Instructor: Mrs. Hughes Office: LA119 Office Number: 727-302-6532
Email Address: Use MyCourses to send all written communication. All email correspondence for the course will be sent from me via MyCourses. I will respond within 24-48 hours Monday-Thursday. (Except if the college is closed)
Dean: Mr. Joseph Leopold Clearwater Campus LA101E
Academic Chair: Dr. Albert Farr
LA 110 Ph: 727-341-4369
Office Hours: Posted in MyCourses – Student Resources Module
Course Description: This course is designed to develop your composition skills. It emphasizes the development of the multi-paragraph essay and includes practice in information retrieval from electronic and other sources, as well as in the selection, restriction, organization, and development of topics. It also offers you opportunities to improve proficiency with sentence structure, diction, and mechanics. http://www.spcollege.edu
Course Goal and Objectives: 1.Develop rhetorically effective compositions by writing essays that effectively demonstrate organization, development, unity and coherence and focus on a central idea. 2.Develop critical thinking skills in the writing process by applying logical reasoning and constructing outlines. 3. Employ Standard American English by writing grammatically correct and effective sentences. 4. Develop multi-paragraph essays by writing effective introductions with a thesis, writing effective body paragraphs and conclusions. 5. Retrieve information from electronic sources effectively, efficiently and ethically.
Course Prerequisites.see:http:www.spcollege.edu/central/curriculum.
The Norton Sampler (8th edition) by Thomas Cooley
Stop Writing Wack Essays by Sheree Greer (SPC Communications Dept. Professor)
Pearson MyWritingLab Stand-Alone Access Code
Other Materials: 8 ½ x 11 inch white, clean edge (no spiral edges) notebook paper, black or blue ink pen, #2 pencils, highlighter, 3- scantrons FORM 882-E, headset (need to use with MyWritingLab)Three ring notebook with pocket folders or dividers for keeping and organizing all papers and flash drive/USB. A college level dictionary and thesaurus are optional.
Because the development of the communicative process demands interplay of personalities in the classroom setting, students are expected to attend class. Students that have three unexcused absences will be administratively withdrawn at the 60% point. If the third absence occurs after the 60% Active Participation is reported students graded will be dropped a letter grade. Two tardies shall be equivalent to one absence. If you are more than 15 minutes late that is an ABSENCE. (Students not admitted late during testing, quizzes, when assignments are due or any other important events). Please notify the instructor in advance and provide official documentation if you will be absent. The absence may be excused with proper written documentation and at the discretion of the professor. (I.E. hospitalization during the dates and time that the course meets) Doctor appointments and vacations are not excused absences. All assignments and written documentation are due the next class meeting or upon first day of returning to class. In-Class ASSIGNMENTS, ESSAYS, TESTS AND QUIZZES MAY NOT BE MADE UP OR TURNED IN LATE FOR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES or TARDIES.
ATTENDANCE POLICY: Instructors will verify that students are in attendance at least once each week during the first two weeks of class. Students classified as “No Show” for both of the first two weeks will be administratively withdrawn.
If you are late to class you forfeit the opportunity to take a quiz, test or to complete an in-class assignment. Please be considerate to your classmates and instructor and wait outside of our class until you are invited to enter. During testing do not enter the classroom late once testing has started.(Do not enter sign will be on the door) It is the students’ responsibility to get any missed notes from classmates.
ACTIVE PARTICIPATION POLICY:: Immediately following the 60% point of the term, each instructor will verify which students are actively participating in class as defined in the course syllabus. Students that have more than three unexcused absences or students that do not have a 70% grade in the course will be administratively withdrawn with a “WF”. If three or more absences occur after the 60% active participation date the course grade will be lowered a letter grade. Students will be able to withdraw themselves at any time during the term before the withdrawal deadline. However, requests submitted after the 60% deadline will result in a “WF”. Students and instructors will automatically receive an e-mail notification to their SPC email whenever a withdrawal occurs.
IMPORTANT DATES: Refer to SPC Academic Calendar: http://www.spcollege.edu
If a student is disruptive or disrespectful to the professor or classmate’s students will be asked to leave the class. Students will be referred to Associate Provost and at that time decision will be made if student can return to class or dismissed from the course.
Your participation and attendance in this class is critical for the learning process.
1.Read the assigned reading. Composition is such a vast subject, and you’ll learn just by reading.
2. Come to class on-time, bring all required materials and be prepared to engage yourself and others.
3. Treat others’ opinions with respect and tolerance.
4. Complete all assignments on time and follow assignment guidelines. You should not expect extensions for late assignments.
5. Log into MyCourses daily to check for communication from instructor or changes to assignments.
6. All writing assignments must be typed.
Here is what you can expect from me:
1. Provide meaningful classroom activities to develop your composition skills.
2. Available to address questions or concerns during scheduled office hours by appointment.
3. I will evaluate coursework fairly, thoughtfully, critically and in a timely manner.
Class Writing: The bulk of your effort (and, therefore, grades) is writing paragraphs and essays. I will write comments and suggestions on your papers to tell you what is successful and what isn’t successful. Sometimes I will recommend a method or direction of correction. After I return the paper back to you, read these comments carefully! If you do not understand my comments or if you need more feedback, make sure that you talk to me privately.
Professor reserves the right to change assignments as necessary with advance notice.
