Instructor: Mrs. McLean-Smith

St.PaulsHigh School (910) 865-4177

It’s a new day! Old things are passed away everything has become new!

Course Syllabus

Fall Semester 2008

Welcome to Physical Science,

Physical Science is designed to help students understand the human dimensions of science, the nature of scientific thought and the role of science in society. This course is particularly rich in examples of science as a human endeavor, its historical perspectives and the development of scientific understanding. Physical Science has an end of course state required exam.

Goals and Objectives: Students will master the competency goals as outlined in the Physical Science curriculum. Copies of the detailed objectives will be handed out after the second week in the semester.

Goal 1: The learner will develop abilities necessary to do and understand scientific inquiry.

Goal 2: The learner will construct an understanding of forces and motion.

Goal 3: The learner will analyze energy and its conservation.

Goal 4: The learner will construct an understanding of electricity and magnetism.

Goal 5: The learner will build an understanding of the structure and properties of matter.

Goal 6: The learner will build and understanding of regularities in chemistry.

Our goal is to be SUCCESS oriented and, therefore, I encourage student to do their best work at all times. Students are expected to study and complete homework each night. It is mandatory that all students follow all school and classroom rules everyday. (See Attached) Please take the time to review the student handbook with your child. Within the week, please check out my webpage. I will update it weekly with news, homework assignments, parent information, and helpful websites.

Grading Scale:

Test = 40 %

Quizzes & Labs & Projects = 25%

CW & HW = 25 %

Notebook & Participation = 10%


  • 3-Ringer BinderDividers for Notebook
  • Coloring Pencils & Sharpie or Vis-à-vis (3-4)
  • Notebook Paper
  • Pencils & Highlighters
  • Regular $1.00 Calculator
  • Pencil Sharpener

Learning Centers: Each Wednesday, after school! 3:15 – 4:15 pm. Students that are not doing well in the class are encouraged to attend. Alternative days may be given as need because of scheduling conflicts.

Missed Work: Students are absence from class and have a valid, written note from their guardian will be allowed to complete their missed assignments. Alternate test and quizzes are to be scheduled for after school learning centers, ONLY. Students have five days of receipt of assignments to complete and turn them in promptly. Remember: when you are absent, class continues to progress.

Make-Up Work: Students will not be allowed to make up work. Assignments are due each day, homework the very next day.

Homework: Homework will be given nightly (exception of Friday’s night and nights before chapter test and quizzes)

!!!!!!!! Please be reminded that a student who is absent for more than 5 days per semester/course constitutes grounds for a failing final grade. This is a RobesonCountySchool Board Policy.

Laboratory: Experiments will be conducted with concern for maximum safety of students. General Laboratory Safety rules will be provided plus special safety instructions for each experiment. Labs cannot be made up. Since labs are essential to understanding course material it will be to your advantage to be present for lab days. Unsafe procedures and incorrect techniques will result in a lowered grade and possible disciplinary action.

Class Attendance & Tardiness & Leaving Class: Students are expected to attend class every day. Students must have and wear their SPHS ID visible each day. One day missed from class can leave a student significantly behind. Students must be in their seats ready to work when the tardy bell rings. Any student out of their seat when the tardy bell rings will be marked as tardy. Student must have a tardy note to re-enter class. Students will not leave class except for emergencies. Bathroom breaks, seeing other SPHS staff, making phone calls, etc must be done between classes.

Student Data & Information Sheets (Attached Appendix A1 & A2)

Class Rules & Procedures (Attached Appendix B)

Student /Parent/Teacher Agreement (Attached Appendix C)

Pacing Guide (Attached Appendix D)


Please sign below indicating that you have read and understand the syllabus and each attachment.

Student’s Signature: ______Date:______


Do you have daily access to a computer _____, internet_____, email______, text______?

Email Address: ______Cell #: ______