepts were applied in the case analysis.

Case Evaluation(10):

The points represent how well the conclusions, alternatives, and solutions were presented and supported by the evidence, the analysis, and the Ivey case methodology.

Communication (10):

Each group will present orally and each member must present some part of the analysis. Points for communication represent graphics, i.e. how well the power point was developed with points for slide layout, colors, charts, and professional appearance. Oral skill points represent how well the presentation was presented to the class with respect to professional dress, clear and rehearsed oral delivery as well as how well audience questions were fielded by the group. Reading word-for-word from notes is a sign of a poorly prepared presentation and causes a mandatory LOSS of points to the group’s grade.


Each student will choose a side to be on prior to the panel discussion: pro or con related to the books “Supercapitalism” and “The Lexus and the Olive Tree.” We will have three pairs present their ideas to selected questions about specific issues in the books.


(L=Live/OL=Online) /
/ Assigned Readings
(see Assigned Readings List)
Mon, May 28(OL)
Tues, May 29(L) / Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room
Structured Payments in Intl Finance
Ivey Case Study Methodology;
Group Assignments / On Line (view DVD on Titanium)
Chapter 1,18
Thur, May31(OL) / The Foreign Exchange Markets / Chapter 2, 7
Mon, June 4(L) / Currency Futures and Options / Chapter 8
Tues, June 5(L)
Thur, June 7(L)
/ Parity Conditions
FIRST EXAM / Chapter 4
CHAPTERS: 1,2,4,7,8,18+ Enron
Mon,June11(OL) / Political Risk / Chapter 6
Tues,June 12(L) / Cost of Capital / Chapter 14, 17
Thurs,June 14(L)
/ International Financial Markets / Chapter 12
Mon,June18(OL) / Managing Economic Exposure / Chapter 11
Tues, June 19(L)
Thurs,June 21(L) / Managing the MNC’s Financial System
Panel Discussion / Chapter 20
Lexus and Olive Tree; SuperCapitalism and
Enron: Smartest Guys in the Room
Mon, June 25(L)
Tues, June 26(L) / SECOND EXAM
Group Presentations / CHAPTERS 6,11,12,14,17, 20+The Lexus and the Olive Tree; Supercapitalism
Thurs,June 28(L) / Group Presentations / CASE STUDIES