A= 90-100% B= 80-89% C= 70-79% D= 60-69% F= Below 60%
****All essays and final exams are required assignments in order to pass the course.
Late Work: Because students will be notified of due dates in advance, all work must be completed by the date specified by the instructor, unless the student provides credible, timely documentation that proves extenuating circumstances. Late work, if accepted will lose a letter grade each date the assignment is late (not per class period). Since it is your responsibility to make up missed work, students should consider exchanging their contact information with classmates to ensure that their progress remains uninterrupted and all work is handed in on time. Students should first discuss any email submissions with the instructor. All class work and assignments must be completed by the end of the session in which initially registered. .
Assignments such as in-class assignments, rough drafts, final essay drafts, timed writings and quizzes cannot be made up for unexcused absences or tardies.
St. Petersburg College has an Academic Honesty policy.It is your responsibility to be familiar with the policies, rules, and the consequences of violations. There is no tolerance for cheating and academic dishonesty.Discipline can range from a zero on that specific assignment to expulsion from the class with a grade of F.Note that copy/pasting published information, whether it's from your textbook or the Internet, without citing your source is plagiarism and violates this policy.Even if you change the words slightly, the ideas are someone else's, so you still have to cite your sources. Cheating, plagiarism, bribery, misrepresentation, conspiracy and fabrication are defined in Board Rule 6Hx23-4.461. Student Affairs: Academic Honesty Guidelines, Classroom Behavior. All essays required to be submitted to Turnitin.
Plagiarism occurs “[w]hen you…lift another writer’s words or ideas without giving that writer due credit or without transforming them into your own words. Instructors have various means by which to detect plagiarism such as Turnitin.com. If a student is caught plagiarizing, he/she will not only receive an F for the work in question but also a failing grade in the course. The instructor may additionally choose to notify the Program Director since such an offense can merit academic suspension or even expulsion depending on the severity of the offense. All essays for this class must be submitted to Turnitin to receive credit for the assignment.
It is essential that the students in no way impede the instructor’s attempt to impart information during class. This means that students MUST arrive on time and NOT LEAVE EARLY; TURN OFF all cell phones (and the like) during class; consume no food or beverages in the classroom; and, of course, refrain from unwarranted talking. If class has already started when you arrive do not enter the classroom. Please wait for the professor to allow you to enter the classroom.
Refer to the SPC 2017-18 Student Planner and Handbook: Rights & Responsibilities Student. Review Student Conduct. If a student is in violation of any of the SPC Board of Trustee policies the student is subject to disciplinary action.http://www.spcollege.edu/se/about_the_campus/security/
The student survey of instruction is administered in courses each semester. It is designed to improve the quality of instruction at St. Petersburg College. All student responses are confidential and anonymous and will be used for the purpose of performance improvement.
If you wish to request accommodations as a student with a documented disability, please make an appointment with Accessibility Services (727) 341-4316. http://www.spcollege.edu/webcentral/catalog/Current/ossd.htm
Gibbs Campus – LI Building on the 2nd Floor. There are libraries at various SPC sites. You can also access library services online. Here is the link: http://www.spcollege.edu/central/libonline/.
Tutoring/Study Skills Information –Learning Support Center located in TE 200 refer to hours posted on campus.
Technical Support Help Desk 727-341-4357 http://www.spjc.edu/helpdesk/
Career Support http://www.spcollege.edu/webcentral/catalog/current/career_dev_center.htm
Print the Signature Page and Turnitin Agreement form and bring to class for 20 points the first week of class.
SIGNATURE PAGE: I have read, and agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and Syllabus Addendum.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Print Name: ______
Class Meeting Days and Time: ______
Course and Section Number: ______
Cell Phone Number or Best Contact Number: ______
Are you retaking this course: Yes or No: If yes when and where did you take the course the first time: ______
St. Petersburg College Turnitin Agreement Form
As a condition of taking this course/enrolling in this program, all required papers may be subject to submission for review to Turnitin.com for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers will be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database, solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism of such papers. No student paper will be submitted to Turnitin.com without a student’s consent and permission. If a student does not provide such consent and permission, the instructor may: (i) require a short reflection paper on research methodology; (ii) require an annotated bibliography prior to submission of the final paper; and/or (iii) require photocopies of some or all of the reference sources to be submitted with the final paper."
Limited Copyright Permission and FERPA Disclosure Consent
I, Print Name______ represent and warrant that I am the sole creator and owner of the writing assignments for ENC 1101, instructed by Professor Hughes at St. Petersburg College (“my Works”),and I hold the complete and undivided copyright interest to my Works. I understand that my Works are considered a part of my education record under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
In consideration for the benefit I wish to bestow upon the educational mission of St. Petersburg College to uphold the Academic Honesty Policy and to prevent plagiarism by students, I hereby freely and voluntarily agree to submit "my Works" to Turnitin.com, or to grant to St. Petersburg College permission and consent to provide copies of "my Works" to Turnitin.com to be included as source documents in the Turnitin.com reference database, solely for the purpose of detecting plagiarism; provided, however, that Turnitin.com shall not copy, use, distribute, or further disclose "my Works" for any purpose other than that provided in the Legal Document (http://www.turnitin.com/static/pdf/us_Legal_Document.pdf) and Usage Policy(http://www.turnitin.com/static/usage_policy.html) on the Turnitin.com Web site .
I have read and understand the terms and conditions set forth in the Usage Policy referenced above.
The permission and consent granted herein shall remain in effect until revoked by me, in writing or via email, and delivered to my Instructor, but any such revocation shall not affect disclosures previously made by St. Petersburg College pursuant to this permission and consent prior to the receipt of any such written revocation.
Accept Signature:______