English III
Instructor: Ms. Searcy
Phone: 502-839-5118 ext. 2119
Planning: 5th Block
Course Overview
Introduction: Welcome to Junior English! I am excited about the discoveries in writing we will make in this class together this trimester. I am also excited about working with each of you!
-to improve your skills as a reader, writer, and communicator
-to improve your skills within the English language
-to increase your literary and cultural literacy
-to prepare for important exams (On-Demand, ACT)
-to prepare for college and adulthood
Supplies Needed:
-3-ring binder with dividers and paper
-Notebook for journal
-Pen or pencil & Highlighter
-Index cards and post-it notes (optional)
-Laptop or tablet (optional)
*Note: You will be expected to bring your binder, paper, and pen to class every day.
Class Structure:
-Opening and attendance
-Bell ringer: This will usually be an ACT practice question, grammar review activity, or journal entry prompt
-Writing Journal: You will keep a writing journal in this class for the duration of the trimester. This journal will provide you an opportunity to respond to in-class prompts and to brainstorm and pre-write for current and future writing projects.
-Notes/Discussion: You will take notes in this class nearly every day. Don’t despair! It’s an easy way to earn points and really comes in handy when you are studying for a test or writing a paper.
-Writing Workshop: This is an opportunity for you to work on writing in class, which will allow for peer conferencing, teacher-student conferencing, and a guaranteed time devoted to sharpening your skills. I am hopeful that this will be a help to you and make the writing process much more fun and effective.
-Reading Workshop: We will be reading as a whole group, in small groups, and independently. During these reading times, it is expected that you work on assigned reading or projects.
We will be writing a lot. Writing will include, but is not limited to, the following:
-Argument (A)
-Informative/Expository (B)
-Narrative (A & B)
-We will be focusing our writing efforts on developing skills and exploring our own creativity. In particular, we will focus our efforts on
-employing effective rhetorical devices and appeals
-being sensitive to how to write for different audiences for different purposes
-creating effective and deliberate organization
-developing sound and convincing arguments
-using writing as a tool for learning and communication
-improving discussion skills
-employing correct language and grammar
-improving and enhancing word choice
-developing a voice in writing
-Process notes:
-We will be writing in class quite often. Please have some way to save your work done on
the computer (Sky Drive, flash drive, etc).
-On workshop days when we are not in the computer lab, you are required to have a hard
copy of your current writing project.
-I will be conferencing with you individually during workshop time. I hope you use these
conversations to your advantage as you grow as a writer.
-Final drafts can be turned in as a hard copy or an email.
-You will have the option of revising final drafts for an improved grade.
Our reading will be focused on American literature. We will be reading a variety of authors and genres from various time periods. We will be studying a few larger works and several smaller ones. My hope is that you not only learn from our reading but that you see the value beyond academics in these great works of literature.
-You will be assessed in a variety of different methods throughout the trimester.
-Papers: 100 – 200 points each
-Quizzes and Tests: 10- 50 points each
-Writing Journal: 5 points for each entry
-Notes/Participation: 10 points each week
-Projects: Points based on difficulty and importance
Behavior Syllabus
Guidelines for Success:
-Respect others.
-Be positive.
-Work hard.
-Be on time and prepared.
-Work during work times.
-Listen when I speak.
-Follow directions.
-Respect the personal space of others.
-Please be here. It is difficult to learn if you are not in the classroom.
-Bell rings, my door closes. I expect you in your seat when the bell rings.
-I will follow the school’s disciplinary plan for tardiness.
-If you are absent
-Check the calendar on the bulletin board for what you missed.
-Get missed work (journals, opening, etc.) from a classmate.
-Get missed handouts from the “Handout” basket.
Late work:
-Late work may be accepted for up to 50% credit.
-If you have an excused absence, I will follow ACHS guidelines for late work.
-It is YOUR responsibility to set up a time to make up tests and quizzes.
*Please know it is your responsibility to turn in quality work on time.
Help Sessions:
-If you need extra help with any assignment, please know that I am available to you during my planning and after school.
Electronic Devices:
-I highly encourage you to have our own laptop or tablet for working on assignments; however, they are not to be used for non-academic purposes. The use of this technology is a privilege that can be revoked upon your abuse and my discretion.
Work Ethic:
-I expect you to be fully engaged and on task during class. This will prevent homework and increase learning.
Beginning of Class:
-Be in your seat when the bell rings.
-As soon as the bell rings, begin working on the opening activity in your notes or journal.
End of class
-Stay in your seats until the bell rings and I dismiss you.
-Sit where you want. I do, however, reserve the right to move you should the need arise.
Group Work
-We will do a fair amount of cooperative learning group activities and projects. Everyone is expected to participate.
Writing Policy
You are not allowed to have outside help on writing assignments unless you and I have made arrangements.
Remind 101
In order to be reminded of important assignments and information, please sign up through Remind 101.
**Please know that I am here to serve you in any way that I can. My hope is that you learn something valuable from this class and that it won’t be too painful (maybe even enjoyable!) for you. I truly look forward to a great trimester with you and am confident that you will produce great writing.