English II Honors2016-2017

Room 303

Instructor: Ms. Tiffany Jensen Email:

Availability: You can find me in room 303 at 7:30 every morning, and I am also available after school until 4:00. There are days when I will stay later than 4:00, so if you need to meet with me then, please let me know.

Course Description and Objectives

English II H emphasizes continued development of advanced language and composition skills. Such development involves the identification and application of literary forms and themes, the use of effective reading strategies, and the ongoing development of analysis and critical thinking skills. Through the use of multiple writing experiences, the students develop ideas, work on fluency, present material in a logical manner, and practice appropriate conventions of language. In short, students will learn how to write clear, concise, and grammatically correct papers with arguments supporting a thesis. Since this is an honors college preparatory course, my expectations of students’ work ethic will be comparable to what is expected of entering college freshmen. Students will fulfill the requirements necessary to complete compositions, improve grammatical skills, expand their vocabularies, and gain a familiarity with major literary works that are found in World Literature. Students will also familiarize themselves with special terminology associated with said literature and employ it in their analyses of a range of both literary and visual texts.

Essential Questions

  • How does the cultural ideology and historical context affect one’s interpretation of the selected literature?
  • How do the literary terms function together to make meaning in fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama?
  • How can the themes from the selected literature connect to real-life and what can we learn from them?

Required Texts and Materials

  • Summer Reading: Something Wicked this Way Comes and Oedipus Rex
  • Books for the Year: The Metamorphosis, The Secret Life of Bees, All Quiet on the Western Front, Julius Caesar, Antigone, The Joy Luck Club, and Night
  • Miscellaneous:1-1.5” binder with five dividers, college-ruled notebook paper, different colored highlighters,blue or black ink pens, and #2 pencils; Remind

*Any supplementary materials that we will read in between novels will be provided by the instructor.

Classroom Policies

Classroom policies adhere to those found in the handbook regarding make-up work, tardiness, absences, and conduct. Special considerations are given to students who have unexpected absences due to illness or personal matters, but students must take it upon themselves to collect classroom materials or assignments. A grace period is given to students per number of days absent. Students’ absences and tardiness to class will be recorded and submitted to the appropriate administrator.If you know that you will be absent for any length of time, talk to me about it, but please do not wait until the last minute.

Written Work

Students may use pens or pencils for in-class assignments. Illegible work will be returned to the student for resubmission. Proper headings are required. All typed assignments must use 12 point font, Times New Roman, one inch margins all around, and double spacing. All assignments should be stapled if longer than one page. Your heading should be in the upper left hand corner as follows:

Name of Student

Name of Teacher

Class Period


Students must submit their major essays, as well as other typed assignments, to turnitin.com. If a student fails to do so, then he or she will have 20 points deducted from the grade. Plagiarized work will receive an automatic zero.


Phones and iPads are only allowed when I give permission, whether it is for a warm-up or for an in-class assignment. It is the expectation that you will handwrite your notes to keep them in your binder. However, if using an iPad is especially beneficial to you in your learning, then I will need written permission from your parents for my records. Should you be found using your iPad or phone in a manner that is not related to the curriculum, then I reserve the right to take away your privilege to continue using it in class. Any confiscated items will be turned over to the Dean of Students.

Late Work Policy

While late work can be accepted at the instructor’s discretion, it will not receive a grade higher than a 70.

Library Access

From time to time, we will be going up to the library to complete research and multiple essay drafts during class time. You are expected to be reliable and mature in your use of the computers. This means that class time used to complete a task must be used effectively and efficiently. Do not waste time, and then plan on completing work at home. Use the school computers properly. If you are found tampering with computers, playing games, or wandering away from the task at hand, then you will lose access to computers during class time, which will be detrimental to your grade.

Respect is a must.

Students are expected to show respect not only to their instructor, but also to one another. The development of independent thought and the formation of arguments is the goal of English II, so spirited conversations and debates are welcome. Unruly, disruptive, and/or disrespectful conduct between students is not tolerated.

Your Responsibilities in Ms. Jensen’s Classroom

1. Come to class every day with a positive attitude and prepared to learn.

2. Be respectful to yourself, to your peers, and to your teacher.

3. Be in your assigned seat, working on the warm-up, before the bell rings.

4. Turn in your own assignments neatly and on time; take pride in your work.

5. Remember to keep all cell phones and electronic devices put away and out of sight unless I give permission.

Other Specifics

  • Backpacks and purses are not allowed in the classroom. Pencil pouches must be approved.
  • Gum, food, and/or drinks are not allowed. Water in a clear bottle is allowed.
  • Makeup, toys, etc., if seen, will be collected and turned over to the dean of students.
  • Class is dismissed by the instructor, not the bell.


Positive: In an atmosphere of respect, everyone has the opportunity to learn and to grow, both as a scholar and as a person.

Negative:The first offense results in a verbal warning. If it happens a second time, then I will contact your parents. If it happens a third time, then you will receive a written warning. After that, it is a detention and/or Saturday School. Detentions and/or Saturday Schools may be given without warning for certain behaviors and choices. If behavior is unacceptable on a consistent basis, consequences will be accelerated.


Tests, Major Essays, Projects 55% Homework and Participation 10%

Quizzes, Short Essays, Mini Projects 35%

*If you come to class unprepared, or if you do not participate in classroom activities (refuse to work, fall asleep, work on something else, mess with your phone or iPad, etc.), then you lose your participation points. I will input a zero and a note on TX Connect. To participate in class, you must have all needed materials, you must have read the materials expected to be covered in discussion and writing, and you must contribute verbally to large and small group discussions with pertinent comments.