Policy and Procedure for DWCF Endorsements8/9/14
Policy for DWCF Endorsement
1. No endorsements will be given until after the filing deadline when there is only one Democratic candidate or after a primary election. There will be only one endorsement considered per candidate per election cycle.
2. Endorsements can be considered in a run-off special election when there is no other Democrat running in state special elections. If there are two Democrats competing in a run-off special election, a letter of recommendation from the local DWC could be helpful to the Campaign Screening Committee.
3. No endorsements will be given in Federal elections until after the primary UNLESS the Democratic candidate is the ONLY candidate at the end of the qualifying period, per NFDW rules discouraging this practice. DWCF is able to endorse Federal candidates but the DWCF PC is not permitted to donate to Federal candidates. There are differing timelines for filing for federal candidacy vs. local and state candidacy filing deadlines. Filing deadlineswill be considered in the endorsement process.
4. DWCF or chartered clubs will not endorse Republicans under any circumstances, per DWCF Bylaws (Article II, Section 1-d). Non partisan races are an opportunity for DWCF to help build a bench of future Democratic candidates by endorsing Democrats in local, non-partisan elections.
5. DWC Membership is encouraged, but candidates will not be considered for endorsement just because they are current DWC Members.
6. Local DWCs are to comply with the above rules for endorsement as they relate to local, state and Federal candidates. Endorsements will be considered in a timely manner, according to the rules stated above.
Procedure for DWCF Endorsement
A. Along with the Candidate Survey Form, candidates will submit a resume and short biography to the Campaign Screening Chair. The candidate will also request a letter of recommendation from a DWC located in their district, independent of the endorsement package. DWC Presidents will check with the Supervisor of Elections to see if there is a primary for the office the candidate is applying and notify the Campaign Screening Chair as part of recommendation letter. Applications for endorsements must be submitted 60 days before the General Election. For 2014, all applications must be postmarked no later than September 4, 2014 for consideration for endorsement.
B. Local DWC president will send any letter of recommendation to Campaign Screening Chair, Ellen Holt, at
C. The Campaign Screening Committee Chair will present nominations from the Campaign Screening Committee for endorsement by the DWCF State Executive Committee (DWCF Board) for their approval.
D. The Campaign Screening Chair is responsible for notifying the candidate immediately after the endorsement approval by verbal contact, followed up by an emailed letter to the candidate indicating the DWCF endorsement (copied to the DWCF President).
E. The Campaign Screening Chair will also email endorsements to the DWCF Political Committee Chair.
F. A draft press release will be sent to the Communication Chair and the President for development and distribution to relevant media outlets. DWCF endorsements may be posted to the DWCF Website and included in the DWCF electronic newsletter and email blasts.
G. A running list of DWCF endorsements will be kept by the Screening Committee and the DWCF President.
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