
BathCountyHigh School


Instructor: Mrs. Vonda Myers

Contact info:School Phone Number 674-6325

Planning 9:35-10:20


Course Description

This course is designed to be the cover the required biology content set forth by the KDE and the district. The two main goals of Biology are to help students develop a conceptual framework for modern biology and to help students gain an appreciation of science as a process. The ongoing information explosion in biology makes these goals even more challenging. Primary emphasis in a Biology course should be on developing an understanding of concepts rather than on memorizing terms and technical details. Essential to this conceptual understanding are the following: a grasp of science as a process rather than as an accumulation of facts; personal experience in scientific inquiry; recognition of unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology; and application of biological knowledge and critical thinking to environmental and social concerns.

Course Overview

This Biology course meets five days a week for 36 weeks. Labs take up at least 25% of instructional time.

Teaching Strategies

Instruction is differentiated to include activities that foster learning for all learning styles. Students are exposed to both independent and group activities throughout the course.

  • The eight major themes as described by the Biology Course Description are stressed throughout the duration of the course:
  • Science as a process
  • Evolution
  • Energy transfer
  • Continuity and change
  • Structure and function
  • Regulation
  • Interdependence
  • Science, technology and nature
  • The process of science is stressed in all units.
  • Periodically, students are assigned readings from scientific journals. Some articles are chosen and assigned by me. However, students do have the freedom to choose their own articles to read from time to time. After discussing the articles in class, students are asked to write a reflection that focuses on the moral and ethical issues that arise from the content of the article.
  • Students must also conduct an independent research study. Students are responsible for designing and conducting their own experiment, and analyzing and discussing their data. Their findings must be presented in a formal research paper.


Campbell, Neil A., J. Reece. Biology, 8th edition (2008)

Required Materials

Notebook: Each student is required to have a three ring binder to hold any class work, homework, or related materials that is used in class. Essentially everything that you do in class is to be located in your notebook. If you do prefer to take notes in a spiral bound notebook, you may do so, however, all other materials must be neatly organized in a three-ring binder.You must bring your notebook and composition book to class every day.

Textbook & plickers

Pencils/Paper/Colored Pencils

Project Materials: Materials for projects will be your responsibility to obtain. Most materials for projects will be items that you have at home and will not be an extra expense to you.

Course Planner

Time / Unit / Topics / Readings
3 weeks / 1 / Atoms and Molecules
Chemistry of Life
  • Water
  • Organic molecules
  • Free energy changes
  • Enzymes
Lab 1: Enzyme Catalysis / Ch. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
3 weeks / 2 / Cells
  • Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic
  • Subcellular organization
  • Cell membranes
  • Transport
  • Cell cycle and regulation
  • Cell communication
Lab 1: Diffusion and Osmosis / Ch. 7, 8, 11, 12
3 weeks / 3 / Cellular Energetics
  • Coupled reactions
  • Fermentation and cellular respiration
  • Photosynthesis
Lab 2: Plant Pigments and Photosynthesis
Lab 3: Cell Respiration / Ch. 9, 10
3 weeks / 4 / Heredity
  • Meiosis and gametogenesis
  • Eukaryotic chromosomes
  • Inheritance Patterns
Lab 4: Meiosis / Ch. 13, 14, 15
3 weeks / 5 / Molecular Genetics
  • RNA and DNA structure and function
  • Gene regulation
  • Mutation
  • Viral structure and replication
  • Nucleic acid technology and applications
Lab 5: Genetics of Organisms
Lab6 DNA Goes to the Races (Carolina Biological)
Lab7 DNA Scissors (Carolina Biological)
Lab: 8 Molecular Biology / Ch. 16, 17, 18, 19,
20, 21

Lab Component

It is stressed to students that understanding the process of science is as important as the facts that the investigations have revealed over time. The lab activities emphasize and help students develop scientific inquiry skills.

All formal lab reports must include a hypothesis, discussion of procedure, presentation of data, and a discussion of the results. Students are required to maintain a lab notebook throughout the course.

Make-up Work

Students with excused absences will be allowed to make up any work missed on that day. For most absences, you will have 3 days to make arrangements for any missed assessment. For extended absences, consult your student handbook. No make-up work can be completed for an unexcused absence!!!If a student is present for all instruction but misses the assessment, student will take the assessment upon return. If the student is absent and returns the day of the assessment but no new instruction was missed, they will be required to take the assessment. (Note: Due to the materials needed for most labs, it is not always possible to keep them for make-up work. In these cases, you will be given an assignment that is as close as possible to the lab concept.However, you will be responsible for any techniques completed during that lab!!!!!)

Retaking of Assessments

It is the student’s responsibility to schedule with the teacher a time to retake all assessments. Practices must be completed and ready to give the teacher before the retake will be administered. All practices can be found on the teacher website or copies will be made available for one week after the assessment was originally given in the classroom.

Classroom Procedures and Rules

  • Tardy: Be on time. You must be in your seat when the bell rings. Anyone who is not in their seat when the bell rings will receive a break detention.
  • The Beginning of Class: At the beginning of class, while the absences are being checked you are expected to get your notebooks and textbooks ready to begin class. There will be a bellwork assignment on the board, you are to complete it without being told to do so and without talking. Failure to do so will result in break detention. You will be responsible for placing your bellwork in your notebook and turning them in every Friday.
  • Copying/Cheating: If a student is caught copying/cheating, both papers will be taken and thrown in the trash. Both students will receive a zero for the assignment, five days of break detention, and parents will be notified. No retakes will be given.
  • Asking a question: Absolutely NO call-outs will be allowed in class. You must raise your hand and WAIT to be called on. Call-outs will result in break detention.
  • Treatment of others: Be respectful and responsible. No put-downs, negativism, derogatory comments, interruptions, talking without recognition, getting up without permission, or disrupting other students’ personal belongings.
  • Come prepared for class: Sharpening pencils, getting paper and materials ready should be done before class begins.
  • NO food or drink is allowed in class: Any food or drink must be disposed of before the beginning of class or placed in a backpack.
  • Labs: Labs and group activities are frequently conducted during class time. Students are expected to work together in cooperative groups. While in these groups, each student is to remain with their group at all times. These labs are a privilege. Any student misbehaving during a group activity or lab will receive a grade of zero for that activity. If a student must be disciplined during two or more labs, the student will receive alternate assignments to be done in place of all lab and group work.
  • Class Dismissal: The bell in this school is NOT for the students, it is for the teachers. It lets us know when to start a class and when to dismiss it. The bell does NOT dismiss you - I dismiss this class. When the bell rings I will finish up anything that is necessary and then I will announce that class is dismissed and you may leave. Students that leave their seats without being dismissed will be kept in for break detention.
  • Bathroom Pass - If an emergency occurs and you have to leave the room or go to the bathroom raise your hand and politely ask to do so. Before leaving the room you must sign out in the hallpass log and take the hallpass with you. When you return, you must sign back in, return the hallpass, and then immediately return to your seat. If for some reason when you leave you go to the office and are detained, it is your responsibility to have an office worker tell me where you are. Do not abuse the hallpass privilege or you WILL lose it!!

Biology Syllabus

Student and Parent/Guardian Contract

This certifies that I have read and fully understand the syllabus for this course and that I will be held accountable for information in it. It is my responsibility to follow the rules while in my Biology class. If I do not choose to do so, I am aware that disciplinary action will be taken.

Signature: ______Date:______


Signature: ______Date:______
